Niels Christian Schow and Wife Marie Pedersdatter.

1. Diary of Niels Christian Schow – 1853
a. Introduction
In the possession of my grandfather, Michael Juel Schow, until his death, 6 May 1925, was a small day journal, written with old fashioned brown ink, in the Danish language by Grandfather's father, Niels Christian Schow. The cover inscribed in Danish: "Daglag per Niels Chr. Schow - 1853."
a. Introduction
In the possession of my grandfather, Michael Juel Schow, until his death, 6 May 1925, was a small day journal, written with old fashioned brown ink, in the Danish language by Grandfather's father, Niels Christian Schow. The cover inscribed in Danish: "Daglag per Niels Chr. Schow - 1853."
Niels Christian Schow, our ancestor and the founder of our family in America was born 9 February 1816 in Randers, Denmark, the second child of Anders Jensen Schow and Anne Christensen (Eriksen). His wives were: 1, Marie Pedersen, 2, Anne Andersen (died 7 December 1858) in Sessions Settlement, Utah, (now Bountiful), and 3, Anne Marie Kirstine Rasmussen.
Niels Christian Schow and Marie Pedersen, after conversion to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, were baptized 27 October 1850 in Aalborg. They, with three other couples baptized there the same day, were the "first fruits of the Gospel in the province of North Jutland." - page 17, The History of the Scandinavian Mission, by Andrew Jensen. Niels Christian Schow was ordained a Teacher by the close of 1850, being one of the first twelve men of Denmark to hold the Priesthood. He was ordained an Elder 4 January 1852 (p. 44), and August 1852, the fourth General Conference of the Scandinavian Mission convened in Copenhagen. - The Saints in Vendsyssel were organized as the Vendsyssel Conference with Elder Niels Christian Schow as president." (p. 60). These references from The History of the Scandinavian Mission, by Andrew Jensen, explain the authority whereby he worked in Northern Denmark as recorded in his diary.
My father, Elmer Carlos Schow, was in possession of the diary following his mother's death 15 July 1927. In about 1956 I asked Eugenie Madsen Larkin, of Willard, Utah, to translate the diary, but she told me that she had too many other responsibilities to undertake doing it. In the spring of 1958 it came into my mind to ask her again, and although this seemed foolish, I finally did. To my joy and surprise, Eugenie replied that her husband's failing health now compelled her to remain in the house with him, and she would be happy to have the interest of translating the diary. Born in Denmark, Sister Larkin spent much of her youth in Aalborg. She was well educated, having learned English at school in Denmark.
In a letter to me, dated 5 September 1958, Eugenie Larkin explained her translation of the diary as follows: "I have omitted some names, as I was not sure of them, and not acquainted with them. However, I can see that all his experiences were north of Aalborg and north of Limfjorden, a fjord that almost makes an island of northern Jutland. Aalborg, however, is on the south side of the fjord. You will notice some parentheses. They are my own inserts for better understanding."
I have been over the diary painstakingly, and with a magnifying glass have tried to figure out the place names Sister Larkin left as blank, but in not more than two cases have I ventured a guess. I have listed all places and names she gave in the translation, and searched all the atlas maps of Denmark in the Brigham City Library, but need a more detailed map. I am wondering if some of the places he went to visit were not actually important estates which had been given names.
My brother Sterling's daughter, Kaye Louise Schow Saling, granddaughter of Elmer C. Schow and great granddaughter of Michael Juel Schow, typed the stencils and prepared the mimeographed copies of Niels Christian Schow's missionary diary. It is our hope that having these copies will be a source of benefit and satisfaction to family members.
Iris W. Schow
Diary of N.C. Schow
Translated by Eugenia M. Larkin
New Year's Day, Aalborg, January 1, 1853, I was in Aalborg and enjoyed myself with the Saints there, also the second of January did I stand with the Saints there. I bore my testimony in the afternoon.
Saturday, the 8th I traveled to Julsmark, where a council meeting was held in the evening. Sunday, the 9th I conducted the congregation (or meeting) where some strangers were present. Everything went peacefully and the Lord's Spirit was close to us.
Monday and Tuesday, January 10 and 11.Visited with some people in ___________ sogn, but with meager results.
Wednesday, January 12. I visited the Saints and I found much contention among them. We held a Baptismal Meeting in the evening and I spoke to them with much power and they all prayed and humbled themselves.
Thursday, January 13. We gathered at P. Hansgaard's where there were many strangers present. They were very attentive. The meeting was blessed with the Spirit of the Lord, and everything went peacefully and well.
Friday, the 14th. I baptized nine at noon (12:30 O'clock). We had Baptismal Services (Confirmation) in the evening at the home of Niels Chr. and all went well and peacefully.
Saturday evening, January 15. We held a council meeting, where I had some of our members express themselves concerning the disunities and disputes among themselves. I spoke very sternly to them, and unity was established once again.
Sunday, the 16th. We held a meeting where I spoke. A few strangers were present. The spirit of the Lord was with us, and we partook of the Sacrament together, and we left each other's company rejoicing.
Monday, January 17th. I traveled to Saarup where I spoke to some friends who were sincerely interested in the Gospel.
Tuesday, January 18th. I went to Selstrupmark to visit my brothers and sisters, whom I found rejoicing in the Lord.
Wednesday, the 19th. I reached my brethren, Steffen Christensen and F. Gottfredsen, who were happy in serving the Lord, and we agreed to have a meeting with Brother Niels Serup's. We anticipated a joyful evening, as three should have hands placed on their heads after baptism, but unseemly behavior of those who had received baptism prevented this, and instead we had a rough crowd of ________ and __________ (noisy hoodlums) and many enemies and an angry mob who came to throw us out, which also happened.
Sunday, the 23rd of January. We had a meeting over in Steenbroew, where most of the members were present, and some strangers. The Lord's Spirit was near us, and the Saints felt blessed. Everything went friendly and peacefully, and we parted filled with joy from each other.
Monday evening, the 24th January. We held a meeting at Brother Lauritz Christensen's. There were many strangers present, but they were respectful and attentive, and the meeting was friendly and good.
Sunday, the 30th, of January. We held a meeting in ___________havn. Most of our members were present and a few strangers. The spirit of the Lord was felt abundantly among us, and we all rejoiced in the Lord, and in the evening of the same day two were baptized, Johanne Stine Pedersdatter and Johanne Marie Jensen.
Wednesday, the 2nd of February. A prayer meeting was held and it was a blessed event.
Thursday, the 3rd. I was in Hjørring and had a prayer meeting scheduled, which was not held. I had earlier spoken with a miller apprentice who had been baptized but had fallen away from the truth and its light, and he spoke with scornful force. He was dead to prayer and the Gospel.
Friday, the 4th I traveled to Oster to ______________. We were commanded to preach, whereupon I stood forth and bore testimony, but was soon interrupted. We were threatened and they stood up against us, and twisted branches from trees and chased us, and we fled in the dark into a farm building. The mob followed us, and the light from a fire-brand (torch) flickered near us, whereupon we hurriedly hid but they searched for us both in the barn and stable and loft, and they got a lantern to aid in their search for us, and in the loft they first found F. Gottfredwen, whom they dragged and buffeted among themselves. They said he should be baptized with three firebrands, whereupon they led him to Oster-a a (a a means creek) and threw him in. Here they found Brother Steffen Christensen, whom they treated in a like manner and then they found me and treated me likewise. After throwing me around several times, they at last flung me into Oster-a a, and I immediately arose and fled to ___________, where I arrived at half past eleven in the evening.
Sunday, February 6th I visited our members in Skør, where I found a sister very sick in her body, but staunch in the Spirit.
[This ends page 4 of Mrs. Larkin's translation. At this point she has the following note. "Pages 3 and 4 are from the loose leaf in the diary. There must be more missing from the diary as the next page starts without any information as to the time and place." It looks to me that he just wrote up Sunday, February 6, 1853, twice, forgetting as he went onto the new page that he had already written about Sunday. ¾I.W.S.]¾ P. Krog, where I held a meeting in the evening. There were about 20 strangers present, who were very respectful, and everything went friendly and fine, and the Spirit of the Lord was near us.
Saturday was spent at Brother A. Pedersen's where I found that the members were all fine. We had a council meeting in the evening, where I spoke a little to ___________, and on Sunday, the 6th of February I did travel to Napstjert and held a meeting, where there were many strangers present, and the Spirit of the Lord had power over the people, and they paid much attention. All went peacefully and friendly, and many that day had the Gospel explained to them. In the evening I baptized two, Jens Chr. Tommesen and Lars Jacobsen.Monday, the 7th of February. I visited Saints in Aalbeck, who were fine, and I spoke to many friendly people who believe our doctrine.
Tuesday, the 8th, I traveled again to Opholm, where we had a good meeting. The Saints from the surrounding country were there, and I placed my hands on one sister's head after baptism, and many strangers were present, and all were happy, and we were blessed with the Spirit of the Lord.
Wednesday, the 9th of February, I traveled again to Opholm, where I held a meeting in the evening at the home of schoolteacher Jensen. Some stood up against me with a very malicious spirit, for about half an hour. One left after he had done what mischief he could, and some others followed him, tired of listening to the quarrelsome attitude. After this we had a meeting where I spoke that which the Lord gave me to say.
Thursday, the 10th of February and Sunday. ["I think it should be Friday," Mrs. Larkin notes.] I stayed mostly indoors.
Saturday, the 12th of February, I went to Anholm, where we held a council meeting in the evening.
Sunday, the 13th of February. We held a meeting in Slade. Five old acquaintances came there and I bore testimony to them. They were very kind, and not doubting men, but friends.
Monday, the 14th. I went to Slade toward evening with Guston (Justen?) Andreas, who was not unfriendly, but he would not accept our belief.
Tuesday, the 15th. Toward evening I and Brother P. Krog went to Hawlet (Kawljt?) (or Kamset?) where we spoke to some friends who were favorable toward our eachings.
Wednesday, the 16th of February. I went again to (Hamlet or Kamset or Katfig (?) where I visited with Pronteur (forman) Meller, from Skaampgaard. He was very polite about my teachings, but maintained that the truth, is to leave all but the truth, and anyone can have that.
Thursday, the 17th of February. I went to _______________.
Friday the 18th. We held council meeting where I spoke to some of the brethren, and here also I suggested Brother Peder Christian Jensen, after the Spirit's prompting, should be made an Elder. This was seconded by Brother Christian Peder Nielsen, and accepted by the council.
Saturday, February 19th. I traveled with Brother A. Pedersen to Julsmark and spent the night with his parents, and I conversed with his father about the gospel, and he was not interested.
Sunday, February 29th. The day was spent with the Saints in meeting. They were doing fine. I found. In the afternoon we had a meeting in _____________. They were not used to strangers who were respectful and quiet, but we were fortunate and blessed this time.
Monday, the 21st of February. I made a trip to Aalborg, where I rejoiced with the members and also visited with my own family. I went back to Julsmark the 6th of March 1853, where we held a meeting and were blessed with the Spirit of the Lord.Tuesday, the 8th of March.We had a (testimony ?) meeting, and Wednesday, the 9th of March -We held a meeting at Karl Moss' house. There were several strangers present who had a great longing for the word of God. The meeting was richly blessed, and we felt God was very, very close.
Thursday, the 10th of March. I traveled in company with Brother Steffen Oxenterp. We visited a family who were ready for baptism. We held a little meeting, and we all were blessed by God's Spirit.
Friday, the 11th of March. I went to Haveslev, and stopped with Brother Niels Seerup. I found the saints in good spirit and doing fine, and gathered together in the evening.
Saturday, the 12th of March. I visited with a family in Haverslev, who were interested in our teachings, and I went afterwards to Steenbroen, where we held a council in the evening.
Sunday, the 13th of March. We held a meeting where many interested and Saints were present. The Lord's Spirit was over us, and everything went friendly and well, and in the afternoon we held a meeting at Brother Lauritz Christensen's, where there were many strangers present. The meeting went off very peacefully and many were really interested.
Wednesday, the 16th of March. I visited with my brothers and sisters in Skraal, where I found our sister very sick. We came back and had a meeting in the evening, and were blessed and rewarded.
Thursday, the 17th of March. I went to visit with a family who believed.
Saturday night, the 19th of March. We held a council meeting.
Sunday, the 20th of March. We held a meeting with many Saints, and some strangers were present. Everything went friendly and all was blessed with God's Spirit, and in the evening Soren Songagurrg (?) and Jeppe ________________ were baptized.
Monday, March 21. I traveled in company with Brother J. Christensen to (Skraal) where we found our sister very sick. She had been blessed with oil. Then we went to ___________, where we spoke to the Lady. Her husband was not at home, but she was very interested in our doctrine.
Tuesday evening, March 22. We held a testimony meeting and were really blessed.
Thursday, March 23, (Skartorsday, or the Thursday before Easter) and Good Friday (Lang Fredag), the 24th and Saturday, the 25th of March. Conference was held in ______________, where many Saints were present from the different branches. I conducted the conference, assisted by Brother Larsen. Many things were accomplished, and everything went friendly and well. I traveled to Aalberg on Saturday, the 26th of March, where I saw ____________. I talked to Sister Sørena Nielsen, and found that she, under the circumstances, was getting along fairly well.
Sunday, 27th of March and the 28th. Conference was held in Aalborg, with Brother Larsen conducting. Many sisters were present from the different branches, and many things were discussed and handled, and everything went friendly and well.
Wednesday, the 30th of March. I traveled in company with Brothers Larse, Tommesen, Bohn ___________berg, and Andersen to Copenhagen, where we arrived April the 5th at 6 O'clock in the afternoon.
Wednesday, the 6th April. We attended conference there. Many Saints were present from different cities and places in the land. Many speeches were given by the brethren in (of) the priesthood.[On pages 76 and 77 of The History of the Scandinavian Mission by Andrew Jensen, we find, "On Wednesday, 6 April 1853, a general conference of the Scandinavian Mission was opened in Copenhagen, Denmark, it being the 23rd anniversary of the organization of the Church. The first meeting commenced at 10:o'clock and after the opening exercises, President Willard Snow gave the Elders who presided over the different conferences an opportunity to report. Elder Niels Christian Schow, President of the Vendsyssel Conference, J. Larsen, President of the Aalborg Conference, and Anders Andersen, President of the Fredericaia Conference, reported their labors and the progress made in their respective conferences, as well as the condition of the Saints... The Gospel had spread throughout the land, and missionaries had gone as far north as Skagen, the northernmost point of Jutland, and everywhere the message declared by the Elders caused a great stir among the population... All the speakers encouraged the Saints to be humble and faithful. 'We have suffered long enough for our own sake,' said Elder Schow, 'and we ought to rejoice now that we can suffer for the sake of Christ.'" Elder Schow is the only speaker at the conference whose direct words are quoted in The History of the Scandinavian Mission.]Brother (W.) (Willard) Snow conducted the conference, and many things were explained to friends of the Church. Everything went off friendly, and the conference closed April the 10th. I traveled in company with the brethren from Zion, Haagen, and Pedersen, also Larsen, Bohn, and Tommassen, from Copenhagen via Aarhus to Aalborg, and arrived there on the 15th, where I stayed at home with my family and enjoyed visiting among the Saints until the 24th. I then traveled to Julesmark, where I found the Saints gathered in the home of Brother P. Ottesen. I spoke a little to them, and I had a talk, after the meeting, with Brother P. Moss and Niels _________'s children, who were rather weak in the faith.
Wednesday, the 27th of April. We held a council meeting at Brother P. Ottosen's and we held a prayer meeting the following Sunday at his home, also.
Sunday, the 1st of May. We held our meeting at Brother Black's where I conducted. Some strangers were present, but they were very interested, and several Saints were also present, and the meeting was blessed with the Spirit of the Lord, and everything went friendly and well, and in the afternoon a cottage meeting was held and Brother Niels ________________,s, where his sons were present, but most of the congregation were members. I spoke to them and everything went friendly and well. Black's wife was baptized. We had a council meeting Monday at Brother Black's where I spoke directly to the brethren.
Tuesday, the 3rd of May. I had a talk with Brother Niels ____________ and his children, who were weak in the faith and found they wanted to be excommunicated from the Church. They said they had been baptized against their own wishes. I also had a talk, the same day, with Brother Black and his children and found there was much conflict and doubt among them. I spoke pretty (very) straight to them, and they confessed (or acknowledged) their sins and humbled themselves, although it was Wednesday the 4th before I really had them converted.
Thursday, the 5th of May. I held a meeting at Brother Niels Christian's where most of the Saints were present. The Spirit of the Lord was with those assembled, and all were happy in the Lord. I left there in the afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and arrived at ___________havn in the evening about half past eight. There, to my great joy, my wife met me.
Sunday, the 8th of May. I held a meeting in Steenbroen, where most of the Saints were present, and also some strangers who were all very attentive, and everything went friendly and well. We also held a meeting in the afternoon with Brother Langesen's. There were many strangers, and well as Saints present. All paid much attention, and everything went friendly and well.
I baptized Christian Christiansen on Tuesday, the 10th of May.
We held a meeting on Wednesday, the 11th of May, which was richly blessed.
Thursday, the 12th of May. I traveled with my wife to Aalborg.
Saturday, the 14th. My wife and I, Brother Larsen and his wife spent the day at home. I then left Aalborg and arrived at ___________havn about 15 minutes to 12 that night. I baptized two sisters the next morning early.
Sunday, the 15th of May. On the way back from Rønnberg (or Rommberg) Klint I held a meeting in ___________havn, where there were many strangers and most of the Saints (members) present. The meeting was blessed, and in the afternoon I reached Hjørring with Brother Jens Christensen. We administered to and blessed Sister Signe Brun, and this gave us an opportunity to bear our testimonies to some strangers who were present and seemed impressed.
We spent Monday, the 16th of May in Hjørring, and visited at Niels Hamberg's home. We also had opportunity to bear testimony to some strangers who seem impressed and humble.
Wednesday, the 18th. We went by wagon to _______________ and visited our brother, to find out how he was. We found our Brother in good spirit, and returned in the evening to hold a cottage meeting, which was richly blessed.
We held a council meeting on Saturday evening, May 21, and decided to hold worship every Sunday afternoon, where the Saints should stand up and express their feelings.
Sunday, the 22nd of May. We held a meeting in __________havn. Most of those present were members, but there were also a few strangers. The meeting was blessed with the Spirit of the Lord, and everything went friendly and well. I went to Hjørring in the afternoon with Brother J. Christensen, to the home of Jorgen Hammelhej to hold a meeting where a few had gathered. I bore testimony, but saw it made very little impression.
Saturday, the 21st. We had visited with Brother Mickel Christensen and Brother P. C. Jensen and their wives, and also with Sister Maren Kristine Burn Fogt.
We held a meeting on Wednesday, the 25th of May and were very much blessed.
Brother H. F. Christensen left for Copenhagen Friday the 27th of May and I, in the company with Brother J. Christensen and Laust Christensen, went to Brother P. Andersen's.
I left in company with Brother Steffen Christensen on Saturday, May 28th for Morbjerg Sogn, where we found our sister well, but rather in poor circumstances. We went from there to our members in Lackhjem but found no one at home. We then went to visit the Thomsen's and slept there that night. We found both the man and his sons at home.
We left there Sunday, the 29th of May, for ____________, where we held meeting with the members, who were all doing well. There were a few strangers present, who gave us their names.We then left for N__________ (might be Napstjert), where we held a meeting in the afternoon, most of the membership was present, and many strangers who seemed very interested and it looked as though some of these would be baptized. The meeting was blessed richly with the Spirit of the Lord.
Monday, May 30th. We had a case of ill will among some of the brethren, but were able to have it settled peacefully.
Tuesday, May 31. We visited the Saints in Aalbak (Aalback?). We found them doing well, and we spoke to several people who seemed very much impressed with our doctrine.
Wednesday, June 1. We held a meeting in Napstjert where most of our members were present, also some strangers, who were very attentive. The meeting was blessed, and everything went friendly and well.
Thursday, the 2nd of June. I organized, after the Spirit's prompting, a branch, and we called it the Napstjerte Branch. Brother Steffen Christensen was sustained as superintendent. This branch was started with 17 members. We left for Opholm, where we held a council meeting in the evening, and things were planned for Sunday.
1. Neils Christian Schow
[This is the history of the family of Neils Schow and Sarah Ellen Fotheringham Schow, as we remember it and can tell it, with help of diaries and the stories we loved to hear. We, Beverly Rae (Weston) Palmer and Betty Ellen (Crookston) Carson decided that someone should put together this history. We are two of few remaining cousins (granddaughters ) of Nels and Sarah (Nellie) Schow. This has always been a close-knit family and we have between us diaries, family stories and history told to us by our folks and other family members. There are genealogy sheets and pictures. We have tried to put all this together so it is interesting to all and hopefully accurate.]
Neils, or Nels Christian Schow was born December 6th, 1866 at Mantua, Box Elder County, Utah, to Neils Christian Anderson Schow and Anne Marie Kirstine Rasmussen Schow. The family left Brigham City, where they were living when Nels was six years old, moving to Panguitch, Utah, with other settlers to help colonize the region. His father was a tailor by trade, worked in the Co-Op mercantile in Panguitch, being part owner. There were three boys and three girls in the Schow family:
Marie, was born August 3, 1863, died October 26, 1863
Gedske, born September 20, 1864, died July 29, 1933
Neils, born December 6, 1866
Anne, born September 30, 1871, died August 20, 1872
Louis, born April 6, 1873, died September 24, 1873
Charles, born December 4, 1874,died April 26, 1948.
Anne was born in Panaca, Nevada, so it must be assumed the family was living there at that time. Nels's father passed away on February 2, 1879 and his mother died on July l2, 1879, within months of her husband. She died following childbirth complications. Nels, his sister Gedske, who was married to James Henrie at the time, and younger brother Charles were left orphans within a few short months. After the death of his parents, Nels lived in Escalante with his half brother James for about four years, then he went to live with his father's first wife (Aunt Mary) in Panguitch. She passed away when he was seventeen years old. Nels then went to live with his sister Gedske and her husband and was immediately put to work doing a man's work. He stayed with them for several years.
He attended school at the Murdock Academy in Beaver, Utah in 1887. While there he lived with Grandma Fotheringham's family; it was then that he met Sarah Ellen, affectionately called Nellie, whom he later married. They were married November 9, 1889 at Richfield, Utah.
Nels taught school for two years at Orton, and one year at Cannonville, this was about 1891. The family then moved to Panguitch—Metta and Kenneth were born while they lived there. Mother (Mary) informs me that Metta should have been Mette, that's the old Danish spelling. The family lived at Panguitch until 1894, then as the result of the 1893-94 depression and the fact that he was unable to collect monies due him, Nels was unable to make the final payment ($80.00) on his home and holdings there. The property was lost and the family moved to the Lower Valley, about twelve miles north of Milford, Utah. This was a new farming region, then opening up for homesteads and producing marvelous crops of grain and hay. The Schows homesteaded a farm about six miles south of Blackrock. They left the valley in 1896 and moved to Frisco, where Nels worked in the Horn Silver Mine, a silver producer, booming at that time. They spent the winter of 1896-7 there. The family was now increased to three children, Metta, Kenneth and Marie. Their next move was to Beaver, where they spent some time and then returned to the Lower Valley, now called Reed. They spent the winter of 1898 on the James Forgie farm, both families living there, Spencer had been born during that year.
Their next move was to the Smithson farm, for one winter, then back to Milford, where Mary was born in September 1901.
Nels had an opportunity to take over the big Murdock Ranch in the Lower Valley as a sort of general manager, to share in the stock increase and in the crops produced. This was a big ranch, fertile and level. It produced enormous crops of grain and alfalfa, and the family did very well here.
Nels furnished the beef cattle for the Meat and Grocery business operated by his brother-in-law, Steve Fotheringham in Milford. Letha was born in Frisco in December of 1903, possibly while the family was still living in Milford. In 1907 the Schows moved to Milford, where Nels joined Steve Fotheringham in the grocery business, disposing of his interest in the cattle etc. from the Murdock Ranch venture and investing it in the grocery business. He purchased a home in town, a two-room frame structure and added to it. The partnership with Steve lasted for several years, then Steve sold his interest in the Milford store and purchased a thriving business in Newhouse. The Milford business became "N. C. Schow and Sons." The store catered to the miners at the Moscow Mine, and Kenneth drove to and from the mine at regular intervals with groceries and he also carried mail.
Nels was a very capable cattleman and farmer but the grocery business was not his expertise; he was honest to a degree and assumed that everyone else was the same. He extended too much credit and could never pass up a hard luck story—as a result, he was forced to close the business and move back to Reed about 1912 or 1913. At this time Kenneth was called on a mission to Denmark and then with the war raging in Europe, the missionaries were returned to the states, Kenneth finished his mission in Kansas.
The old Curfew ranch at Reed was home for the Schows for several years, one hundred ten acres of very fertile land and it was made to pay, so much so, that it was sold in 1917 and the family moved back to Milford where Spencer and Mary were already living and attending high school. Nels also purchased land in Enterprise about this time and the family spent at least two summers there.
Nels was town Marshall for a time about the year 1910, but the harsh treatment accorded prisoners at that time was completely foreign to his nature, so the position was of short duration.
While on the Curfew farm he was appointed County Commissioner and served two terms. In order to attend the meetings it was necessary for him to flag the train at Reed Station, ride to Milford, and then take a stage from there to Beaver, making this a two or three day trip.
Nels went to work for the Union Pacific Railroad on January 1, 1918, working at the freight depot as a checking clerk. During the depression the railroad cut their working force as an economic measure and his job was abolished, so he went to Delta for a time, when that job was abolished he went back to Milford as a section hand in order to save his seniority, his foreman said of him that he could out work any two of his men. He retired February 1, 1937 at the age of 71.
He was ward clerk for a number of years, also acted as 2nd counselor to Bishop Burns and as a clerk for Bishop Bird. He was an ardent fisherman and enjoyed nothing more than a picnic trip with his family or a hunting trip with his grandson, Jack Weston Jr., a sport he enjoyed until about 1955 when he was forced admit that he could no longer "sight his gun."
This history was written by his daughter, my Mother, Mary Schow Crookston, in another part of this history will be a collection of little stories that Mother wrote about all the things she remembered about growing up, I'm sure there will be something each family will enjoy, as she told something about everyone. Her memory to this day is fantastic—I think she can out-do me at times and she is 93. There is a story Grandpa and Grandma used to tell about Grandpa's father, he was the eldest son of a very wealthy landowner, I believe a castle was even mentioned, but he stood to inherit the holdings. He decided to migrate to the United States and his father told him if he did that he would be written out of the family Bible, disinherited. He came to the United States and when Kenneth was on his mission to Denmark he made a trip to the family estate. Just as they had said, Neils Christian Anderson Schow had been marked out of the Bible. It was as though he had never existed. I don't know if the story is true, but it makes good telling doesn't it? I found some pictures and articles on the part of Denmark that the Schows came from and will put them in this history. (1995).
I want to share my memories of Grandpa Schow, I hope Beverly will too, Johnny Weston should have some very good ones too, if we can get them all together. I wasn't as lucky as a few of the cousins who lived in Milford and grew up around Grandpa and Grandma Schow but we did spent every summer there, from early June to late August. I think those summers held some of my very best memories. When I was little, Grandpa was eight feet tall, at least so it seemed, I guess when you're small a tall man looks so very, very big. He was a big man, over six feet tall and big boned. His hair was brown, fine and thinning as he got older, but he didn't go gray until he was in his late seventies. His eyes were blue and he had a quiet, gentle way about him. I don't remember ever seeing him mad; oh, once or twice he'd chase us out of his garden, maybe turn the hose on us, but only in fun.
He had such patience. I remember him teaching me to fish, Of course he would have to bait my hook and if I was lucky enough to catch a fish he'd have to take it off the hook. (I did catch a few!) All this time he was trying to do a little fishing of his own, but he never said a thing. All the families, the Westons, the Smyths, the Crookstons and sometimes the Lewis's would camp out for ten days to two weeks in the Beaver Mountains or up on the Mammoth, in the Cedar Mountains. Every summer we did this, and Grandpa never missed a trip. Those days the roads were terrible, the cars were just as bad and we always had to stop at least two or more times on the way because the radiators were boiling over. Grandpa was always the first out of the car, carrying a can or pail to get water for the car. He never missed a picnic up in the cedars out of Milford; we ate a lot of suppers up in the cedars. He brought in the first wood for the fire, and never failed to warn us children to look out for rattlesnakes!
Every once in awhile he would go somewhere that took him out of town overnight—did that make me happy! I could sleep in his feather bed. He had his own room out on the back porch and that bed was something special—I'd get in and sink out of sight, but was it comfortable!
I remember him telling us of the time in Panguitch, when he was just about ten or eleven, the militia came to get John D. Lee, who was next door. He remembered the men all in black and John D. Lee was hiding in the chicken coop, it left quite an impression on him, especially after they killed Mr. Lee at Mountain Meadows.
I can still see his big workworn hands; he had eczema. Whenever we were in the mountains he'd find a pine tree and smear pine gum on the raw spots, claimed it really did help. He had a real green thumb; his gardens and flowers were wonderful! My Mom said if he'd set a fence post in the ground it would probably sprout. He really did enjoy life. He and my Dad, Frank Crookston liked to walk up or down the Beaver River together, fishing—they liked to fish anywhere for that matter. He did his hunting with young John Weston—they spent a lot of time together. During the depression my Dad lost his job, Grandpa arrived on the train with a big trunk filled with potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots and bottled preserves. He was really something! I wish my children could have known him as I did but they were too little to remember him before he became ill. He died September 18, 1962 on my Mother's birthday.
Niels Christian Schow, our ancestor and the founder of our family in America, was born on the 9th of February 1816, in Randers, Denmark. He was a son of Anders Jensen Schow, who was born in 1786 in Hebra, Randers County, Denmark, and Anne Christensen Ericksen, born in 1790, in Viborg, Denmark. (Viborg Co., N. C. wrote). Niels Christian Schow had one brother, James who was born the 3rd of December 1813.
Of Niels Christian Schow's boyhood we have no known record, but we do have some letters and records which he wrote. These indicate that he was educated to read and write well in the Danish language. He must also have received some instruction in music at some period in his life, as he served later as a choir leader, and also played in a band. He was skilled in the trade of tailoring clothing, and during his life in Denmark he earned his living at that occupation. His Granddaughter, Ane Henrie Excell states, "Grandpa used to tie and dye yarn, and it was very pretty." Mother Gedske said, "Mother said he tied and dyed yarn." (the 6th N. C. wrote)
On the 16th of January 1836, Niels Christian's mother died in Viborg County, Denmark. His father died in 1847 in Aalborg County, and his brother James died the 23rd of April 1848 in Slevich, so that there is no record that any of his immediate family were still living at the time of his conversion to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Niels Christian Schow's first wife was Marie Christensen, sometimes known as Marie From, because of the use of her step-father's surname. She was born on the 9th of June 1809 in Aalborg, Denmark, the daughter of Kristen Kristensen (Chresten Christensen, N. C.'s spelling) and Kerstine Rasmussen (Sonichsen, wrote N.C.).
The children of their family, born before their conversion, were:
Aalborg Erich (Ira) Christian From Schow, born 7 October, 1837 in Aalborg. (Ira was the son of Marie's former marriage, adopted by Niels Christian.)
Kirstine Rasmine Schow, born 1 January, 1842, and died 5 October, 1843, in Aalborg.
Kirstine (Christina) Rasmine Schow, born 19 January, 1844 in Aalborg.
Michael Joel Schow, born 16 September, 1848, in Aalborn (N. C. wrote September 12th).
Jens (James) Schow, born 12 September, 1848, in Aalborn, (N. C. wrote September 16th).
Kirstine Rasmine Schow, born 1 January, 1842, and died 5 October, 1843, in Aalborg.
Kirstine (Christina) Rasmine Schow, born 19 January, 1844 in Aalborg.
Michael Joel Schow, born 16 September, 1848, in Aalborn (N. C. wrote September 12th).
Jens (James) Schow, born 12 September, 1848, in Aalborn, (N. C. wrote September 16th).
Before the coming of the Mormon Missionaries, according to The History of the Scandinavian Mission, by Andrew Jensen, "In Aalborg, as well as in Copenhagen, there were in 1830, quite a number of Baptists who seemed to be very sincere in their worship, and the success following the preaching of the gospel in the capital of Denmark was undoubtedly the main reason why the attention of the first Elders was drawn to the same class of people in the city of Aalborg. Among the leading Baptists in the vicinity of Aalborg was Hans Peter Jensen, the owner of a large mechanical establishment in Norre Sundby. He was also "Forstander" or president of the Baptists in Aalborg and vicinity. This Mr. Jensen and other influential Baptists were evdeavoring to adjust some differences of opinion existing among the members of that denominiation concerning certain doctrinal points, when Elder (George Parker) Dykes, unexpectedly to them, arrived in Aalborg."
This was the situation in Aalborg when Elder Dykes arrived. William Niels Schow, son of Michael Joel Schow, told Iris W. Schow the following account of the conversion of Niels Christian Schow to the L.D.S. faith as he remembered having heard it in his family:
Niels Christian Schow and his friend, Hans Peter Jensen went to the meeting held by the Elders in Aalborg. They made up their minds they would get the missionary into the Jensen home and show him where he was wrong. Hans Peter Jensen invited the missionary to dinner, and Niels Christian Schow hastened to get his own dinner over with and rush to the Jensen home. When he arrived, H. P. Jensen was sitting leaning his head on his hand and listening intently, while the missionary was doing all of the talking. Niels Christian could see that Hans Peter was being convinced by the missionary. He did not last long himself in the discussion with the missionary. The two friends were converted, and they and their wives were among the first 8 baptized in Aalborg.
Continuing to quote from The History of the Scandinavian Mission (p. 17, col. 1), Mr. Jensen became one of his first converts and he, together with his wife, Sarah, Josephine Katrine Hensen, and six others were baptized on 27 October, 1850, as the first fruits of the gospel in the province of North Jutland. The names of the six others were: Niels Christian Schow and wife (Marie), Ole Christian Nielsen and wife (Else Katrine), and Hans Frederik Petersen and wife (Helene Nathilde). Some of these first converts in Aalborg subsequently became prominent and active in the Chruch, especially Hans Peter Jensen.
Niels Christian Schow's wife's mother and step-father, Erich Christian From and Kirstene From were baptized in November of 1850 in Aalborg. (N. C.'s record)
According to the History book quoted, there were about 100 Church members in Copenhagen and 30 in Aalborg and vicinity by the close of 1850. Twelve of the local brethren had been ordained to the lesser Priesthood, ten in Copenhagen and two in the Aalborg Branch. . . . In the Aalborg Branch, the Priesthood consisted of Priest, Hans Peter Jensen and Teacher, Niels Christian Schow. Niels Christian Schow, then, was one of the first 12 converts of Denmark to hold the Priesthood (p. 20). On January 4, 1852 the first conference to be held in Aalborg, Denmark convened. Niels Christian Schow was ordained an Elder and appointed to preside over the Aalborg Branch. His friend, Brother Jensen, became president of the new Vendsyssel Branch. Soon after, 30 persons were added to the Church at Aalborg (p. 44). On Thursday, August 12, 1852, the fourth general conference of the Scandinavian Mission convened in Copenhagen. The Saints in Vendsyssel were organzied as the Vendsyssel Conference with Elder Niels Christian Schow as president (p. 60).
On the 13th of September, 1851 Marie's last baby, Mary Magdalene Schow, was born dead at Aalborg. This indicates that the family was still living at Aalborg at that time.
Just when Niels Christian Schow's missionary work for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began, we do not know. But he kept a brief diary beginning with January 1, 1853, which indicates he was doing missionary work at that time in the area north of Aalborg, which is cut off from the rest of the Jutland Peninsula by the Fjord of Limfjorden.
A few excerpts from N. C. Schow's diary follow:
Saturday January 8, I traveled to Julsmark.
Wednesday January 12, I visited the saints and found much contention among them. We held a Baptismal meeting in the evening, and I spoke to them with much power, and they all prayed and humbled themselves.
Friday January 14, I baptized 9 at noon. We held Baptismal services (confirmation) in the evening . . . and all went well and peaceful.
Wednesday January 12, I visited the saints and found much contention among them. We held a Baptismal meeting in the evening, and I spoke to them with much power, and they all prayed and humbled themselves.
Friday January 14, I baptized 9 at noon. We held Baptismal services (confirmation) in the evening . . . and all went well and peaceful.
The next portion is the most adventurous experience he recorded.
Thursday February 3, . . . I was in Hjirring and had a prayer meeting scheduled, which was not held. I had earlier spoken with a miller-apprentice who had been baptized, but had fallen away from the truth and its light, and he spoke with scornful force. He was dead to prayer and the Gospel. On Feb. 4th, I traveled to Oster where we were commanded to preach, whereupon I stood forth and bore testimony, but was soon interrupted. We were threatened, and they stood up against us, and twisted branches from trees and chased us, and we fled in the dark into a farm building. The mob followed us, and the light from a firebrand flickered near us, whereupon we hurriedly hid ourselves. But they searched for us both in the barn and stable loft. They got a lantern to aid in their search for us. In the loft they first found F. Gottfredsen, whom they dragged and buffeted among themselves. They said he should be baptized with three firebrands, whereupon they led him to Oster-AA (AA means creek) and threw him in. Here they found Brother Steffen Christensen, who they treated in a like manner; and then they found me and treated me likewise. After throwing me around several times, they at last flung me into Oster-AA, and I immediately rose and fled to where I arrived at half past eleven in the evening.
Of a local conference at Aalborg on Sunday March 27 and 28, Niels Christian wrote, "Everything went friendly and well," an expression which he often used. His modesty is shown in his account of the conference he attended at Copenhagen, of which he wrote:
"Wednesday the 30th of March—I traveled in company with Brothers Larsen, etc. to Copenhagen, where we arrived April 5 at 6 o'clock . . . and Wed. the 6th attended conference there . . . Many speeches were given by the brethren of the priesthood." Yet on pages 76-77 of the History of the Scandinavian Mission we find: "On Wednesday, April 6, 1853, a general conference of the Scandinavian Mission was opened in Copenhagen, Denmark, it being the 23rd anniversary of the organization of the Church. The first meeting commenced at 10 o'clock, and after the opening exercises, president Willard Snow gave the Elders who presided over the different conferences an opportunity to report. Elder Niels Christian Schow, President of the Vendyssel Conference, J. Larsen, President of the Aalborg Conference, and Anders Andersen, President of the Fredericia Conference reported their labors and progress made in their respective conferences, as well as the condition of the Saints . . . . The gospel had spread throughout the land and missionaries had gone as far north as Skagen, the northmost point of Jutland, and everywhere the message declared by the Elders caused a great stir among the population . . . All the speakers encouraged the Saints to be humble and faithful. 'We have suffered long enough for our own sakes,' said Elder Schow, 'and we ought to rejoice now that we can suffer for the sake of Christ.'" Elder Schow is the only speaker at that conference who is directly quoted in the History. Following the conference, he arrived at Aalborg on the 15th and visited his family until April 24, 1853.
Of a local conference at Aalborg on Sunday March 27 and 28, Niels Christian wrote, "Everything went friendly and well," an expression which he often used. His modesty is shown in his account of the conference he attended at Copenhagen, of which he wrote:
"Wednesday the 30th of March—I traveled in company with Brothers Larsen, etc. to Copenhagen, where we arrived April 5 at 6 o'clock . . . and Wed. the 6th attended conference there . . . Many speeches were given by the brethren of the priesthood." Yet on pages 76-77 of the History of the Scandinavian Mission we find: "On Wednesday, April 6, 1853, a general conference of the Scandinavian Mission was opened in Copenhagen, Denmark, it being the 23rd anniversary of the organization of the Church. The first meeting commenced at 10 o'clock, and after the opening exercises, president Willard Snow gave the Elders who presided over the different conferences an opportunity to report. Elder Niels Christian Schow, President of the Vendyssel Conference, J. Larsen, President of the Aalborg Conference, and Anders Andersen, President of the Fredericia Conference reported their labors and progress made in their respective conferences, as well as the condition of the Saints . . . . The gospel had spread throughout the land and missionaries had gone as far north as Skagen, the northmost point of Jutland, and everywhere the message declared by the Elders caused a great stir among the population . . . All the speakers encouraged the Saints to be humble and faithful. 'We have suffered long enough for our own sakes,' said Elder Schow, 'and we ought to rejoice now that we can suffer for the sake of Christ.'" Elder Schow is the only speaker at that conference who is directly quoted in the History. Following the conference, he arrived at Aalborg on the 15th and visited his family until April 24, 1853.
N. C. Schow's diary continues until June 2, 1853. In it he recorded many day-to-day accounts of meetings held and his personal efforts to settle differences among the Saints.
"On the afternoon of December 22, 1853," states The History of the Scandinavian Mission (p. 87), "the first emigrant Company of the season, the third emigrating company of Saints from Scandinavia set sail from Copenhagen on board the steamship Slesvig, (301 souls) under the presidency of Christan J. Larsen . . . . By way of Kiel, Gluckstadt, and Hull, the emigrants reached Liverpool, England, on December 28th, and on January 1, 1854, they went on board the ship Jesse Munn, chartered by the presidency in Liverpool for the transportation of the Scandinavian Saints."
"The company sailed form Liverpool January 3, 1854, and after a prosperous voyage, arrived at the mouth of the Mississippi River January 16th, 1854. On the 20th the Jesse Munn arrived in New Orleans, where . . . Larsen made a contract for further transportation of the company to St. Louis, Missouri."
Christina Schow Henrie's sketch states that the Schows left Denmark in 1853, "Going by sailing vessel to Liverpool, England, and then sailing on the good ship Jesse Munn to New Orleans, arriving there on February 16, 1854. The voyage was continued up the Mississippi River to Kansas City, Missouri, where they remained for a time preparing for the journey across the plains, which trip they made in Captain Hans Peter Olsen's Company. She walked the entire distance, except for two afternoons.
The History of the Scandinavian Mission (p. 88-89) states that the Jesse Munn Company and the Benjamin Adams group merged at Kansas City under Captain Hans P. Olsen, beginning the trek across the Plains on May 9, 1854. There were 69 wagons grouped in tens. "To each wagon were attached 4 oxen and 2 cows. From 10 to 12 persons were assigned each wagon." It is obvious why Christina had to walk. They arrived in Salt Lake Valley October 5, 1854.
Excerpt from Christina's sketch:
Their first home was made in Bountiful, Utah where they underwent all the trying hardships incident to the settlement of that country, among them, the grasshopper wars.
Before they got them a home of their own, they lived in Chris Hyrise's stable. While there, Niels Christian and his two oldest boys pulled the sunflowers and weeds from his wheat for 10 pints of flour a week. During this time, Marie, Christina, Michael, and James gathered pig weeds. They stripped the leaves and tender stems from the weeds and cooked them. Part of them were thickened with flour and baked into bread, using sour milk and salarotus, which they gathered from off the ground for soda to raise the bread. They walked a mile twice a week for skimmed milk. The rest of the weeds were stewed and eaten with the bread. This was their food supply for six weeks, for a family of seven. After the field of wheat was ripe, they pulled it and bound it into bundles. They were allowed to glean the heads of wheat from the edges of the field for their own use. They threshed it with sticks and carried it to the mill, where it was ground into flour. From that time on they were never without flour.
While at Bountiful (Sessions Settlement), Niels Christian Schow married a second wife, Anne (Anderson?) who had been born in Denmark in 1822. Anne died the 7th of December 1858, at Sessions Settlement, Davis County, Utah.
Niels Christian Schow and his wife Marie took their endowments the 19th of March 1857. On the 19th of October, 1861 Niels Christian Schow married his third wife, Anne Marie Kirstine Rassmussen. Anne was born the 3rd of April, 1842, at Galton, Aarhus County, Denmark. Niels Christian's letters to his son, Michael, indicate there was a loving, harmonious relationship existing in his polygamous family.
The Schows moved to Brigham City, Box Elder County, Utah. The History of Box Elder County states, "In the early sixties, Brigham City maintained a good band," and N. C. Schow is listed among the members of it.
In the spring of 1863 the Niels Christian Schow family joined with a small group of Latter-day Saint families to found the little town of Mantua, in a small valley east of Brigham City. Here N. C. Schow did an important work as the first Superintendent of the L.D.S. Sunday School.
During their years in Box Elder County, the following children were born to N. C. Schow and his thrid wife, Anne Marie:
Marie Schow, born 3 August 1863, Brigham City; blessed 13 September; died 26 October 1863, Brigahm City
Gedske Schow, born 20 September 1864, Box Elder valley; blessed 4 October by Brother Rasmus Nielsen
Niels Christian Schow, born 6 December 1866, Box Elder valley; blessed 10 December by Brother Rasmus Nielsen
Marie Schow, born 3 August 1863, Brigham City; blessed 13 September; died 26 October 1863, Brigahm City
Gedske Schow, born 20 September 1864, Box Elder valley; blessed 4 October by Brother Rasmus Nielsen
Niels Christian Schow, born 6 December 1866, Box Elder valley; blessed 10 December by Brother Rasmus Nielsen
At some time after the close of the year of 1866, Niels Christian Schow and his families moved to Panaca, Lincoln County, Nevada to help start this settlement for the Church. While they lived there, a child, Anne Schow, was born to Anne Marie on the 3rd of April, 1871. She was blessed 3 June, 1871, and died 20 August, 1871. The Henrie Family History states that the Schow families were called by the Church to help settle Panaca along with the James and Samuel Henrie families and others. Life at Panaca was hazardous because of the bitter opposition of mobs.
In 1871 the President of the Church released the Saints from the Panaca Mission on account of the bitter opposition of the Pioche miners and the controversy over the taxes, whether they belonged to Utah or Nevada. He told them they could go wherever they wanted to, but he would like James and Samuel Henrie and families, also Grandfather Schow and family to go over to Panguitch on the head of the Sevier River, and help settle that part of Utah. They really wanted to go back to Davis County, Utah, but an indication from the President meant the same as a "call!" So they made their preparations to move to Panguitch, Utah. When they arrived, the women were very discouraged. Cold winters and short growing seasons made them think it would be next to impossible to live there and rear their families, but that call from the President of the Church helped them to make up their minds to stay on. (The Henrie Family History)
On the 6th of April, 1873, a son, Louis Rasmussen Schow, was born to Anne Marie and N. C. He was blessed 13 April, 1873, by Brother Elmer, and died 24 September, 1873, at Panguitch, Iron County, Utah.
Carl Frederick Schow (Charles) was born to them on the 4th of December, 1874, and blessed by Brother James Henrie the same day at Panguitch.
Anne Marie Henrie Schow writes of what she has heard of her grandfather, N. C. Schow, "I know that Grandpa Schow was the choir leader for some time, and people have told me that he was a good one. Then he was a tailor, and a good one. He had a little table two and a half feet long and a big gooseneck sad iron he pressed with. He built the table. It was one and a half feet wide. I have it in my home at Panguitch and prize it very much. I also have the iron.
"Then Grandpa used to tie and dye yarn, and it was very pretty," Mother (Gedske) said.
Two or three times a year, at least, Niels Christian Schow wrote long, newsy letters to his son Michael and his wife Christina, who had remained at Mantua. These letters reveal much of his personality. He could write interestingly without backbiting or complaining. He always asked to be remembered to old friends. He discussed items of historical interest such as Andrew's exploring trips and the establishment of the United Order. Both of his wives were mentioned affectionately, and he always had respect and affection for his in-laws. He never ceased to admonish his son, Michael, to be loyal to the Gospel, and he always urged Michael to come to southern Utah. His sense of humor was frequently in evidence. His letters make good reading.
Niels Christian Schow died on the 2nd of February, 1879, at Panguitch, Utah. He was buried in the Panguitch Cemetery.
1. Sources of Information for the Sketch
The History of the Scandinavian Mission, by Andrew Jensen
History of Box Elder County, by the Daughters of the the Utah Pioneers
History of the Henrie Family
Missionary Diary of Niels Christian Schow, translated from Danish by Euginia Larkin (Diary is for the year 1853)
Family data listed in the back of the above diary
Conversations with William Nielson Schow, son of Michael Juel Schow, and Christina Hansen (Sorensen) Schow. He is a grandson of N. C. Schow (I recorded these conversations at the time I talked with him.)
Sketch of the Life of Kirstine Rasmine Schow Henrie (Christina), obtained from her daughter, Evadean Henrie Bell, Box 175, Panguitch, Utah.
A letter from Ane Henrie Excell to Iris W. Schow, (Mrs. Excell is a daughter of Gedske Schow Henrie, and a granddaughter of Niels Christian Schow).
History of Box Elder County, by the Daughters of the the Utah Pioneers
History of the Henrie Family
Missionary Diary of Niels Christian Schow, translated from Danish by Euginia Larkin (Diary is for the year 1853)
Family data listed in the back of the above diary
Conversations with William Nielson Schow, son of Michael Juel Schow, and Christina Hansen (Sorensen) Schow. He is a grandson of N. C. Schow (I recorded these conversations at the time I talked with him.)
Sketch of the Life of Kirstine Rasmine Schow Henrie (Christina), obtained from her daughter, Evadean Henrie Bell, Box 175, Panguitch, Utah.
A letter from Ane Henrie Excell to Iris W. Schow, (Mrs. Excell is a daughter of Gedske Schow Henrie, and a granddaughter of Niels Christian Schow).
2. Additions Made When Recopying, 1964
Niels Christian Schow's diary further states of this conference: "Brother W. Snow conducted the conference, and many topics were explained to friends of the Church. Everything went off friendly, and the conference closed April the tenth."
"Wednesday, the 13th I traveled in company with the brethren from Zion, Hagan and Pederson, also Larsen Bolm, and Tomesen, from Copenhagen via Aarhus to Aalborg, and arrived there on the 15th, where I stayed at Aarhus home with my family, and enjoyed visiting among the Saints until the 24th."
Another quotation from the N. C. Schow diary illustrates the man's zeal in the Gospel, and his happy home life: "Tuesday, 3rd of May, I had a talk with Brother Niels ________ and his children, who were weak in the faith, and found they wanted to be excommunicated from the Church. They said they had been baptized against their own wishes. I also had a talk the same day with Brother Black and his children, and found there was much conflict and doubt among them. I spoke pretty (or very) straight to them, and they confessed (or acknowledged) their sins and humbled themselves, although it was Wednesday the 4th before I really had them converted."
"Thursday, 5th of May, I held a meeting at Brother Niels Christian's, where most of the Saints were present. The spirit of the Lord was with those assembled, and all were happy in the Lord."
"I left there in the afternoon at 2 o'clock and arrived at ___havn in the evening about half past eight. there, to my great joy, my wife met me."
N. C. Schow's diary continues until June 2, 1853. In it he recorded many day-to-day accounts of meetings held.
"Wednesday, the 13th I traveled in company with the brethren from Zion, Hagan and Pederson, also Larsen Bolm, and Tomesen, from Copenhagen via Aarhus to Aalborg, and arrived there on the 15th, where I stayed at Aarhus home with my family, and enjoyed visiting among the Saints until the 24th."
Another quotation from the N. C. Schow diary illustrates the man's zeal in the Gospel, and his happy home life: "Tuesday, 3rd of May, I had a talk with Brother Niels ________ and his children, who were weak in the faith, and found they wanted to be excommunicated from the Church. They said they had been baptized against their own wishes. I also had a talk the same day with Brother Black and his children, and found there was much conflict and doubt among them. I spoke pretty (or very) straight to them, and they confessed (or acknowledged) their sins and humbled themselves, although it was Wednesday the 4th before I really had them converted."
"Thursday, 5th of May, I held a meeting at Brother Niels Christian's, where most of the Saints were present. The spirit of the Lord was with those assembled, and all were happy in the Lord."
"I left there in the afternoon at 2 o'clock and arrived at ___havn in the evening about half past eight. there, to my great joy, my wife met me."
N. C. Schow's diary continues until June 2, 1853. In it he recorded many day-to-day accounts of meetings held.
William Henrie is the emigrant ancestor of the Henrie family in Utah. He and his family left their home in Kirtland, Ohio soon after they joined the Church and joined the Saints at Nauvoo, Illinois. They acquired an 80 acre tract of land, where they lived until the Saints were mobbed and driven out of Nauvoo to Utah. They endured the privation, the hardship and heartache common to the Saints who were driven from their homes and farms. William knew the Prophet Joseph Smith at Nauvoo, Illinois. On another page is a copy of his ordination to the office of an Elder in the Quorum of Seventies. This was issued in Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois the 3rd day of February, 1845. Also a certificate was issued after they came to Utah October 5, 1857.
1. Letter to Michael Juel Schow From His Father, Neils Christian Schow
Translated by DeAnna Y. Johnson, Barbara B. Yates' sister-in-law.
Dear Son and Daughter Panguitch January 28, 1876
Since it has been a long time that we have heard from you, I will write a few lines and let you know how it is going with us. We are all well and so far our health and our needs are well taken care of and for that we thank the Lord. And we hope the same is true for you. I have heard that you think we may have hard feelings because we haven't written for so long, but that is not the case. But I have so much to do with my tailoring and so the time is very precious for me. I have sold my sewing machine and I am going to get a commercial machine which will be a lot better for my work.
I wonder if you know that Andrue's oldest son, Little Andrue is dead, which was very hard for Andrue and Anne and all the rest of us, but it must have been the will of the Lord that he have to go now. James Schou's Anne has a little daughter and they are all well. Andrue and James cannot think of much else than Potato Valley. Andrue has been called as president there. He and James are over there now and they have worked there all winter. Andrue tells me to say hello and ask if you will come over there to live. If so, he will give you 20 acres of good land. There is a good climate there and you can raise every kind of produce and seed. There is really a lot that are going over there.
I have heard that you have built yourselves a new home which really makes us happy, although I hope that you will not put your stakes too deep into the earth that you cannot pull it up again. [Danish meaning: put not your treasures upon the earth.] My thought is that as time passes on, the United Order will be presented to us again, through the Lord's servant Brigham Young, and it looks to me like few will accept it. Although there is a place called Long Valley, forty miles south from here where they have worked the United Order for a year and a half. There are about 20 to 24 families that carries the work. They are all equal, eat at the same table and their lifestyle is all alike. All the chickens are in one coop and all the pigs are in one sty. They have a garden on 15 acres, two men take care of that. Andrue and Christian went over there to see it. They went all around and then they went out to Kanab, to do some threshing. Andrue said that he had never seen any more beautiful work than he saw there and they couldn't help making themselves rich. While the Lord has shown us an example that He will bless those that are as one and will do his will, it looks to me that maybe the Lord can get us together through the United Order, if not He will do it through the United States law. We have heard that all the polygamists have been advised to move out of Idaho into Utah, and I'm thinking that it won't be long before all the believers in the gospel will have to do the same. Missionaries have been through here to Colorado or Mexico to prepare a place for the Saints, and I have heard there are good prospects. I will prepare myself for that event. And our only hope and prayer to the Lord is that our children will be steadfast in the gospel and do whatever has been asked of them through the servants of the Lord. There have been many days of warning [or of calling to repentance] but the time is at hand for the elect and our wish is to see all our children as well as ourselves among the elect, so dear children, we wish to know your feelings in regard to the gospel and if you are willing to follow God's people. I don't think the time is very far when the separation will be made.
I greet you and thank you from your Mother for your presents and such. Christain, Stine [girl's name]* and Mother Halling see all of your good hearts to her [direct Danish translation] and your kindness to her which will always be a dear memory of you. We have heard there is lots of sickness in Peter Christain's family, but we are happy to hear through little Josephine Nicol's letter that they are all well now. We ask you to send our greetings to Josephine. We have received Josephine's letter and we surely want to thank her. I hear that Rasmus Nielsen has been sent on a mission. I have my own thought on that, but I think that he is in need of a good rest, he has had a lot of trouble in the Little Valley. And I wish to hear from him. We are having the hardest winter we have ever had since we have come to this place. It is snowing every day and hard frost, so it is very hard on the stock. I greet you from Stine and from your brothers and the rest of the family. They are all well and you are greeted most warmly from your Mother and Father N. Chr. Schou
I greet you and thank you from your Mother for your presents and such. Christain, Stine [girl's name]* and Mother Halling see all of your good hearts to her [direct Danish translation] and your kindness to her which will always be a dear memory of you. We have heard there is lots of sickness in Peter Christain's family, but we are happy to hear through little Josephine Nicol's letter that they are all well now. We ask you to send our greetings to Josephine. We have received Josephine's letter and we surely want to thank her. I hear that Rasmus Nielsen has been sent on a mission. I have my own thought on that, but I think that he is in need of a good rest, he has had a lot of trouble in the Little Valley. And I wish to hear from him. We are having the hardest winter we have ever had since we have come to this place. It is snowing every day and hard frost, so it is very hard on the stock. I greet you from Stine and from your brothers and the rest of the family. They are all well and you are greeted most warmly from your Mother and Father N. Chr. Schou
We ask you to greet all our many friends many times from us. We wish you all a happy New Year. We hope that you will write back to us and let us know how everything is going.
[*Stine was N.C. Schow's daughter Christina Rasmine Henrie.]
Panguitch, February 19th, 1875 Dear son and daughter, As it is long ago that I have written to you, although I have often thought of writing, I will begin to write a few words to you and let you know how we are. We thank you for the last letter that we have received and James Henry received his the 16th of February, and I shall tell you hello from James Henry and Stine that they are very happy to hear from you and see that you are all well, for which we all feel gratefulness. We can also tell you the same. We are all well. There has been a little sickness at Andrue's and James' children, but they are almost over it now. We have got us a little son, but it is hard to raise him as his mother has no milk for him, so it goes slow but he is healthy enough. His name is Carl Frederick. I have sold my team wagon and harness for 370 dollars. I have received some of the payment so I have paid for most of my sewing machine and I am supposed to receive the rest of the payment the 1st of April for the team. By the way, we are all well. Your mother's health is not too good but she is up and goes around among her children and feels well and only wishes to be able to come up and see you again next summer. We all feel well and have the necessities. The harvest has been small here. The frost came too early so most of the seed was killed, but we get along pretty well. We have had an open winter, not much snow. I have had so much tailoring this winter that I have not been able to do it all and much of it I have had to let go. Now about the United Order here in Panguitch. It is started and they are working in it but none of us here have gone in, but Andrue, Christian, and I have gone in with James Henry at Mammoth Spring 15 miles from here and that is no more than 10 miles from Mammoth Spring to the (Hedt of de Severrever - Head of the Severe River) a little higher than this place but a good place for stock, good lumber, good farm country and not quite as cold as it is here judging from what Brother Hatch and several say who have lived there more than a year. They are there where the Co-op sheep herd is. I, Andrue, and Christian have been up there and seen the place and I am satisfied with it. Brother Hatch is elected as President and James Henry, Vice President, and tomorrow the 20th we are going to elect the officers of the board and then go over to Parowan the 1st of March to be qualified. There has been put in as Capital Stock to begin with $50,000 of which 1/4 is put in as bonds that we have put in property for and after the officers are qualified. All our property will be voted into the order. The way we are going to work is that every man will have his stewardship and is responsible for what he owns before The Lord. We follow as much as possible the revelations that are given and do not wish to take away any man's free agency but go by degrees as we can stand it as time goes. We are not going to move up to Mammoth right away but we are going to seed all our land here this summer and raise our grain here and some up there, as much as we can handle and also to build up there so we do not move from here until we have houses to move into up there and we are selling out here when we can. James has not joined yet, but I hope he will. He has sold the one team of his mules, the smallest, for $200, has exchanged his wagon and got a new wagon, the rest in money. Now your mother and I wish with all our hearts that it be possible to see you and your family join the Order with us here, as I think it is right that the family join together, but if that cannot be done we should like to hear anyway that you will join the Order somewhere, as it is very important for us to see our children join the Order and do what The Lord has told us as this is our exaltation. Dear children, let us be faithful and let our thoughts be our one and only, to do what The Lord asks us. Mammoth Spring is the place that President (Jung) Young has counseled Brother Hatch and James Henry to settle when we left (Medovelle) Meadow Valley and he said if we would go and settle this place we would be blessed and Brother Brigham is very happy to hear that we are going to settle it. We feel sorrow to hear there is so much sickness up there and several dead, though we don't know where they are. Tell hello to all our brothers and sisters and friends from us. We wish that The Lord may bless you all. The reason I have not written is that I would wait and see how it would be with the Order and also I have had so much to do. You write that you would like to go in here with us but don't know who you should get away from there. Well, if it is your desire and your free will, we wish that you and your Stine must be united at this point, then I hope ways can be found. If it helps with a team to get here, then I think we can help you and if it is selling out, then do the best you can. We do not look so much for the means as for a good will and I know that you can work and help yourself and what you cannot do, you and every man will be helped when they do their best. That is our Order. To you and your dear wife and children, we send our love from us all. //signed// Niels Christian Schow Write us soon and let us know your circumstances and do not forget to greet all our friends.
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed by charlesclaytonsaling1 19 September 2014)
Panguitch, the 3rd of August 1874 Dear son and daughter, With joy we can tell you that we came home happy and well Saturday the 24th of July without any harm whatsoever, and James came home yesterday and 2nd of August. All are well with the exception of our children, who all have the whooping cough, and it is pretty hard on them, but we hope they will soon get well again. We are happy there was a man who came in here before us and his children had them too, so that we did not get the blame for having the sickness here. It rained almost every day we were on the trip, but the rain was either in front or in the back of us so it did not wet us much, but the road was very muddy where it had rained, but the last day we drove, it rained almost all the time and we were glad to come home. I was quite surprised to see our place for it had rained so much here that the crop, the potatoes, stood so fine, so I hope, if all goes well, we will have a good crop. There is grass here close around, fine, so the cows will grow fat and give plenty of milk, so everything was better than we expected. The United Order has been organized here. Bishop Sevy is president and James Henry first and Hatch second Vice President. These men as well as the other officers are all nominated by the people. I for one have great faith in them, and I believe the rest of the people have the same. I do not hear anything to the contrary, and I believe they will do the best they understand to the satisfaction of the people and as The Lord will give them wisdom. Many of the people have given their pro rata to the order and many will as soon as they can get ready for it. Christian, Andrue, and I have put in our names and will give our pro rata as soon as we can. It has been decided to put up a wool factory as soon as possible and other machineries as Josef A. Young, our president, says that this place is the best to be found on the Seven Rivers for machineries. Now our dear children and all our dear brothers and sisters, how can we repay you for the good way you received us when we were amongst you? It will long stand as a dear memory with us, and the only thing we can pay with an the present time is to pray that the Lord's blessings may be with you both temporally and spiritually. We heard from James and Emma and Niels Anderson's wife were not better which we are sorry for. We wish you will write us soon and let us know how they are as we long very much to hear from them. Tell sister Ingeborg Jensen hello and say we talked with a man from Ritzfield (Richfield?) as they have a house and lot and land there and go into the order. I should tell you hello from your mother. She feels pretty good after the trip, but she has never longed for you as now and especially for your children, and she asks you to kiss them from her. She was glad to see James come home, but she would have been more glad could she have you with her as her heart is with her children. Do not forget to tell hello to P. Christian and Stine P. Jensen and Marie S. Hansen and wife and Damse and R. Nielson and P. Nielson and family and Holler Jensen and family and all good friends and now all our love to you, your dear wife, and your dear children from us. Your father and mother and all your brothers and sisters, //signed// Niels Christian Schow
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed by charlesclaytonsaling1 19 September 2014)
Panguitch, January the 12th, 1874 Dear son and daughter, As it is a long time ago we heard from you and maybe you think we have forgotten you, I will write you a few lines and let you know how we are here. We are all in good health, although your mother is somewhat weak, but she is up and around, so we are alright and we have the necessities and live united. Our desire and longing is to come up to Salt Lake to get our work done for our dead ones, but it is a long way and hindrance always comes in the way for us, but I do hope it may happen this year. I have got one of Hoves sewing machines for 85 dollars, and I have had so much to do tailoring, much more than I could do and that is the reason I have not written before. Andrue and Christian have been busy with their thresher. They have threshed almost 16,000 bushels of grain and have made 300 bushels of grain each of them. I should tell you hello from them all. They are in good health and are fine and the same is the case with James and family. Everybody is fine. The pill James came with from Panaca and gave his wife last spring when he came home has become a big girl who weighed 9 1/2 pounds. She was born the 8th of December 1873. (Annie Hansen Schow had baby girl, Sissie Christina Schow). I suppose you remember Stine wrote about that pill in her letter. I should also tell you hello from her. Circumstances taken into consideration, she is well, but she has got a pill. (Christina Rasmine Schow Henrie had baby boy, James Nathan Henrie on 28 April 1874 in Panguitch.) We are having a pretty hard winter here. James' little daughter came with a terrible snow storm so there was more than a foot of snow and that has stayed on the ground since because of the bad frost we have here, but there is not so much left of the snow now. We are having a pretty hard winter here. James' little daughter came with a terrible snow storm so there was more than a foot of snow and that has stayed on the ground since because of the bad frost we have here, but there is not so much left of the snow now. I hope you will write us again and let us know how things are up there. We hope you are in good health and live united. Last Christmas Eve your mother said that one year ago we had you among us here and she wished she might see the day when you, your wife, and children would be gathered with us, because until then her joy would not be complete. We pray that you will tell hello to all good friends from us. Tell hello to August Nichols and family and thank him for all the letters he writes us. We can hardly get them read through. Our Anne wishes to greet her sister Rasmine. Anne feels sorry that not one in her whole family writes to her and not even has answered her last letter. Tell them all hello from us. Anne is in good health and feels wellbeing with us. Now we send you, your wife, and your little children our love and we wish you all a Happy New Year. May happiness, luck, yes, peace and joy Over crown your honor. God let you this year be blessed Wherever you go. The above is a verse: Gid lykke, held, ja, fred og fryd Maa stedse krone aerens dyd Gud lader eder I dette aar Velsignet vaere hvor I gaar. //signed// Niels Christian Schow Translated by Osa Hansen
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed by charlesclaytonsaling1 19 September 2014)
Panguitch, August the 4th, 1873 Dear Son and Daughter, I take the opportunity to write a few words to you and let you know that we are all well and feel fine and wish to hear from the same from you. We have waited for a long time to hear from you, as you have not written us since you left us, but as yet it has been in vain, so I thought I would write a few words to you. We were almost ready to go to Salt Lake with Andrue and Stine to be baptized for our dead ones in June and then visit you, but then Stine got sick and we had to put off the trip for this time, as we could not do anything without Andrue and Stine, and I don't know if we can go up there this fall, as I am thinking of letting my mules go with the thresher, and by the time they will finish there, I think it will be too late in the year, although it is very much on our minds to get this work done for our dead ones, but we must wait till the time comes. We are beginning to grow old and our health is not so good, but we have the necessities and are alright. We have got a little son since you were here and he is well and growing fine. Your mother and I long very much to see you and our friends up there, although we do have all our children here and that is a great joy to us and a great comfort for us, but we do miss you being here too, but I suppose we can expect our joy to be completed by seeing all our children gathered here. The crop stands pretty good although it has been a very dry summer this year. Today we have had the best rain we have had this summer and I think that if we can only be without frost we will raise double what we raised last year. I should tell you hello from all your brothers. Christian is building a frame house like the one in Panaca. He is building it on his land and expects to move in last part of this week. His land is fenced with lumber and so is Andrue's. Christian has also built a barn there. Christian's and Andrue's fields are fenced separately and they both live there so it is a pretty little place. Jens has dug a well 28 feet deep and they have fine water close to the house. Andrue is digging a well but has to go deeper. He is 34 feet down now, but I think he will have to go deeper as he lives much higher. Jens desires -- if it is possible for him -- to go to Bear Lake this fall with the family to visit, but he has a lot to do here before he can go. I should tell you hello from Stine. She has been very sickly this summer but is better now, all her children are well. By the way, we are all well and feeling fine. Christine Marie, Christian's wife, had a baby girl the 9th of June, your mother's birthday, and she has been named after my mother. Her name is Anne. I should tell you hello from Josef Emile. He was just here now and he said that he was going up to City this fall and if he could get hold of you he would give you a real good pounding for you have forgotten to write to him as you promised him. We wish now that you would write to us and not completely forget us. If we cannot have the opportunity to see you then, let us now and then hear from you. Give our regards to Rasmus Nielsen and family and all good friends and especially do we send you, your wife, and your little children our love. From your mother and Anne and me, your father. //signed// Niels Christian Schow Give our regards to Soren Hansen and wife P. Jensen and wife, P. Chr. Jensen and wife, and August Nichold and Rasmine and all good friends. I wish August would write to us and let us know how everything is in the family.
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed by charlesclaytonsaling1 19 September 2014)
Niels Christian Schow
—By Iris W. Schow, Granddaughter of Michael Juel Schow
[There were some errors and incomplete sections in the copy I have, and I have tried to correct them and make them clear, where possible. If you have an updated version of this article, please e-mail me. -HSS]
N.C. Schow's diary continues until 2 June 1853. In it he recorded many day to day accounts of meetings held and his personal efforts to settle differences among the saints.
"On the afternoon of 22 Dec 1853, states The History Of The Scandivavian Mission, p 87, "the first company of the season, the third emigrating company of saints from Scandinavia, to sail from Copenhagen on board the steamship, 'Slesvig' (301 souls) under the presidency of Christian J. Larsen ..... by way of Kiel, Gluckstadt, and Hull, the emigrants reached Liverpool, England on the 28th of December. On the first of January, 1854, they went on board the ship, 'Jesse Munn', chartered by the presidency in Liverpool for the transportation of the Scandinavian Saints. The company sailed from Liverpool on 13 January 1854, and after a prosperous voyage, arrived at the mouth of the Mississippi River on the 16th of January." (The History says 16 January, but someone has written in ink, "February" in the copy in the Brigham City Library, and Christina Schow Henry's account says 10th of February. Christina was N.C. Schow's daughter, and was in this group. I.W.S.) "On the 20th, the 'Jesse Munn' arrived in New Orleans where Larsen made a contract for further transportation of the company to St. Louis, Missouri. On Saturday, the 25th of January, the river journey commenced."
Christina Schow Henry's sketch states that the Schows left Denmark in 1853, "going by sailing vessel to Liverpool, England, and then sailing on the good ship 'Jesse Munn' to New Orleans arriving there the 10th of February, 1854. The voyage was continued up the Mississippi River to Kansas City, Missouri where they remained for a time preparing for the journey across the plains which trip they made in Captain Hans Peter Olsen's company. She walked the entire distance except for two afternoons."
The History of the Scandinavian Mission, p. 88-89, states that the Jesse Munn Company and the Benjamin Adams group merged at Kansas City, Mo. under Captain Hans P. Olsen beginning the trek across the plains on the 9th of May, 1854. There were 69 wagons grouped in ten's. "To each wagon was attached 4 oxen and 2 cows. From 10 to 12 persons were assigned to each wagon." It is obvious why Christina had to walk. They arrived in the Salt Lake Valley the 5th of October, 1854. According to the statistics, Niels Christian Schow included in a list at the back of his title diary, Marie's mother and step father had accompanied the family on the voyage, for he recorded: "Erich Christian From, born 1782 in Aalborg County, Denmark, died 17 June 1854 on the plains. His wife, Kirstine (Rasmusson) From, born Sonechson, her father's sirname, born 1792, Aalborg Country, Denmark, died 26 June 1854. Both were baptized in November, 1850 at Aalborg."
Excerpts from Christina's sketch, "Their first home was made in Bountiful, where they underwent all the trying hardships incident to the settlement of that country, among them the grasshopper wars.
Before they got them a home of their own, they lived in Chris Hyriso's stable. While there, Niels Christian and his two oldest sons pulled the sunflowers and weeds from Hyriso's wheat field for 10 pints of flour a week. During this time, Marie, Christina, Michael and James gathered pig weeds. They stripped the leaves and tender stems and cooked them. Part of them were thickened with flour and baked into bread, using sour milk and slaorotus, which they gathered off the ground, used for soda to raise the bread. They walked a mile twice a week for skimmed milk. The rest of the pig weeds were stewed and used for the bread. This was their food supply for six weeks for a family of 7. Until the field of wheat was ripe, then they pulled it and bound it into bundles; they were allowed to glean the heads of wheat from the edges of the field for their own use. They threshed it with sticks and carried it to a mill where it was ground into flour. From that time on, they were never without flour."
Michael Juel Schow used to tell his family that he did not see how his parents' family could have lived during their hardships without the hard work and helpful spirit of his adopted brother, Chris (Eric Christian).
While at Bountiful (Sessions Settlement), Niels C. Schow married a second wife, Anne (Anderson?). She was born in Denmark in 1822, and died the 7th of December, 1858 at Sessions Settlement, Davis County. The data on Anne, above, except the name Anderson, is taken from the back of N.C. Schow's diary. I do not know the source of "Anderson", it may not be right.
Niels Christian Schow and his wife Marie, took their Endowments on the 19th of March, 1857, at the Endowment House.
On the 13th of October, 1861, Niels C. married his third wife, Anne Marie Kierstine Rassmussen (with Endowments). Anne was born the 3rd of April, 1842 at Galton, Aarhus Country, Denmark. Niels Christina's letters to his son Michael, indicate that there was a loving, harmonious relationship existing in his polygamous family.
The Schows moved to Brigham City, Box Elder County. The History of Box Elder County states, "In the early sixties, Brigham City maintained a good band," and N.C. Schow is listed among the members of it. p. 176.
In the Spring of 1863 the N. C. Schow family joined with a small group of L.D.S. families to found a little town of Mantua in honor of Lorenzo Snow's birthplace in Ohio. This valley was east of Brigham City and was know as "Little Valley" or Box Elder Valley until it was given the name of Mantua. In the Mantua Settlement, N.C. Schow did an important work as the first Superintendent of the L.D.S. Sunday School.
During their years in Box Elder County, the following children were born to N. C. and third wife Anne Marie: Marie Schow, born 3 August 1863 at Brigham City, died 26 October 1863 at Brigham city.
Gedske Schow, born 20 September 1864 at Box Elder Valley.
Niels Christian Schow, born 6 December 1866 at Box Elder Valley. Blessed 10 December by Bro. Rasmus Nielsen.
Some time after the close of the year 1866, Niels Christian Schow and his families moved to Panaca, Lincoln, Nevada to help start this settlement for the church. While they lived there, another child, Anne Schow was born to Anne Marie, the 3rd wife of J.C. Schow. Ann Schow was born the 3rd of April, 1871, and died on the 20th of August, 1871 at Panquitch, Garfield, Utah.
The Henry Family History states that the Schow families were called by the church to help settle Panaca, along with the James and Samuel Henry families and others. Life at Panaca was hazardous because of the bitter oppostition of mobs. "In 1871, the President of the church released the saints from their mission on account of the the bitter opposition of the Pioche miners, and the controversy over the taxes, whether they belonged to Utah or Nevada. He told them they could go wherever they wanted to, but he would like the James and Samuel Henry families, also the N.C. Schow families to go over to Panquitch, on the head of the Sevier River, and help settle that part of Utah. They really wanted to go back to Davis County, but an indication from the President meant the same as a call. So, they made their preparations to move to Panquitch. When they arrived, the women were very discouraged. Cold winters and short growing season made them think it would be next to imposible to live there and rear their families; but that call from the President of the Church helped them to make up their minds to stay on." (From the Henry Family History.)
On the 6th of April, 1873, a son, Louis Rasmusson, was born to Anne Marie and N.C. Schow. He died the 24th of September, 1973 at Panquitch.
Carl Fredrick Schow was born to them the 4th of December, 1864 at Panguitch.
One Anne Henrie Excell writes of what she has heard of her grandfather, N.C. Schow, "I know that Grandpa Schow was their choir leader for some time, and people have told me that he was a good one, and that he was a good tailor also. He had a little table 2 1/2 feet long and a big ___________ sad iron he pressed with. He built the table. It was 1 1/2 feet________. I have it in my home at Panguitch and prize it very much. I also have the irons,. Then Grandpa used to tie and dye yarn, and mother Gedske says it was very pretty."
Two or three times a year, at least, N.C. Schow wrote long, newsy letters to his son, Michael Juel, and Michael's wife, Christina, who had remained at Mantua. These letters reveal much of his personality. He could write interestingly without backbiting or complaining. He always asked to be remembered to old friends. He discussed items of historical interest such as his son Andrew's exploring trips and the establishment of the "United Order". Both of his wives were always mentioned affectionately, and he always showed respect and affection for his in-laws. He frequently expressed concern for getting the temple work done for the dead of the family. He never ceased to admonish his son, Michael, to be loyal to the gospel, and he always urged him to move to southern Utah. His sense of humor was frequently in evidence.
Niels Christian Schow died on the 2nd of February, 1879 at Panguitch, Utah, and was buried in the Panguitch City Cemetary.
By Iris W. Schow, granddaughter of Michael Juel Schow.
Family Tree
Married Marie Christensen, sometimes known as Marie From, because of the use of her step-father's surname. Her name is engraved on the marker as Mary.
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed by Dixon Ferrin Larkin 24 February 2018)
As a child Grandfather walks Aalborg's streets With his Grandma pointing it out to him That the arrow swings on the weather vane To report the wind's most recent whim. The elders come when the fields are white For the harvesting. Now the great sails fill, And the westward wind in the bright sun's wake From newness to newness glides out, until A journey starts where the voyage ends. The wagons roll; Grandpa's young feet plod; And far, and farther behind them lies Old Grandma's grave in the prairie sod. His tough, tanned feet follow kine and plow; The whims of man and of wind are learned; A course is charted; a wife is won; And slowly a farm and a home are earned. The wind blows warm and the wind blows cold; The lean years follow the fat years by; His beleaguered parents bequeath good gifts, The roots of faith and the will to try. The old are gone, but the striplings thrive; And the farm work falls to the willing young. When his call arrives, and he journes back To phrase ancient truths in his childhood's tongue. Dear old Grandpa's steps are slow but firm, As he hoes his hard-earned bit of earth, And our day approaches to take our stand In the ceaseless conflict and prove our worth.
Date of Birth: 9 February 1816
Death Date: 3 February 1879
Age: 38
Company: Hans Peter Olsen Company (1854)
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed by charlesclaytonsaling1 30 August 2014)
The Niels Christensen Anderson Schow Family first heard the gospel preached by Apostle Erastus Snow and Elder George P. *****, who with two other elders were the first Latter Day Saint missionaries in Denmark. On April 13, 1851, the parents, Niels Christensen Anderson Schow and Marie (Pedersdatter) Pedersen, daughter Christena, and sons were baptized by Elder Hans Peter Jensen. In December1853, they left their home and native land for Utah, going by sailing vessel to Liverpool, England, and then sailed on the ship, Jessie Mum to New Orleans arriving there on February 20, 1854. The voyage was continued up the Mississippi river to Kansas City, Missouri where they remained for a time preparing for the journey across the plains. They crossed the plains with an ox team which trip they made in Captain Hans Peter Olsen’s Company. While crossing the plains many had died of cholera among them were the family’s grandmother Kerstine Rasmussen and step-grandfather who died within ten days of each other. Kerstine died on June 26, 1854, step-grandfather, Erik Christian From (1788-1854), must have died about July 6, 1854. They arrived in Salt Lake City on October 5, 1854. Their first home was made at Bountiful, where they underwent all the trying hardships incident to the settlement of that country, among them being the grasshopper wars which the early settlers of the valley had to endure. For weeks they lived on roots and pig weeds, sour milk, and ten pints of flour a week. They lived in Bountiful until about 1859 when the family moved to Brigham City. During this time they suffered great hardships and the Indian troubles kept them in constant fear. Then came the grasshoppers which caused famine and their family of six persons lived for ten weeks on pig weeds, sour milk and ten pints of flour a week. When the wheat and grain that missed destruction was harvested the family gleaned wheat and barley from the field of Brother William Brown and carried it two miles to the Burr Mill to be ground. She said "We have never since been without flour." At some point they moved to Panguitch, Utah because Niels died there February 3, 1879 and Marie died January 7, 1883. Children of Niels Christian Schow: Ira Christian Schow (died in Panguitch,Utah), Andrew Peter Schow (died in Manti, Utah but lived in Escalante, Utah) , Kirstine Rasmine Schow (born and died at age 1 in Denmark), Christena Rasmine Schow Henrie (died in Panguitch, Utah), Michael Juel Schow (died in Mantua, Utah), James Jen Schow (died in Escalante, Utah), and Mary Magdaline Schow (born and died in 1851 in Denmark). Niels Christenen Anderson Schow married Anne Marie Kirstine Rassmussen, on 13 Oct 1861, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed to by karenfisher2 4 October 2013)
Panguitch, February 19th, 1875 Dear son and daughter, As it is long ago that I have written to you, although I have often thought of writing, I will begin to write a few words to you and let you know how we are. We thank you for the last letter that we have received and James Henry received his the 16th of February, and I shall tell you hello from James Henry and Stine that they are very happy to hear from you and see that you are all well, for which we all feel gratefulness. We can also tell you the same. We are all well. There has been a little sickness at Andrue's and James' children, but they are almost over it now. We have got us a little son, but it is hard to raise him as his mother has no milk for him, so it goes slow but he is healthy enough. His name is Carl Frederick. I have sold my team wagon and harness for 370 dollars. I have received some of the payment so I have paid for most of my sewing machine and I am supposed to receive the rest of the payment the 1st of April for the team. By the way, we are all well. Your mother's health is not too good but she is up and goes around among her children and feels well and only wishes to be able to come up and see you again next summer. We all feel well and have the necessities. The harvest has been small here. The frost came too early so most of the seed was killed, but we get along pretty well. We have had an open winter, not much snow. I have had so much tailoring this winter that I have not been able to do it all and much of it I have had to let go. Now about the United Order here in Panguitch. It is started and they are working in it but none of us here have gone in, but Andrue, Christian, and I have gone in with James Henry at Mammoth Spring 15 miles from here and that is no more than 10 miles from Mammoth Spring to the (Hedt of de Severrever - Head of the Severe River) a little higher than this place but a good place for stock, good lumber, good farm country and not quite as cold as it is here judging from what Brother Hatch and several say who have lived there more than a year. They are there where the Co-op sheep herd is. I, Andrue, and Christian have been up there and seen the place and I am satisfied with it. Brother Hatch is elected as President and James Henry, Vice President, and tomorrow the 20th we are going to elect the officers of the board and then go over to Parowan the 1st of March to be qualified. There has been put in as Capital Stock to begin with $50,000 of which 1/4 is put in as bonds that we have put in property for and after the officers are qualified. All our property will be voted into the order. The way we are going to work is that every man will have his stewardship and is responsible for what he owns before The Lord. We follow as much as possible the revelations that are given and do not wish to take away any man's free agency but go by degrees as we can stand it as time goes. We are not going to move up to Mammoth right away but we are going to seed all our land here this summer and raise our grain here and some up there, as much as we can handle and also to build up there so we do not move from here until we have houses to move into up there and we are selling out here when we can. James has not joined yet, but I hope he will. He has sold the one team of his mules, the smallest, for $200, has exchanged his wagon and got a new wagon, the rest in money. Now your mother and I wish with all our hearts that it be possible to see you and your family join the Order with us here, as I think it is right that the family join together, but if that cannot be done we should like to hear anyway that you will join the Order somewhere, as it is very important for us to see our children join the Order and do what The Lord has told us as this is our exaltation. Dear children, let us be faithful and let our thoughts be our one and only, to do what The Lord asks us. Mammoth Spring is the place that President (Jung) Young has counseled Brother Hatch and James Henry to settle when we left (Medovelle) Meadow Valley and he said if we would go and settle this place we would be blessed and Brother Brigham is very happy to hear that we are going to settle it. We feel sorrow to hear there is so much sickness up there and several dead, though we don't know where they are. Tell hello to all our brothers and sisters and friends from us. We wish that The Lord may bless you all. The reason I have not written is that I would wait and see how it would be with the Order and also I have had so much to do. You write that you would like to go in here with us but don't know who you should get away from there. Well, if it is your desire and your free will, we wish that you and your Stine must be united at this point, then I hope ways can be found. If it helps with a team to get here, then I think we can help you and if it is selling out, then do the best you can. We do not look so much for the means as for a good will and I know that you can work and help yourself and what you cannot do, you and every man will be helped when they do their best. That is our Order. To you and your dear wife and children, we send our love from us all. //signed// Niels Christian Schow Write us soon and let us know your circumstances and do not forget to greet all our friends.
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed by charlesclaytonsaling1 19 September 2014)
Panguitch, the 3rd of August 1874 Dear son and daughter, With joy we can tell you that we came home happy and well Saturday the 24th of July without any harm whatsoever, and James came home yesterday and 2nd of August. All are well with the exception of our children, who all have the whooping cough, and it is pretty hard on them, but we hope they will soon get well again. We are happy there was a man who came in here before us and his children had them too, so that we did not get the blame for having the sickness here. It rained almost every day we were on the trip, but the rain was either in front or in the back of us so it did not wet us much, but the road was very muddy where it had rained, but the last day we drove, it rained almost all the time and we were glad to come home. I was quite surprised to see our place for it had rained so much here that the crop, the potatoes, stood so fine, so I hope, if all goes well, we will have a good crop. There is grass here close around, fine, so the cows will grow fat and give plenty of milk, so everything was better than we expected. The United Order has been organized here. Bishop Sevy is president and James Henry first and Hatch second Vice President. These men as well as the other officers are all nominated by the people. I for one have great faith in them, and I believe the rest of the people have the same. I do not hear anything to the contrary, and I believe they will do the best they understand to the satisfaction of the people and as The Lord will give them wisdom. Many of the people have given their pro rata to the order and many will as soon as they can get ready for it. Christian, Andrue, and I have put in our names and will give our pro rata as soon as we can. It has been decided to put up a wool factory as soon as possible and other machineries as Josef A. Young, our president, says that this place is the best to be found on the Seven Rivers for machineries. Now our dear children and all our dear brothers and sisters, how can we repay you for the good way you received us when we were amongst you? It will long stand as a dear memory with us, and the only thing we can pay with an the present time is to pray that the Lord's blessings may be with you both temporally and spiritually. We heard from James and Emma and Niels Anderson's wife were not better which we are sorry for. We wish you will write us soon and let us know how they are as we long very much to hear from them. Tell sister Ingeborg Jensen hello and say we talked with a man from Ritzfield (Richfield?) as they have a house and lot and land there and go into the order. I should tell you hello from your mother. She feels pretty good after the trip, but she has never longed for you as now and especially for your children, and she asks you to kiss them from her. She was glad to see James come home, but she would have been more glad could she have you with her as her heart is with her children. Do not forget to tell hello to P. Christian and Stine P. Jensen and Marie S. Hansen and wife and Damse and R. Nielson and P. Nielson and family and Holler Jensen and family and all good friends and now all our love to you, your dear wife, and your dear children from us. Your father and mother and all your brothers and sisters, //signed// Niels Christian Schow
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed by charlesclaytonsaling1 19 September 2014)
Panguitch, January the 12th, 1874 Dear son and daughter, As it is a long time ago we heard from you and maybe you think we have forgotten you, I will write you a few lines and let you know how we are here. We are all in good health, although your mother is somewhat weak, but she is up and around, so we are alright and we have the necessities and live united. Our desire and longing is to come up to Salt Lake to get our work done for our dead ones, but it is a long way and hindrance always comes in the way for us, but I do hope it may happen this year. I have got one of Hoves sewing machines for 85 dollars, and I have had so much to do tailoring, much more than I could do and that is the reason I have not written before. Andrue and Christian have been busy with their thresher. They have threshed almost 16,000 bushels of grain and have made 300 bushels of grain each of them. I should tell you hello from them all. They are in good health and are fine and the same is the case with James and family. Everybody is fine. The pill James came with from Panaca and gave his wife last spring when he came home has become a big girl who weighed 9 1/2 pounds. She was born the 8th of December 1873. (Annie Hansen Schow had baby girl, Sissie Christina Schow). I suppose you remember Stine wrote about that pill in her letter. I should also tell you hello from her. Circumstances taken into consideration, she is well, but she has got a pill. (Christina Rasmine Schow Henrie had baby boy, James Nathan Henrie on 28 April 1874 in Panguitch.) We are having a pretty hard winter here. James' little daughter came with a terrible snow storm so there was more than a foot of snow and that has stayed on the ground since because of the bad frost we have here, but there is not so much left of the snow now. We are having a pretty hard winter here. James' little daughter came with a terrible snow storm so there was more than a foot of snow and that has stayed on the ground since because of the bad frost we have here, but there is not so much left of the snow now. I hope you will write us again and let us know how things are up there. We hope you are in good health and live united. Last Christmas Eve your mother said that one year ago we had you among us here and she wished she might see the day when you, your wife, and children would be gathered with us, because until then her joy would not be complete. We pray that you will tell hello to all good friends from us. Tell hello to August Nichols and family and thank him for all the letters he writes us. We can hardly get them read through. Our Anne wishes to greet her sister Rasmine. Anne feels sorry that not one in her whole family writes to her and not even has answered her last letter. Tell them all hello from us. Anne is in good health and feels wellbeing with us. Now we send you, your wife, and your little children our love and we wish you all a Happy New Year. May happiness, luck, yes, peace and joy Over crown your honor. God let you this year be blessed Wherever you go. The above is a verse: Gid lykke, held, ja, fred og fryd Maa stedse krone aerens dyd Gud lader eder I dette aar Velsignet vaere hvor I gaar. //signed// Niels Christian Schow Translated by Osa Hansen
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed by charlesclaytonsaling1 19 September 2014)
Panguitch, August the 4th, 1873 Dear Son and Daughter, I take the opportunity to write a few words to you and let you know that we are all well and feel fine and wish to hear from the same from you. We have waited for a long time to hear from you, as you have not written us since you left us, but as yet it has been in vain, so I thought I would write a few words to you. We were almost ready to go to Salt Lake with Andrue and Stine to be baptized for our dead ones in June and then visit you, but then Stine got sick and we had to put off the trip for this time, as we could not do anything without Andrue and Stine, and I don't know if we can go up there this fall, as I am thinking of letting my mules go with the thresher, and by the time they will finish there, I think it will be too late in the year, although it is very much on our minds to get this work done for our dead ones, but we must wait till the time comes. We are beginning to grow old and our health is not so good, but we have the necessities and are alright. We have got a little son since you were here and he is well and growing fine. Your mother and I long very much to see you and our friends up there, although we do have all our children here and that is a great joy to us and a great comfort for us, but we do miss you being here too, but I suppose we can expect our joy to be completed by seeing all our children gathered here. The crop stands pretty good although it has been a very dry summer this year. Today we have had the best rain we have had this summer and I think that if we can only be without frost we will raise double what we raised last year. I should tell you hello from all your brothers. Christian is building a frame house like the one in Panaca. He is building it on his land and expects to move in last part of this week. His land is fenced with lumber and so is Andrue's. Christian has also built a barn there. Christian's and Andrue's fields are fenced separately and they both live there so it is a pretty little place. Jens has dug a well 28 feet deep and they have fine water close to the house. Andrue is digging a well but has to go deeper. He is 34 feet down now, but I think he will have to go deeper as he lives much higher. Jens desires -- if it is possible for him -- to go to Bear Lake this fall with the family to visit, but he has a lot to do here before he can go. I should tell you hello from Stine. She has been very sickly this summer but is better now, all her children are well. By the way, we are all well and feeling fine. Christine Marie, Christian's wife, had a baby girl the 9th of June, your mother's birthday, and she has been named after my mother. Her name is Anne. I should tell you hello from Josef Emile. He was just here now and he said that he was going up to City this fall and if he could get hold of you he would give you a real good pounding for you have forgotten to write to him as you promised him. We wish now that you would write to us and not completely forget us. If we cannot have the opportunity to see you then, let us now and then hear from you. Give our regards to Rasmus Nielsen and family and all good friends and especially do we send you, your wife, and your little children our love. From your mother and Anne and me, your father. //signed// Niels Christian Schow Give our regards to Soren Hansen and wife P. Jensen and wife, P. Chr. Jensen and wife, and August Nichold and Rasmine and all good friends. I wish August would write to us and let us know how everything is in the family.
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed by charlesclaytonsaling1 19 September 2014)
Niels Christian Schow
—By Iris W. Schow, Granddaughter of Michael Juel Schow
[There were some errors and incomplete sections in the copy I have, and I have tried to correct them and make them clear, where possible. If you have an updated version of this article, please e-mail me. -HSS]
Niels Christian Schow - 1
Niels Christian Schow, our ancestor and the
founder of our family in America, was born on the 9th of February, 1816
in Randers, Denmark. He was the son of Anders Jensen Schow who was born
in 1786 in Hobra, Randers, Denmark and Anne Christiansen Ericksen, born
in 1790 in Viborg, Denmark. Niels Christian Schow had one brother,
James, who was born the 3rd of December, 1813.
Of Niels Christian Schow's boyhood, we have no known record, but we do have some letters and records which he wrote. These indicate that he was educated to read and write well in the Danish langugae. He must also have received some instruction in music at some period in his life as he served later as a choir leader and also played in a band. He was skilled in the trade of tailoring clothing, and during his life in Denmark he earned his living at this occupation. His granddaughter, Ane Henry Excell states, "Grandpa used to tie and dye yarn, and it was very pretty, mother (Gedske Schow Henry) wrote."
On the 16th of January, 1836, Niels C. mother died in Viborg County, Denmark. His father died in the Spring of 1847, in Aalborg County, and his brother, James, died the 23rd of April, 1848 in Slesvich, so there is no record that any of his immediate family were still living at the time of his conversion to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Niels C Schow's first wife was Marie Pedersen, daughter of Kirstine Rasmussen and Peter Fredericksen, and step daughter of Erik Christian From. She was born on the 10th of June, 1809 at Gug, South Tranders, Aalborg, Denmark.
The children of this family who were born before their conversion were: Erich (Ira) Christian From Schow born 7 October 1837 in Aalborg, Denmark. (Marie's step brother, adopted by Niels C. Show.) Anders (Andrew) Peter Schow born 2 November 1839 in Aalborg, Denmark. Kirstine Rasmine Schow born 1 January 1842 in Aalborg, Denmark, died 5 October 1843 in Aalborg, Denmark. Kirstine Rasmine Schow (Christena) born 19 January 1844 in Aalborg, Denmark. Michael Juel Schow born 16 September 1845 in Aalborg, Denmark. Jens (James) Schow born 12 September 1848 in Aalborg, Denmark, died 23 February 1932.
Before the coming of the Mormon missionaries, according to The History Of The Scandinavian Mission by Andrew Jensen, "In Aalborg, as well as in Copenhagen, there were in 1850, quite a number of Baptists who seemed to be very sincere in their worship, and the success following the preaching of the gospel in the capital city of Denmark was undoubtedly the main reason why the attention of the first elders was drawn to the same class of people in the city of Aalborg. Among the leading Baptists in the city of Aalborg was Hans Peter Jensen, the owner of a large and mechanical establishment in Norre Sundby. He was also 'Forestander' or President of the Baptists in Aalborg and vicinity. This Mr. Jensen and other influential Baptists were endeavoring to adjust some differences of opinion existing among the members of that denomination concerning certain doctrinal points when Elder George Parker *****, unexpectedly to them, arrived in Aalborg.
This was the situation in Aalborg when Elder Dykes arrived. William Niels Schow, son of Michael Juel Schow, told Iris W. Schow the following account of the conversion of Niels Christian Schow to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, as he remembered having heard it in his family. Niels C. Schow and his freind Hans Peter Jensen, went to the meeting held by the Elders in Aalborg. They made up their minds they would get the missionary into the Jensen home and show him where he was wrong. Hans Peter Jensen invited the missionary to dinner, and Niels C. Schow hastened to get his own dinner over with and rush to the Jensen home. When he arrived, H.P. Jensen was sitting leaning his head on his hand and listening intently, while the missionary was doing all the talking. Niels Christian could see that Hans Peter was being convinced by the missionary. He did not last long himself in the discussion that followed. The two friends were converted, and they and their wives were among the first eight baptized in Aalborg."
Continuing to quote from The History Of The Scandinavian Mission, p. 17, col. 1, "Mr. Jensen became one of the first converts, and he together with his wife, Sarah Josephine Katrine Jensen, and six others were baptised 27 Octover 1850, as the first fruits of the gospel in the privince of North Jutland. The names of the other six were: Niels Christian Schow and wife Marie, Cle Cristian Nielsen and wife Elsa Katrine, and Hans Frederik Petersen and wife Helene Matilde. Some of these first converts in Aalborg subsequently became prominent and active in the church, especially Hans Peter Jensen."
Niels Christian Schow's wife's mother and step father, Kirstine Sonichsen and Erich Christian From were baptised in November of 1850 in Aalorg. (From N.C.Schow's own record).
According to the history book quoted from, there were about 100 church members in Copenhagen and 30 in Aalborg and vicinity by the end of 1850. "Twelve of the brethern had been ordained to the lesser Priesthood, 10 in Copenhagen and 2 in the Aalborg branch. In the Aalborg branch the Priesthood consisted of Priest Hans Peter Jensen and Teacher Niels Christian Schow. So Niels Christian Schow then was one of the first 12 converts of Denmark to hold the Priesthood. (p. 20) On the 4th of January, 1852, the first conference to be held in Aalborg convened. Niels C. Schow was ordained an elder and appointed to preside over the Aalborg Branch. His friend, Brother Jensen became president of the new Vendayssel Branch. Soon after, 30 persons were added to the church in Aalborg." (p. 44) "On Thursday the 12th of August 1852, the fourth general conference of the Scandinavian Mission convened in Copenhagen. The saints in Vendsyssel were organized as the Vendsyssel Conference with Elder Niels Christian Schow as President." (p. 60)
On the 13th of September 1851 Marie's last baby, Mary Maddalene Schow was born dead at Aalborg. This indicates that the family was probably still living in Aalborg at that time.
Just when the Niels C. Schow's missionary work for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints began we do not know, but he kept a brief diary beginning with 1 January 1853 which indicates that he was doing missionary work at that time in the area north of Aalborg which is cut off from the rest of the Jutland Penninsula by the Fjord of Limfjorden.
A few excerpts from N.C. Schow's missionary diary follow: "8 January I visited the saints, and I found much contention among them. We had a baptismal meeting in the evening, and I spoke to them with much power, and they all prayed and humbled themselves. Friday, 14 January I baptized 9 persons at noon. We held baptismal services (confirmation) in the evening . . . and all went well and peaceful."
The next portion is the most adventurous experience he recorded: "Thursday, 3 February I was in Hjerring and had a prayer meeting scheduled which was not held. I had earlier spoken with a miller apprentice who had been baptized, but had fallen away from the truth and its light, and he spoke with scornful force. He was dead to prayer and to the gospel. On the 4th of February I traveled to Oster to . . . . . . . We were commanded to preach, where upon I stood forth and bore my testimony, but was soon interrupted. We were threatened, and they stood up against us. They twisted branches from trees and chased us. Whereupon we hurriedly hid ourselves but they searched for us in the barn, the stable, and the loft. They got a lantern to aid in their search; in the loft they first found F. Gottredsen who they dragged and buffeted among them. They said he should be baptized with three firebrands, whereupon they led him to Oster-aa (aa means creek) and threw him in. Then they found Bro. Steffen Christensen whom they treated the same way. And then they found me and treated me likewise. After throwing me around several times, they at last flung me into Oster-aa, and I immediately rose and fled to ............ where I arrived at half past eleven in the evening."
Of a local conference at Aalborg (27 and 28 March) on Sunday N.C. Schow wrote, "Everything went friendly and well," (an expression he ofter used.) His modesty is shown in his account of the conference he attended at Copenhagen, of which he wrote: "Wendnesday, 30th of March I traveled in company with Brothers Larsen, etc. to Copenhagen where we arrived at 6:00 on the 5th of April . . . . . and Wednesday the 6th attended conference there . . . . Many speeches were made by the Brethern of the Priesthood." Yet on pages 76-77 of the History Of The Scandinavian Mission was opened in Copenhagen, Denmark it being the 23rd anniversary of the organization of the Church. The first meeting commenced at 10:00 and after the opening exercises, President Williard Snow gave the Elders who presided over the different conferences an opportunity to report. Elder N. C. Schow, president of the Vondsyssel conference, J. Larsen, president of the Aalborg conference, and Elder Anders Andersen, president of the Fredericia conference. They reported their labors and the progress made in their respective Conferences, as well as the condition of the saints . . . . . The gospel had spread throughout the land, and missionaries had gone as far North as Skagen, the Northern most point of Jutland, and everywhere the message declared by the Elders caused a great stir among the population. . . . All the speakers admonished the saints to be humble and faithful. "We have suffered long enough," said Elder Snow, "and we ought to rejoice now, that we can suffer for the sake of Christ." Elder Snow is the only speaker at the conference and many topics were explained to friends of the Church. Everything went off friendly, and the conference closed April 10th.
Wednesday the 13th I traveled in company with the Brethern from Zion, Haagon, Pedersen, Larsen, Bolm, Tommoson, from Copenhagen via Aarhus to Aalborg and arrived there on the 15th where I stayed at home with my family and enjoyed visiting among the saints until the 24th."
Another quotation from the N.C. Schow diary illustrates the man's zeal in the gospel and his happy home life: "Tuesday the 3rd of May I held a meeting at Brother Niels Christian's where most of the saints were present. The spirit of the Lord was with those assembled and all were happy in the Lord. I left there in the afternoon at 2:00 and arrived at ......havn in the evening about half past eight. There to my great joy, my wife met me."
Of Niels Christian Schow's boyhood, we have no known record, but we do have some letters and records which he wrote. These indicate that he was educated to read and write well in the Danish langugae. He must also have received some instruction in music at some period in his life as he served later as a choir leader and also played in a band. He was skilled in the trade of tailoring clothing, and during his life in Denmark he earned his living at this occupation. His granddaughter, Ane Henry Excell states, "Grandpa used to tie and dye yarn, and it was very pretty, mother (Gedske Schow Henry) wrote."
On the 16th of January, 1836, Niels C. mother died in Viborg County, Denmark. His father died in the Spring of 1847, in Aalborg County, and his brother, James, died the 23rd of April, 1848 in Slesvich, so there is no record that any of his immediate family were still living at the time of his conversion to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Niels C Schow's first wife was Marie Pedersen, daughter of Kirstine Rasmussen and Peter Fredericksen, and step daughter of Erik Christian From. She was born on the 10th of June, 1809 at Gug, South Tranders, Aalborg, Denmark.
The children of this family who were born before their conversion were: Erich (Ira) Christian From Schow born 7 October 1837 in Aalborg, Denmark. (Marie's step brother, adopted by Niels C. Show.) Anders (Andrew) Peter Schow born 2 November 1839 in Aalborg, Denmark. Kirstine Rasmine Schow born 1 January 1842 in Aalborg, Denmark, died 5 October 1843 in Aalborg, Denmark. Kirstine Rasmine Schow (Christena) born 19 January 1844 in Aalborg, Denmark. Michael Juel Schow born 16 September 1845 in Aalborg, Denmark. Jens (James) Schow born 12 September 1848 in Aalborg, Denmark, died 23 February 1932.
Before the coming of the Mormon missionaries, according to The History Of The Scandinavian Mission by Andrew Jensen, "In Aalborg, as well as in Copenhagen, there were in 1850, quite a number of Baptists who seemed to be very sincere in their worship, and the success following the preaching of the gospel in the capital city of Denmark was undoubtedly the main reason why the attention of the first elders was drawn to the same class of people in the city of Aalborg. Among the leading Baptists in the city of Aalborg was Hans Peter Jensen, the owner of a large and mechanical establishment in Norre Sundby. He was also 'Forestander' or President of the Baptists in Aalborg and vicinity. This Mr. Jensen and other influential Baptists were endeavoring to adjust some differences of opinion existing among the members of that denomination concerning certain doctrinal points when Elder George Parker *****, unexpectedly to them, arrived in Aalborg.
This was the situation in Aalborg when Elder Dykes arrived. William Niels Schow, son of Michael Juel Schow, told Iris W. Schow the following account of the conversion of Niels Christian Schow to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, as he remembered having heard it in his family. Niels C. Schow and his freind Hans Peter Jensen, went to the meeting held by the Elders in Aalborg. They made up their minds they would get the missionary into the Jensen home and show him where he was wrong. Hans Peter Jensen invited the missionary to dinner, and Niels C. Schow hastened to get his own dinner over with and rush to the Jensen home. When he arrived, H.P. Jensen was sitting leaning his head on his hand and listening intently, while the missionary was doing all the talking. Niels Christian could see that Hans Peter was being convinced by the missionary. He did not last long himself in the discussion that followed. The two friends were converted, and they and their wives were among the first eight baptized in Aalborg."
Continuing to quote from The History Of The Scandinavian Mission, p. 17, col. 1, "Mr. Jensen became one of the first converts, and he together with his wife, Sarah Josephine Katrine Jensen, and six others were baptised 27 Octover 1850, as the first fruits of the gospel in the privince of North Jutland. The names of the other six were: Niels Christian Schow and wife Marie, Cle Cristian Nielsen and wife Elsa Katrine, and Hans Frederik Petersen and wife Helene Matilde. Some of these first converts in Aalborg subsequently became prominent and active in the church, especially Hans Peter Jensen."
Niels Christian Schow's wife's mother and step father, Kirstine Sonichsen and Erich Christian From were baptised in November of 1850 in Aalorg. (From N.C.Schow's own record).
According to the history book quoted from, there were about 100 church members in Copenhagen and 30 in Aalborg and vicinity by the end of 1850. "Twelve of the brethern had been ordained to the lesser Priesthood, 10 in Copenhagen and 2 in the Aalborg branch. In the Aalborg branch the Priesthood consisted of Priest Hans Peter Jensen and Teacher Niels Christian Schow. So Niels Christian Schow then was one of the first 12 converts of Denmark to hold the Priesthood. (p. 20) On the 4th of January, 1852, the first conference to be held in Aalborg convened. Niels C. Schow was ordained an elder and appointed to preside over the Aalborg Branch. His friend, Brother Jensen became president of the new Vendayssel Branch. Soon after, 30 persons were added to the church in Aalborg." (p. 44) "On Thursday the 12th of August 1852, the fourth general conference of the Scandinavian Mission convened in Copenhagen. The saints in Vendsyssel were organized as the Vendsyssel Conference with Elder Niels Christian Schow as President." (p. 60)
On the 13th of September 1851 Marie's last baby, Mary Maddalene Schow was born dead at Aalborg. This indicates that the family was probably still living in Aalborg at that time.
Just when the Niels C. Schow's missionary work for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints began we do not know, but he kept a brief diary beginning with 1 January 1853 which indicates that he was doing missionary work at that time in the area north of Aalborg which is cut off from the rest of the Jutland Penninsula by the Fjord of Limfjorden.
A few excerpts from N.C. Schow's missionary diary follow: "8 January I visited the saints, and I found much contention among them. We had a baptismal meeting in the evening, and I spoke to them with much power, and they all prayed and humbled themselves. Friday, 14 January I baptized 9 persons at noon. We held baptismal services (confirmation) in the evening . . . and all went well and peaceful."
The next portion is the most adventurous experience he recorded: "Thursday, 3 February I was in Hjerring and had a prayer meeting scheduled which was not held. I had earlier spoken with a miller apprentice who had been baptized, but had fallen away from the truth and its light, and he spoke with scornful force. He was dead to prayer and to the gospel. On the 4th of February I traveled to Oster to . . . . . . . We were commanded to preach, where upon I stood forth and bore my testimony, but was soon interrupted. We were threatened, and they stood up against us. They twisted branches from trees and chased us. Whereupon we hurriedly hid ourselves but they searched for us in the barn, the stable, and the loft. They got a lantern to aid in their search; in the loft they first found F. Gottredsen who they dragged and buffeted among them. They said he should be baptized with three firebrands, whereupon they led him to Oster-aa (aa means creek) and threw him in. Then they found Bro. Steffen Christensen whom they treated the same way. And then they found me and treated me likewise. After throwing me around several times, they at last flung me into Oster-aa, and I immediately rose and fled to ............ where I arrived at half past eleven in the evening."
Of a local conference at Aalborg (27 and 28 March) on Sunday N.C. Schow wrote, "Everything went friendly and well," (an expression he ofter used.) His modesty is shown in his account of the conference he attended at Copenhagen, of which he wrote: "Wendnesday, 30th of March I traveled in company with Brothers Larsen, etc. to Copenhagen where we arrived at 6:00 on the 5th of April . . . . . and Wednesday the 6th attended conference there . . . . Many speeches were made by the Brethern of the Priesthood." Yet on pages 76-77 of the History Of The Scandinavian Mission was opened in Copenhagen, Denmark it being the 23rd anniversary of the organization of the Church. The first meeting commenced at 10:00 and after the opening exercises, President Williard Snow gave the Elders who presided over the different conferences an opportunity to report. Elder N. C. Schow, president of the Vondsyssel conference, J. Larsen, president of the Aalborg conference, and Elder Anders Andersen, president of the Fredericia conference. They reported their labors and the progress made in their respective Conferences, as well as the condition of the saints . . . . . The gospel had spread throughout the land, and missionaries had gone as far North as Skagen, the Northern most point of Jutland, and everywhere the message declared by the Elders caused a great stir among the population. . . . All the speakers admonished the saints to be humble and faithful. "We have suffered long enough," said Elder Snow, "and we ought to rejoice now, that we can suffer for the sake of Christ." Elder Snow is the only speaker at the conference and many topics were explained to friends of the Church. Everything went off friendly, and the conference closed April 10th.
Wednesday the 13th I traveled in company with the Brethern from Zion, Haagon, Pedersen, Larsen, Bolm, Tommoson, from Copenhagen via Aarhus to Aalborg and arrived there on the 15th where I stayed at home with my family and enjoyed visiting among the saints until the 24th."
Another quotation from the N.C. Schow diary illustrates the man's zeal in the gospel and his happy home life: "Tuesday the 3rd of May I held a meeting at Brother Niels Christian's where most of the saints were present. The spirit of the Lord was with those assembled and all were happy in the Lord. I left there in the afternoon at 2:00 and arrived at ......havn in the evening about half past eight. There to my great joy, my wife met me."
Family Tree
Niels Christian Schow - 2
N.C. Schow's diary continues until 2 June 1853. In it he recorded many day to day accounts of meetings held and his personal efforts to settle differences among the saints.
"On the afternoon of 22 Dec 1853, states The History Of The Scandivavian Mission, p 87, "the first company of the season, the third emigrating company of saints from Scandinavia, to sail from Copenhagen on board the steamship, 'Slesvig' (301 souls) under the presidency of Christian J. Larsen ..... by way of Kiel, Gluckstadt, and Hull, the emigrants reached Liverpool, England on the 28th of December. On the first of January, 1854, they went on board the ship, 'Jesse Munn', chartered by the presidency in Liverpool for the transportation of the Scandinavian Saints. The company sailed from Liverpool on 13 January 1854, and after a prosperous voyage, arrived at the mouth of the Mississippi River on the 16th of January." (The History says 16 January, but someone has written in ink, "February" in the copy in the Brigham City Library, and Christina Schow Henry's account says 10th of February. Christina was N.C. Schow's daughter, and was in this group. I.W.S.) "On the 20th, the 'Jesse Munn' arrived in New Orleans where Larsen made a contract for further transportation of the company to St. Louis, Missouri. On Saturday, the 25th of January, the river journey commenced."
Christina Schow Henry's sketch states that the Schows left Denmark in 1853, "going by sailing vessel to Liverpool, England, and then sailing on the good ship 'Jesse Munn' to New Orleans arriving there the 10th of February, 1854. The voyage was continued up the Mississippi River to Kansas City, Missouri where they remained for a time preparing for the journey across the plains which trip they made in Captain Hans Peter Olsen's company. She walked the entire distance except for two afternoons."
The History of the Scandinavian Mission, p. 88-89, states that the Jesse Munn Company and the Benjamin Adams group merged at Kansas City, Mo. under Captain Hans P. Olsen beginning the trek across the plains on the 9th of May, 1854. There were 69 wagons grouped in ten's. "To each wagon was attached 4 oxen and 2 cows. From 10 to 12 persons were assigned to each wagon." It is obvious why Christina had to walk. They arrived in the Salt Lake Valley the 5th of October, 1854. According to the statistics, Niels Christian Schow included in a list at the back of his title diary, Marie's mother and step father had accompanied the family on the voyage, for he recorded: "Erich Christian From, born 1782 in Aalborg County, Denmark, died 17 June 1854 on the plains. His wife, Kirstine (Rasmusson) From, born Sonechson, her father's sirname, born 1792, Aalborg Country, Denmark, died 26 June 1854. Both were baptized in November, 1850 at Aalborg."
Excerpts from Christina's sketch, "Their first home was made in Bountiful, where they underwent all the trying hardships incident to the settlement of that country, among them the grasshopper wars.
Before they got them a home of their own, they lived in Chris Hyriso's stable. While there, Niels Christian and his two oldest sons pulled the sunflowers and weeds from Hyriso's wheat field for 10 pints of flour a week. During this time, Marie, Christina, Michael and James gathered pig weeds. They stripped the leaves and tender stems and cooked them. Part of them were thickened with flour and baked into bread, using sour milk and slaorotus, which they gathered off the ground, used for soda to raise the bread. They walked a mile twice a week for skimmed milk. The rest of the pig weeds were stewed and used for the bread. This was their food supply for six weeks for a family of 7. Until the field of wheat was ripe, then they pulled it and bound it into bundles; they were allowed to glean the heads of wheat from the edges of the field for their own use. They threshed it with sticks and carried it to a mill where it was ground into flour. From that time on, they were never without flour."
Michael Juel Schow used to tell his family that he did not see how his parents' family could have lived during their hardships without the hard work and helpful spirit of his adopted brother, Chris (Eric Christian).
While at Bountiful (Sessions Settlement), Niels C. Schow married a second wife, Anne (Anderson?). She was born in Denmark in 1822, and died the 7th of December, 1858 at Sessions Settlement, Davis County. The data on Anne, above, except the name Anderson, is taken from the back of N.C. Schow's diary. I do not know the source of "Anderson", it may not be right.
Niels Christian Schow and his wife Marie, took their Endowments on the 19th of March, 1857, at the Endowment House.
On the 13th of October, 1861, Niels C. married his third wife, Anne Marie Kierstine Rassmussen (with Endowments). Anne was born the 3rd of April, 1842 at Galton, Aarhus Country, Denmark. Niels Christina's letters to his son Michael, indicate that there was a loving, harmonious relationship existing in his polygamous family.
The Schows moved to Brigham City, Box Elder County. The History of Box Elder County states, "In the early sixties, Brigham City maintained a good band," and N.C. Schow is listed among the members of it. p. 176.
In the Spring of 1863 the N. C. Schow family joined with a small group of L.D.S. families to found a little town of Mantua in honor of Lorenzo Snow's birthplace in Ohio. This valley was east of Brigham City and was know as "Little Valley" or Box Elder Valley until it was given the name of Mantua. In the Mantua Settlement, N.C. Schow did an important work as the first Superintendent of the L.D.S. Sunday School.
During their years in Box Elder County, the following children were born to N. C. and third wife Anne Marie: Marie Schow, born 3 August 1863 at Brigham City, died 26 October 1863 at Brigham city.
Gedske Schow, born 20 September 1864 at Box Elder Valley.
Niels Christian Schow, born 6 December 1866 at Box Elder Valley. Blessed 10 December by Bro. Rasmus Nielsen.
Some time after the close of the year 1866, Niels Christian Schow and his families moved to Panaca, Lincoln, Nevada to help start this settlement for the church. While they lived there, another child, Anne Schow was born to Anne Marie, the 3rd wife of J.C. Schow. Ann Schow was born the 3rd of April, 1871, and died on the 20th of August, 1871 at Panquitch, Garfield, Utah.
The Henry Family History states that the Schow families were called by the church to help settle Panaca, along with the James and Samuel Henry families and others. Life at Panaca was hazardous because of the bitter oppostition of mobs. "In 1871, the President of the church released the saints from their mission on account of the the bitter opposition of the Pioche miners, and the controversy over the taxes, whether they belonged to Utah or Nevada. He told them they could go wherever they wanted to, but he would like the James and Samuel Henry families, also the N.C. Schow families to go over to Panquitch, on the head of the Sevier River, and help settle that part of Utah. They really wanted to go back to Davis County, but an indication from the President meant the same as a call. So, they made their preparations to move to Panquitch. When they arrived, the women were very discouraged. Cold winters and short growing season made them think it would be next to imposible to live there and rear their families; but that call from the President of the Church helped them to make up their minds to stay on." (From the Henry Family History.)
On the 6th of April, 1873, a son, Louis Rasmusson, was born to Anne Marie and N.C. Schow. He died the 24th of September, 1973 at Panquitch.
Carl Fredrick Schow was born to them the 4th of December, 1864 at Panguitch.
One Anne Henrie Excell writes of what she has heard of her grandfather, N.C. Schow, "I know that Grandpa Schow was their choir leader for some time, and people have told me that he was a good one, and that he was a good tailor also. He had a little table 2 1/2 feet long and a big ___________ sad iron he pressed with. He built the table. It was 1 1/2 feet________. I have it in my home at Panguitch and prize it very much. I also have the irons,. Then Grandpa used to tie and dye yarn, and mother Gedske says it was very pretty."
Two or three times a year, at least, N.C. Schow wrote long, newsy letters to his son, Michael Juel, and Michael's wife, Christina, who had remained at Mantua. These letters reveal much of his personality. He could write interestingly without backbiting or complaining. He always asked to be remembered to old friends. He discussed items of historical interest such as his son Andrew's exploring trips and the establishment of the "United Order". Both of his wives were always mentioned affectionately, and he always showed respect and affection for his in-laws. He frequently expressed concern for getting the temple work done for the dead of the family. He never ceased to admonish his son, Michael, to be loyal to the gospel, and he always urged him to move to southern Utah. His sense of humor was frequently in evidence.
Niels Christian Schow died on the 2nd of February, 1879 at Panguitch, Utah, and was buried in the Panguitch City Cemetary.
By Iris W. Schow, granddaughter of Michael Juel Schow.
Family Tree
Married Marie Christensen, sometimes known as Marie From, because of the use of her step-father's surname. Her name is engraved on the marker as Mary.
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed by Dixon Ferrin Larkin 24 February 2018)
As a child Grandfather walks Aalborg's streets With his Grandma pointing it out to him That the arrow swings on the weather vane To report the wind's most recent whim. The elders come when the fields are white For the harvesting. Now the great sails fill, And the westward wind in the bright sun's wake From newness to newness glides out, until A journey starts where the voyage ends. The wagons roll; Grandpa's young feet plod; And far, and farther behind them lies Old Grandma's grave in the prairie sod. His tough, tanned feet follow kine and plow; The whims of man and of wind are learned; A course is charted; a wife is won; And slowly a farm and a home are earned. The wind blows warm and the wind blows cold; The lean years follow the fat years by; His beleaguered parents bequeath good gifts, The roots of faith and the will to try. The old are gone, but the striplings thrive; And the farm work falls to the willing young. When his call arrives, and he journes back To phrase ancient truths in his childhood's tongue. Dear old Grandpa's steps are slow but firm, As he hoes his hard-earned bit of earth, And our day approaches to take our stand In the ceaseless conflict and prove our worth.
Date of Birth: 9 February 1816
Death Date: 3 February 1879
Age: 38
Company: Hans Peter Olsen Company (1854)
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed by charlesclaytonsaling1 30 August 2014)
The Niels Christensen Anderson Schow Family first heard the gospel preached by Apostle Erastus Snow and Elder George P. *****, who with two other elders were the first Latter Day Saint missionaries in Denmark. On April 13, 1851, the parents, Niels Christensen Anderson Schow and Marie (Pedersdatter) Pedersen, daughter Christena, and sons were baptized by Elder Hans Peter Jensen. In December1853, they left their home and native land for Utah, going by sailing vessel to Liverpool, England, and then sailed on the ship, Jessie Mum to New Orleans arriving there on February 20, 1854. The voyage was continued up the Mississippi river to Kansas City, Missouri where they remained for a time preparing for the journey across the plains. They crossed the plains with an ox team which trip they made in Captain Hans Peter Olsen’s Company. While crossing the plains many had died of cholera among them were the family’s grandmother Kerstine Rasmussen and step-grandfather who died within ten days of each other. Kerstine died on June 26, 1854, step-grandfather, Erik Christian From (1788-1854), must have died about July 6, 1854. They arrived in Salt Lake City on October 5, 1854. Their first home was made at Bountiful, where they underwent all the trying hardships incident to the settlement of that country, among them being the grasshopper wars which the early settlers of the valley had to endure. For weeks they lived on roots and pig weeds, sour milk, and ten pints of flour a week. They lived in Bountiful until about 1859 when the family moved to Brigham City. During this time they suffered great hardships and the Indian troubles kept them in constant fear. Then came the grasshoppers which caused famine and their family of six persons lived for ten weeks on pig weeds, sour milk and ten pints of flour a week. When the wheat and grain that missed destruction was harvested the family gleaned wheat and barley from the field of Brother William Brown and carried it two miles to the Burr Mill to be ground. She said "We have never since been without flour." At some point they moved to Panguitch, Utah because Niels died there February 3, 1879 and Marie died January 7, 1883. Children of Niels Christian Schow: Ira Christian Schow (died in Panguitch,Utah), Andrew Peter Schow (died in Manti, Utah but lived in Escalante, Utah) , Kirstine Rasmine Schow (born and died at age 1 in Denmark), Christena Rasmine Schow Henrie (died in Panguitch, Utah), Michael Juel Schow (died in Mantua, Utah), James Jen Schow (died in Escalante, Utah), and Mary Magdaline Schow (born and died in 1851 in Denmark). Niels Christenen Anderson Schow married Anne Marie Kirstine Rassmussen, on 13 Oct 1861, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.
Found on FamilySearch.org (contributed to by karenfisher2 4 October 2013)
I am a descendant of Neils Christian Schow through the Marriage of Ann Rasmussin. We have original pictures of Neils, Ann, and other relatives that might be of interest to those who follow the blog. How do we submit information to this blog? I can be contacted at schowbill@gmail.com Thank you