Brigham City Cemetery

Michael Juel Schow holding twins Sterling and Stanley Schow

Michael Juel Schow and Christina Hansen
May 12, 1925, Mantua, Utah
Funeral services for Michael J. Schow, former bishop of Mantua, who died last Wednesday were held at the Mantua ward chapel Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, under the direction of Bishop Conrad Jeppson. The spacious meeting house was filled to capacity, and there was a wealth of floral tributes. The services opened by the choir singing, "How Firm a Foundation." Prayer was offered by Patriarch E. P. Cordon of Willard, after which the choir sang "Sweet Hour of Prayer." The speakers were C. M. Jensen, A. E. Jensen, Nels Madsen, Hyrum Hansen, Patriarch Denmark Jensen, P. O. Hansen, Patriarch E. P. Cordon, Patriarch Brigham Wright, Pres Wm. C. Horsley and Bishop Conrad Jeppson. The special musical program included the solos, "Leave It With Him," and "I Know That My Redeemer Lives," by Ed Lee. After the closing song by the choir, "Shall We Meet Beyond the River," benediction was pronounced by Alma Jensen. Interment was in the Brigham Cemetery, P. O. Hansen dedicating the grave.
found on ancestry.com
Michael Jewel Schow life
Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia
Volume 4
Stake and Ward Officers
Box Elder Stake
Sederholm, John Carlos
Schow, Michael Juul, Bishop of the Mantua Ward, Box Elder Stake, Utah, from 1899 to 1908, was born September 12, 1845, in Aalborg, Denmark, the son of Niels Christian Schow and Marie From. He was baptized September 16, 1854, in Aalborg, emigrated to Utah in 1854, and located later in Brigham City. He filled a mission to Scandinavia in 1894-1896, was ordained a High Priest February 14, 1897, by Rudger Clawson, and ordained a Bishop November 20, 1899, by Anthon H. Lund, and died May 7, 1925.
found on ancestry.com
From Biography of Ira Michael Schow
Ira Michael Schow's father, Michael Juel Schow "was born 12 September 1845 at Aalborg, Denmark. He came across the plains to Utah with a handcart company at the age of eight, he grew up in Box Elder County and was with the first company of saints to settle in Mantua, Utah. He was Bishop there for many, many years and lived a worthwhile and serviceable life."
"When he (Ira Michael Schow) was yet a boy his father was called on a mission. Dad took over the family farm and helped support his father while in the mission field."
Written by Edna Schow Jones
Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1956 for Michael Joal Schow
Name: Michael Joal Schow
Titles and Terms:
Death Date: 06 May 1925
Death Place: Mantua Precinct, Box Elder, Utah
Estimated Birth Year: 1846
Death Age: 79 years 7 months 20 days
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Race or Color:
Spouse's Name: Christena Hansen
Father's Name: Nels Christian Schow
Father's Titles and Terms:
Mother's Name: Marie From
Mother's Titles and Terms:
Film Number: 2259475
Digital GS Number: 4121333
Image Number: 934
Certificate Number: 44
cause of death: valvular disease of heart, aortic insufficiency, mitral insufficiency.
Occupation: farmer, retired.
found on familysearch.org
United States Census, 1880 for Michael Schow
Name: Michael Schow
Residence: Willard, Box Elder, Utah
Birthdate: 1845
Birthplace: Denmark
Relationship to Head: Self
Spouse's Name: Christina Schow
Spouse's Birthplace: Denmark
Father's Name:
Father's Birthplace: Denmark
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace: Denmark
Race or Color (Expanded): White
Ethnicity (Standardized): American
Gender: Male
Martial Status: Married
Age (Expanded): 35 years
Occupation: Farmer
NARA Film Number: T9-1335
Page: 78
Page Character: A
Entry Number: 268
Film number: 1255335
Household, Gender, Age
Michael Schow, M, 35
Spouse - Christina Schow, F, 36
Child - Mary Ann Schow, F, 11
Child - James T Schow, M, 9
Child - Sucy L Schow, F, 7
Child - Michael P Schow, M, 5
Child - Armena Schow, F, 3
Child - Niels Wm Schow, M, 1
found on familysearch.org
United States Census, 1900 for Michael SchowName: Michael Schow
Titles and Terms:
Residence: Mantua, Calls Fort, Lakeside, Honeyville Precincts, Box Elder, Utah
Birth Date: September 1845
Birthplace: Denmark
Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Spouse: Christine Schow
Spouse's Titles and Terms:
Spouse's Birthplace: Denmark
Father's Titles and Terms:
Father's Birthplace: Denmark
Mother's Titles and Terms:
Mother's Birthplace: Denmark
Race or Color (expanded): White
Head-of-household Name: Michael Schow
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Years Married: 32
Estimated Marriage Year: 1868
Mother How Many Children: 9
Number Living Children: 8
Immigration Year: 1859 for Michael; 1862 for Christine
Enumeration District: 0204
Page: 7
Sheet Letter: A
Family Number: 109
Reference Number: 47
Film Number: 1241682
Image Number: 00192
Household, Gender, Age
Michael Schow, M, 54
Spouse - Christine Schow, F, 46
Child - Anne Schow, F, 22
Child - William C. Schow, M, 20
Child - Ephraim S Schow, M, 19
Child - Elmer C. Schow, M, 16
all can read, write and speak English
found on familysearch.org
Items of Interest About the Michael Juel Schow Family
At age 8, accompanied parents from Denmark to Utah, 1854.
Learned English while working for a British convert, Carlos Loveland, living North of Brigham City.
During the 1860s transported converts to Utah from Omaha.
Certificate of U.S. Citizenship, 19 July 1871.
Mission to Scandinavia, 12 Oct 1894 - 1 Sep 1896.
Bishop's Second Counselor, Mantua Ward, 1898
First Counselor, 1899
Bishop Mantua Ward 1899 - 6 Dec 1908. As Bishop, personally taught after school religion class.
In charge of Mantua sale of War Bonds, World War I.
Died of coronary occlusion.
Found on FamilyTree.org
MICHAEL JUEL SCHOW, Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel 1854
Birth Date: 16 Sep 1845
Death Date: 6 May 1925
Age: 8 when he crossed the plains
Company: Hans Peter Olsen Company (1854)
Pioneer Information: Known as
Schow, Michael Juul, Bishop of the Mantua Ward, Box Elder Stake, Utah, from 1899 to 1908, was born Sept. 12, 1845, in Aalborg, Denmark, the son of Niels Christian Schow and Marie From. He was baptized Sept. 16, 1854, in Aalborg, emigrated to Utah in 1854, and located later in Brigham City. He filled a mission to Scandinavia in 1894-1896, was ordained a High Priest Feb. 14, 1897, by Rudger Clawson, and ordained a Bishop Nov. 20, 1899, by Anthon H. Lund, and died May 7, 1925.
Mikkel Juel Schon on ship's roster
Sources: "Former Mantua Bishop To Be Buried Sunday," Deseret News,I 8 May 1925, 10.
Found on FamilyTree.org
Letter to Michael Juel Schow from his father Niels Christian Schow
Panguitch, August the 4th, 1873 Dear Son and Daughter, I take the opportunity to write a few words to you and let you know that we are all well and feel fine and wish to hear from the same from you. We have waited for a long time to hear from you, as you have not written us since you left us, but as yet it has been in vain, so I thought I would write a few words to you. We were almost ready to go to Salt Lake with Andrue and Stine to be baptized for our dead ones in June and then visit you, but then Stine got sick and we had to put off the trip for this time, as we could not do anything without Andrue and Stine, and I don't know if we can go up there this fall, as I am thinking of letting my mules go with the thresher, and by the time they will finish there, I think it will be too late in the year, although it is very much on our minds to get this work done for our dead ones, but we must wait till the time comes. We are beginning to grow old and our health is not so good, but we have the necessities and are alright. We have got a little son since you were here and he is well and growing fine. Your mother and I long very much to see you and our friends up there, although we do have all our children here and that is a great joy to us and a great comfort for us, but we do miss you being here too, but I suppose we can expect our joy to be completed by seeing all our children gathered here. The crop stands pretty good although it has been a very dry summer this year. Today we have had the best rain we have had this summer and I think that if we can only be without frost we will raise double what we raised last year. I should tell you hello from all your brothers. Christian is building a frame house like the one in Panaca. He is building it on his land and expects to move in last part of this week. His land is fenced with lumber and so is Andrue's. Christian has also built a barn there. Christian's and Andrue's fields are fenced separately and they both live there so it is a pretty little place. Jens has dug a well 28 feet deep and they have fine water close to the house. Andrue is digging a well but has to go deeper. He is 34 feet down now, but I think he will have to go deeper as he lives much higher. Jens desires -- if it is possible for him -- to go to Bear Lake this fall with the family to visit, but he has a lot to do here before he can go. I should tell you hello from Stine. She has been very sickly this summer but is better now, all her children are well. By the way, we are all well and feeling fine. Christine Marie, Christian's wife, had a baby girl the 9th of June, your mother's birthday, and she has been named after my mother. Her name is Anne. I should tell you hello from Josef Emile. He was just here now and he said that he was going up to City this fall and if he could get hold of you he would give you a real good pounding for you have forgotten to write to him as you promised him. We wish now that you would write to us and not completely forget us. If we cannot have the opportunity to see you then, let us now and then hear from you. Give our regards to Rasmus Nielsen and family and all good friends and especially do we send you, your wife, and your little children our love. From your mother and Anne and me, your father. //signed// Niels Christian Schow Give our regards to Soren Hansen and wife P. Jensen and wife, P. Chr. Jensen and wife, and August Nichold and Rasmine and all good friends. I wish August would write to us and let us know how everything is in the family. Found on FamilySearch.org
guitch, January the 12th, 1874 Dear son and daughter, As it is a long time ago we heard from you and maybe you think we have forgotten you, I will write you a few lines and let you know how we are here. We are all in good health, although your mother is somewhat weak, but she is up and around, so we are alright and we have the necessities and live united. Our desire and longing is to come up to Salt Lake to get our work done for our dead ones, but it is a long way and hindrance always comes in the way for us, but I do hope it may happen this year. I have got one of Hoves sewing machines for 85 dollars, and I have had so much to do tailoring, much more than I could do and that is the reason I have not written before. Andrue and Christian have been busy with their thresher. They have threshed almost 16,000 bushels of grain and have made 300 bushels of grain each of them. I should tell you hello from them all. They are in good health and are fine and the same is the case with James and family. Everybody is fine. The pill James came with from Panaca and gave his wife last spring when he came home has become a big girl who weighed 9 1/2 pounds. She was born the 8th of December 1873. (Annie Hansen Schow had baby girl, Sissie Christina Schow). I suppose you remember Stine wrote about that pill in her letter. I should also tell you hello from her. Circumstances taken into consideration, she is well, but she has got a pill. (Christina Rasmine Schow Henrie had baby boy, James Nathan Henrie on 28 April 1874 in Panguitch.) We are having a pretty hard winter here. James' little daughter came with a terrible snow storm so there was more than a foot of snow and that has stayed on the ground since because of the bad frost we have here, but there is not so much left of the snow now. We are having a pretty hard winter here. James' little daughter came with a terrible snow storm so there was more than a foot of snow and that has stayed on the ground since because of the bad frost we have here, but there is not so much left of the snow now. I hope you will write us again and let us know how things are up there. We hope you are in good health and live united. Last Christmas Eve your mother said that one year ago we had you among us here and she wished she might see the day when you, your wife, and children would be gathered with us, because until then her joy would not be complete. We pray that you will tell hello to all good friends from us. Tell hello to August Nichols and family and thank him for all the letters he writes us. We can hardly get them read through. Our Anne wishes to greet her sister Rasmine. Anne feels sorry that not one in her whole family writes to her and not even has answered her last letter. Tell them all hello from us. Anne is in good health and feels wellbeing with us. Now we send you, your wife, and your little children our love and we wish you all a Happy New Year. May happiness, luck, yes, peace and joy Over crown your honor. God let you this year be blessed Wherever you go. The above is a verse: Gid lykke, held, ja, fred og fryd Maa stedse krone aerens dyd Gud lader eder I dette aar Velsignet vaere hvor I gaar. //signed// Niels Christian Schow Translated by Osa Hansen Found on FamilySearch.org
By Iris W Schow, his granddaughter
As a child Grandfather walks Aalborg's streets
With I s Granma pointing it out to him
That the arrow swings on the weather vane
To report the wind's most recent whim.
The elders come when the fields are white
For the harvesting. Now the great sails fill,
And the westward wind in the bright sun's wake
From newness to newness glides out, until
A journey starts where the voyage ends.
The wagons roll; Grandpa's young feet plod;
And far, and farther behind them lies
Old Grandma's grave in the prairie sod.
His tough, tanned feet follow kine and ploy;
The whims of man and of wind are learned;
A course is charted' a wife is won;
And slowly a farm and a home are earned.
The wind blows warm and the wind blows cold;
The lean years follow the fat years by;
His beleaguered parents bequeath good gifts,
The roots of faith and the will to try.
The old age gone, but the striplings thrive;
And the farm work falls to the willing young.
When his call arrives, and he journeys back
To phrase ancient truths in his childhood's tongue.
Dear old Grandpa's step are slow but firm,
As he hoes his hard-earned bit of earth,
And our day approaches to take our stand
In the ceaseless conflict and prove our worth.
Found among pictures belonging to Beth Schow
Michael or Mikkel Juel Schow (also spelled Schou) was born September 16, 1845 in Budolphi Parish, Aalborg, Aalborg, Denmark to Niels Christian Anderson Schow and Marie Kristensen Pedersen.
Michael came to America from Denmark with some missionaries in 1854 when he was nine years old. He was sent on ahead of the rest of the family because children under twelve could travel for one-half fare when crossing the ocean. He lived in Sessions Settlement (Bountiful) with the missionaries' families until his own family could come. When they arrived (The Niels Christian Schow family), they also lived in Bountiful for a short time. Then they were sent to Box Elder County in the early 1860s and then in 1863 to the little valley east of Brigham City known as Mantua. Michael worked for Lovelands on Harper Ward as a boy,
President Brigham Young, in 1860, wanted to "have enough wagons (to) go to the frontiers to bring all the Saints who wish to come here, and it can easily be done, if the people will send back their teams...from this place to the Missouri river in the spring, loading up and returning in the same season."
"He and his counselors, who had considered discontinuing the not-so-popular handcart companies, were encouraged with the possibilities of highly organized, single-season Church-sponsored wagon trains. Such a system would answer the need for a new, efficient, low-cost system of bringing poor Saints to the Great Basin.
"The general plan called for wagon trains to start from Salt Lake City in the spring loaded with food and supplies, cache these provisions at various points along the route for return use, drop off salable surplus Utah goods in the Missouri Valley, pick up Mormon immigrants and machinery, and then return to Utah. This avoided the yearly ritual of Church agents spending tens of thousands of dollars for over-priced supplies, wagons, and draft animals from profiteers at outfitting towns along the Missouri River. It also furthered Brigham Young's oft-stated plan for Mormon self-sufficiency by using only Mormon-owned or Mormon-produced animals and supplies. Of course, increased immigration of Mormons into Utah would ensure their majority status. Indeed, nineteenth-century Mormon belief in an imminent second coming of Christ fostered an ever-increasing desire to gather with fellow Saints"
"To move this plan forward, Church leaders assigned each Latter-day Saint ward (congregation) and settlement throughout the Utah Territory to donate, as they were able, a number of ox teams, wagons, teamsters, supplies and foodstuffs...Each year the call went out in early spring to all the settlements for the needed supplies, wagons, oxen and men. These were then collected and shipped to Salt Lake City to arrive by April."
..."In 1866 ten ox trains were sent east with 397 wagons, 505 men, 3,043 oxen and 250,000 pounds of flour.
"Each captain had a crew of at least one teamster per wagon and 'an assistant (captain), a chaplain, a quartermaster, hospital steward, a camp guard, and a night guard for the stock'. In addition to helping coordinate the donation of supplies, local ward bishops were assigned the yearly duty of selecting men to fill these positions. They were usually unmarried men in their late teens and early twenties. No doubt most of them preferred the adventurous life on the plains to working the farm during the hot, dry months of summer. It also gave these young men a chance to be the first to meet young, unmarried female emigrants. Referred to as the 'boys,' 'Utah boys,' 'Mormon boys' or 'American boys,' they carried a well-earned heroic macho status with the emigrants as well as in their own communities."
In 1866 at the age of 21, Michael, along with some other boys his age, were sent to the Missouri River to get some Danish immigrants who were waiting there. Each of the boys drove an ox team and wagon.
"When the down-and-back teams rolled out from the Salt Lake Valley in late April to early May each year, they were expected to be outfitted so that each wagon had '1 tar can or keg, and at least 1 gallon of wagon grease; 2 good whip lashes...For each teamster, 250 lbs. of flour, 40 lbs. of bacon, 40 lbs. of dried beef (if to be had), as much butter as each chooses and can take safely, 10 lbs,. sugar, 4 lbs. coffee, 1 lb. tea, 4 quarts beans, 1 bar of soap, 4 lbs. yeast cake (or its equivalent in soda, acid or yeast powder); salt enough for teamster and team; 1 good buffalo robe and two good blankets (or their equivalent); one gallon of vinegar...; 2 good pair of boots or shoes, with grease enough to keep them well greased; 3 pair of good pants, 6 shirts, 5 pairs of socks, 3 over shirts, and coats enough for comfort, with needles and thread for mending; 1 good gun (double barred shot gun preferable) with plenty of powder, balls and shop one 2-gallon water can or keg."
"As the 'boys' hit the Mormon trail eastward, they settled into the routine of their individual duties. After the captain, whose words was law, the teamster was probably the next most important position in the success of a wagon company. H needed to be confident and at ease with handling oxen. To be a teamster required the skills to prevent the always-threatening stampedes, pace the oxen to avoid fatigue, and safely guide ox and wagon over rough terrain and through water crossings. His other duties included the nightly check for wheel stress and the greasing of axles. Each morning brought the yoking and hitching of the usually reluctant and uncooperative cattle.
"The 'night guards for the stock' gathered the oxen into a corral each morning after a dusk-to-dawn vigil over the grazing and sleeping animals. During the day, these guards (usually a half-dozen per company) attempted to sleep in the supply-filled, hurky-jerky wagons.
"Among the other responsibilities performed by the team were the quarter-mastering of supplies, mess duties, scouting for danger, and maintaining the spiritual well-being of team members, This pattern continued throughout the down-and-back years.
"However,, all was not work, as Captain (John Riggs) Murdock admitted: 'It generally took about nine weeks to cross the plains, and though it was a laborious trip, we had a great deal of enjoyment out of it. We had musicians with their instruments and would sometimes have what the boys called 'stag dances,' as there were no ladies with us on the 'down' trip. There were always several trains on the road which frequently camped close to ours, so the drivers often mingled with each other and engaged in such contests as wrestling, racing and jumping. I took a great deal of pleasure in such association with the boys.'
"As the companies, varying in size from 70 to 700 individuals, began their journey (back to Salt Lake City), they soon established a routine that would be their daily pattern through Nebraska, Wyoming, and finally into Salt Lake City: The company was called together morning and evening for prayers. In forming camp after the days journey, the wagons were drawn into a circle to form a corral. When the cattle were unyoked, they were given into the care of the herders who took them to the feed which was located by the captain of the guard. There were men appointed every night to guard the camp; this guard was composed of emigrants, while the cattle guard was made up of men (from) Utah...Toward the evening the company would gather buffalo chips with which to cook supper and to make a light. After breakfast and prayers the captain would call out, 'Gather up the cattle.' They were run into the corral to be yoked up; when all was ready to start, only one wagon at a time would leave the circle, no one trying to get ahead or out of his place.'
"Whereas the pioneering wagon trains and handcarts of previous decades averaged between nine and fifteen miles per day, the experienced teamsters of the down-and-back companies could make an impressive twenty miles a day. During the long day, wagon companies took three to four planned breaks to check and maintain wagon axles and wheels and to conserve animal and human strength; a short midmorning break to rest, water, and check draft animals; the two-hour 'nooning' break that allowed emigrants to rest, eat, and unyoke and graze the oxen; and a short afternoon and then an additional late afternoon break that repeated the needs of the morning break. Rather than a luxury, these breaks were necessity for long-haul travel. Emigrants who foolishly pushed too hard ultimately paid the price with crippled for dead animals, broken equipment,, and their own exhaustion - a dangerous combination in the harsh western terrain."
One day when they were coming back over the plains, a girl who was riding in Michael's wagon leaned too far out and fell. Her head was directly in front of the wheel and the wheel was about to run over her head and crush it. Quickly Michael grabbed the wheel and lifted it just as it would have passed over her, She then rolled clear and the team was stopped. They he tried again to lift the heavy wheel but he could not lift it off the ground. So he knew that someone he could not see had helped him lift that wheel. It took three months to make that journey.
"Despite all the work and danger, the emigrants and teamsters managed to have more that a little fun. In the evenings 'the emigrants often had a concert of dance by the light of their campfire.' There were fireside stories, occasional social visits and games between companies and hunting, fishing and climbing. Romance and flirting did not take a break for wagon travel...
"After about two and half months on the trail, the wagon trains arrived in Salt Lake City at intervals in August, September and October...The trains were now disbanded, Borrowed teams, wagons,, and equipment were returned to their owners.,
"The down-and-back system proved very successful in a variety of ways. It brought great numbers of emigrants in a relatively safe, economical, and timely manner. More that 2,500 men guiding an estimated 2,000 wagons by some 17,500 oxen, mules, and horses helped transport approximately 16,000 of the 20,000 emigrants who made their way to Zion between 1861 and 1868. An era was ending as the last Church-organized wagon train entered Salt Lake City in the fall of 1868, while the new era of the 'iron horse' was about to dawn on the horizon of the next year's spring."
Michael married Christina Hansen on February 2, 1868 i the Logan (?) temple, being endowed and sealed that same day. By trade Michael was a farmer. Stine (Christina) Sorensen (Americanized to Hansen) was born April 9, 1843 in Vig Parish, Holbaek, Denmark. She came to Utah at the age of one after leaving Denmark,
Michael was called as a missionary for the church to the Scandinavian countries October 12, 1894 at the age of 49, where he served until his release October 1, 1896.
Later he was sustained as the bishop of Mantua and saw the community develop from the beginning.
Michael died May 6, 1925 in Mantua, Utah and was buried May 9, 1925 in the Brigham City Memorial Park, Box Elder County, Utah.,
This information was given by his son, James Peter Schow, a grandaughter, Iris W. Schow and research by Joyce Schow Terry, great granddaughter of Micahel Juel Schow.
Found on FamilySearch.org, contributed by joyceelizabethterry1 on 24 July 2017. and quoted
Slaughter, William W. and Michael Landon, Trail of Hope, Shadow Mountain, Salt Lake City, 1997, pp. 135-163.
Iris W. Schow (granddaughter):
Grandma Schow churned butter which she sold to a grocery store in Brigham City. She bought butter wrapping paper the right size for a pound of butter and had the printer print her name: "Fresh Ranch Butter, Mrs. M. Schow." The grocer would have a list of customers who wanted her butter and started checking off the names that he had bought enough for.
Grandma paid me 11 cents a week to pump water and sprinkle her flower beds with a sprinkling can three or four times a week so I could have money to follow the weekly episode of the serial movie. The children's tickets were 10 cents plus 1 cent tax.
Someone, usually Grandpa, drove the "surrey with the fringe on top" or the bob sleigh to Brigham to meet visitors who came on the train.
Danford Schow (grandson):
Michael jewel Schow and Christina Hansen Schow lived on a small farm in Mantua where they raised cows, hay and a garden. They lived mostly off the land and income from their milk sales and the butter my grandfather peddled in Brigham City about five miles away. Both were good members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Grandfather Schow was bishop in Mantua Ward for about 15 years as I recall.
Mantua was a very small town of perhaps about two or three hundred families. It had one store, one church (Mormon) and one grade school. High school students were transported to Box Elder High at Brigham City. I remember how happy I was to go to Meatta's (sp?) Store where rice, flour, sugar, etc. was kept in barrels on the floor and stick candy, gum and sugar plums were in candy jars on the counter. It was truly an old-time country store. I also remember I was quite frightened of the creek which ran past our house. I must have been warned of possible dangers. I know we went to church each Sunday where my grandfather was bishop, but I recall very little except a faint remembrance of what the church looked like. It was in Mantua where I saw my first airplane as it flew over the valley. People rushed out of their homes to see it and I remember it frightened me to a state of tears. It was at Mantua that I had my first ride in a car. My Uncle Ephraim had bought a Chevrolet. What a wonderful fun ride down the canyon to Brigham and back that was. It was many years after that until my dad purchased an old Model T. truck.
Ellen Schow Calchera and Ida Schow Blower (granddaughters) August 1986:
Ellen: I'd like to tell you about Grandma's pink bedroom. To me that was the snuggest place in all the world! We usually went there in the winter time and it was cold. The bed was really different than the ones we sleep in now. On the bottom, in the Fall, clean straw was put into a huge "tick," which was a big sack which fit the bed. This tick was all fluffed up, and then on top of the straw tick there was a down tick mattress. You'd just sink down into that cozy little nest and sleep so warm and snug and safe all night.
Ida: Yes, I can kind of remember that!
Ellen: And that pink room was my favorite room, I think, in the whole house. It had some pretty curtains and pink wallpaper.
Ida: The story I like best is when Grandpa used to come and meet you down at the train with the sleigh in the wintertime.
Ellen: We'd come on the train from Westin, and we'd usually come and spend about a week at Grandma's, and Grandpa would come down the canyon and meet us at the train. We were never cold going up the canyon because Grandma would put huge rocks in the oven and get them nice and warm overnight. They were piled on top of the straw, and then some more straw and then some comforters. We'd come all the way up the canyon and it would take, well, as a child, I was impatient, so a little while was a long while. But we were never cold. We were always warm and snug. It was gorgeous going up the canyon to Grandma's. I never could figure out how they could take a sleigh and go up to Paradise up Sardine Canyon. That was impossible! It would take too long. And I was riding down the canyon with Mike (her son Michael Calchera) and I said, "I can remember going over the hill to Paradise on a sleigh." And he said, "Yes, the old road is still there. At the old lime kiln there's a turnoff, and you can still, with a four-wheel drive, make it." I remember that trip. It didn't seem like it took too long. It was beautiful, and you could see the deer running down in the valley. We'd go there to visit Aunt Minnie and Uncle Pete. I remember how beautiful it was with the sun hitting the snow. It was just like diamonds everywhere. And the deer down in the valley, and the quaken asp trees all white without leaves. I wasn't very old, but I'll never forget that. I was glad to find out that that road was there because that had worried me for a long time.
Ida Schow Blower and Beth Schow Stagge (granddaughters) August 1986:
Ida: I remember going up to see Grandma and Grandpa...and that was a rare trip. Grandpa had a car and Uncle Will had a car. Maybe Uncle Eph did too. They'd come down and get us and take us up to Mantua, and when we'd get there Grandpa was always sitting in his big easy chair in the dining room. The dining room was more what we'd call a den, or a TV room, or a family room. It had a big round table and chairs and a big couch and they had a Victola. We'd wind it up at the side and play those records. I can remember they had Lucy Gates. Don't forget Grandpa's peppermints! He always had a little round tin box...
Beth: With a flower of some kind on it...a red flower...
Ida: And he'd always give you a peppermint.
Beth: He did if you would give him a kiss! And he had a great big mustache, and it used to tickle.
Ida: Yes, and they had a big feather bed in the little bedroom, right off the dining room. It wasn't a very big bed, but that mattress must have been four feet thick! It was huge! Or else it was because I was really young, but that bed looked really bug. And the parlor...
Beth: We didn't ever get into that parlor. That was for funerals and Christmas.
Ida: Yes. I went in there once and saw the Christmas tree, and then again when Grandma or Grandpa, I don't know which, died, and we went into the parlor,
Beth: And they tried to get me to kiss them, and I wouldn't, and I went into hysterics!
Ida: And you'd go into the pantry..
Beth: Oh, yes, and that was the most beautiful thing in the world...
Ida: It just smelled so good! And they had a blue and white pan, and it was always filled with milk. They'd skim off the cream and they had coconut and raisins and all the other goodies.
Beth: And Grandma always had pies and cookies, cookies always! I remember cookies and Valentine's Day. Grandma and Aunt Minnie would make a great big batch of Valentine's cookies and bring them down to us. And those cookies were decorated just beautifully. And they tasted out of this world.
Ida: And they had a pump outside of their house and it fascinated me. They didn't have water coming through into the kitchen. They had to go outside and pump the handle up and own to get water,.
Beth: In our genealogy, there's a picture of that pump!
Ida: Remember the post in the front yard? Grandpa then put a wagon wheel on top of it. We called it "Grandpa's Whirly Gig." You'd get on that and ride around.
Beth: Somebody'd push and we'd jump on - just on our bellies, and take a ride.
Ida: I can remember the separator, too, on the back porch.
Beth: Yes, it separated the milk and cream. And once in awhile they's let me ride the "Dolly Horse" to put the hay up.
Ida: They had lots of cats, but they never came in the house. It was beautiful up there. It was a pretty little valley.
Beth: Mantua was originally called "Little Valley," did you know that?
Ida: I don't remember Grandpa Schow - I was too little.
Beth: And I was younger than you, so I don't remember him very well, either, but I do remember Grandma Schow. She was thoughtful and very considerate, and yet she was so stern! She almost frightened a small child. I'm glad I have some recollection of our Grandmother and Grandfather Schow, even if it is very limited. I am proud to call them grandparents. They must have been very wonderful people to have raised a son up to become such a good man as our father was.
Found on FamilySearch.org, contributed by joyceelizabethterry1 on 24 July 2017
In response to a call to go on a mission to Scandinavia, I, Michael Schow left my home on the twelfth day of October 1894. I went direct to Salt Lake City and was set apart by George Reynolds and John Henry Smith. We were also instructed by Brothers Heber J. Grant, Abraham Cannon, John Henry Smith and George Reynolds. Our instructions were how to take care of ourselves and what our duties would be.
October 13 - Bid goodbye to Salt Lake City and take the train for Ogden at 7 in the morning. From there we take the train for the east, traveled all day and all night - arrived in Denver City in the morning of the 14th. All is well. We laid over till one in the afternoon, when we again took our seats in the car and were off for Kansas City, where we arrived the next morning.
October 15 - Tired but well. We laid over all day and spent the day in sight seeing. Kansas City is a large city, population 150 thousand. It is a smokey and a dirty place. I would not like to live in it. We took the train for Chicago in the evening and arrived at 6 o'clock in the morning.
October 16 - Spent the rest of the day in sight seeing. We visited the stockyards where we saw them killing hogs at the rate of 5000 per day, besides thousands of sheep and cattle. They told us that there were 7000 men employed in that institution. It is a large city and we saw many beautiful building. We leave here at eight thirty in the evening.
October 17 - We have been traveling all night and today we are traveling through the states of Ohio and Pennsylvania and tonight we will go through part of New Jersey. We travel so much in the night that we do not get to see the country as I should like to, but the part of the country we did see is very beautiful.
We arrived in Jersey City in the morning of the 18th and took the ferry boat over to the great City of New York. We put up at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. After breakfast we went out to see the sights. The first place we went to see was the Brooklyn Bridge. That was grand and we spent nearly all day there watching the steamboats plowing up and down the river. I tell you it was a grand sight to me. We met the brethren at the hotel that were going to England. There was nine of them, and there were six of us that was going to Denmark. We were soon well acquainted and had a good time together.
On the 19th in the morning we took a stroll down Broadway, then we went down to Central Park and it took us all day to see all the sights there. In the evening we all met at the hotel, in one room, and had prayers, asking the Lord to protect us while we were crossing the great deep.
October 20 - We boarded the steamship Ethiopia at 10:00 a.m. and sailed out of the beautiful harbor of New York, and I felt like asking the Lord to spare all our lives, to return us all well in two years from now. It was a beautiful day and we felt first rate. Retired at 10 p.m. and slept well.
October 21 - A beautiful day; we were all feeling well, the ship is gliding along so smooth that you can hardly feel the motion. Spent the day walking up and down the deck and conversing with one another. Retired feeling well.
October 22 - Waked up this morning with a feeling as if I was lifted up in the air and left there. I got on deck as soon as I could. I was not feeling well; still I was not so sick but what I could laugh at others when they went to feed the fish, but I tell you it was no laughable matter when it comes my turn to feed them. That was the longest day I have ever seen. I could not eat anything and retired early and slept well.
October 23 - The sea was running higher than ever and the most of us was not feeling well. Spent the day on deck. Cannot eat and the days seem awfully long., Retired early and slept well.
October 24 - The sea is running higher than ever and it is too cold to be on deck much of the time, so I have to lay down. I cannot sit up when I cannot be on deck. Cannot eat, but sleep well for which I am thankful.
October 25 - The sea is running higher than ever and it is still cold. I went on deck but did not stay long, don't feel very well.
October 26 - It is no better today; if anything I feel like I had been on the sea long enough - shall be thankful when we see land again.
October 28 - This is the worst day we have had. The waves are running high. I was on deck a little while. It is a grand sight to see the sea when it is wrought up to such fury as it is. Today it is like looking over a country of rough mountains and valleys. There was a wave that washed our deck from one end to the other while I was on deck. There was one of the brethren that was sitting down and I could not see him for water. There are ropes stretched all over the deck, and I was hanging onto one of them for dear life, but I could not help laughing at that brother that was sitting down. It is very cold and I do not feel well, so I have to go and lay down then I feel better. So ends this day - with waves washing over the decks every little while, but we have not to fear for we feel we are in the hands of the Lord and safe.
October 29 - The sea is not as rough today and we are feeling better. Our appetites are getting better and the weather is not so cold. We have spent the most of the day on deck. We expect to see land tomorrow and it will be a welcome sight. Retired feeling much better.
October 30 - The first thing I hear this morning, was we are in sight of land, and it is a fine day. We are not long in getting out of our bunks and dressing ourselves and getting about on deck. We are sailing along the coast of England and land never looked so beautiful to me before. We landed some of our passenger and they said we would not land until the next morning, so we retired for the night, all feeling well and thankful.
October 31 - Waked up this morning and found ourselves landed in the city of Glasgow. We soon got out of the old ship and it was with pleasure that we again trod the firm earth. It was raining when we landed, so we hurried up to the railroad depot and left our grips there. We then went and got our breakfast. It was still raining and we could not go out and see the sights, The city was overhung with a heavy fog and all we could do is stand in shelter and watch the people hurry up and down the streets and their horses are the largest I ever saw. They work them single, when they use two they hitch one ahead of the other and not side and side like we do. We stayed here till one p.m. and then took the train for Liverpool where we arrived at nine o'clock. All well. Some of the brethren met us from the office and bid us welcome. We went to the hotel and had supper and retired for the night.
November 1 - We waked up this morning feeling well after a good night rest on shore. It is still raining. This is an awful dirty smokey city. Seen more dirty women and children on the streets that I ever saw before. We had our breakfast, settled our bill and took the train for Grinsby after bidding farewell to our brethren who were to say here in old England. Away we went, at the rate of fifty miles per hour, and see the last of beautiful country. We arrived in Grinsby about five p.m. and went direct from the train to the steam boat that was to take us over the North Sea. We found it was a dirty old boat loaded with cows. Our sleeping quarters was down in the hold where we were mixed up with all kinds of people. All the bedding there was an old straw tick; also a hard pillow made of straw. We would like to take places with the cows, for they had plenty of good clean straw. We retire with our overcoats on.
November 2 - We got up this morning not feeling very well. The sea is running very high and our ship is pitching in great shape. Peter is feeding the fish and I cannot eat anything. We did not sleep warm and we dreaded the night. I have made friends with one of the sailors and he has promised me some blankets, so I expect to sleep well tonight. We have also made friends with the cook and he is frying fish for us and we are eating a hearty meal. This all had to be done on the sly; if the officers was to find out that the sailors had done anything for us they would lose their places. The sea is not so rough and we are feeling better. Retire expecting to sleep well tonight.
November 3 - After a good night's rest we wake up this morning and found ourselves in Hamburg. A large city, a population of six hundred thousand. We had to pay for an interpreter; the people speak the German language. Our interpreter took us to the custom house where our worldly goods were examined. He then took us to a eating house where we eat our first rye bread. We then took the train for Lubeck where we arrived at noon. We spent the rest of the day here; In the evening we got aboard a beautiful little steam boat and started for Copenhagen.
November 4 - Waked up this morning at daylight when the word came down that we were approaching the beautiful city of Copenhagen. We soon got out expecting to see something grand, but we were disappointed. It was raining and very foggy so we could see only a few rods ahead. We soon landed and knew that we were in Denmark, when we saw the wooden shoes coming on board and heard a language we could understand. We found a man to pilot us and we were soon at the house of R. Christiansen, the old Mormon Hotel in Lille Strand Strede H. 16. We had a good bath, a good breakfast when Brother Christiansen who is the President of the Copenhagen Conference and two other brethren called on us and invited us to attend meeting in the afternoon, which we did. We also attended a meeting in the evening where we met Brother C. Olsen who went with us to the hotel that night.
November 5 - Spent the day in sight seeing and went to a meeting in the evening.
November 6 - Met Brother James Larsen from Smithfield. We have been going from one place of interest to another all day. Brothers C. Olsen and Larsen being our guides. Went to the Kings Theatre that night - very fine.
November 7 - We are still here, waiting for our sentence. Met Peter Jensen and Brother Christiansen from Hyrum and had a good time together. Went to the circus and laughed to our hearts' content.
November 8- Today we received our sentence and it was Norway. We feel kind of chilly.
November 9 - Peter Hansen is not feeling very well. We will not start for Norway till he feels better. There is much to see and I am out with my eyes and ears open, seeing and hearing all I can.
November 10 - We are going out in the country with Olsen and Larsen for a day or two, see if Peter won't get to feeling better.
November 11 - We are in the city called Hillerod, headquarters of Brother Larsen. There are no saints in this city, and all the brethren can do is to go around and give tracts away. Very seldom they can get a chance to bear their testimony to the people. It being Sunday we all went to church and seen a Lutheran priest and heard him, too, for the first time.
November 12 - Today we are visiting Frederikberg's Slot, which is the grandest of its kind in Denmark. Its halls are filled with old weapons of war, with furniture such as used in olden times, and the walls and ceilings are covered with paintings of kings and queens and great soldiers, and a great many other things. We go back to Copenhagen this afternoon.
November 13 - Peter is not feeling well, and I am taking in all the sights I can while I am waiting for him to get better.
November 14 - Went out and spent a few hours with Peter's aunt. She gave us some coffee and cake, but did not seem to care for our society.
November 15 - We are getting ready to take the train for Christiania Norg this evening at nine o'clock.
November 16 - We have been going at full speed all night and are still going. We will arrive in Christiania about 7 tonight. We are going through Sweden and it is a fine country. Timber all over.
November 17 - We arrived in Christiania last night and was kindly received by Brother Christiansen. We are not taking in the sights; we have seen so much that we are almost tired of sight seeing. Christiania is a city of about two hundred thousand pop. It is built on knolls and in hollows. I have not seen a level spot big enough in Norway to build a city on.
November 18 - This being Sunday we went to meeting and preached our first Norwegian sermon. Do not think that there was many that understood us; believe they were glad when we sat down, and we did not occupy must time either.
November 19 - We find our Norwegian brethren and sisters are very kind. They invite us out to dinner every day. We spent ten days in Denmark but was never invited to eat a meal while we were there. So we feel we have got amongst a warm hearted people, even if it is a cold country.
November 20 - Peter is not feeling very well; I do not know what will become of him the way he feels. It is discouraging and I cannot feel very well while he is feeling so bad.
November 21 - We got out appointments today. I am to labor in Frederikstad which is in the southern part of Norway and not very far from Christiania. Peter goes to Drammen.
November 22 - Still in Christiania; not very well.
November 23 - Getting ready to part with Peter. I start for my field of labor today. Feeling down the mouth.
November 24 - I arrived in Frederikstad last night all right and was kindly received by Brother Carl Hansen from Spring City, Sanpete Co. Utah. Frederkstad is a city of about 13,000 inhabitants. It is built on knolls and in hollows. There is not a level place large enough to play a game of ball on.
November 25 - This being Sunday I had the pleasure of meeting with the saints of this city. They are all very kind to me, but it is very hard for me to understand them.
November 26 - Spent the day in reading and conversing with Brother Hansen.
November 27 - Still reading; just found out that I do not know anything. Hope I can learn.
November 28 - Wednesdays we have a meeting; we also have meeting on Sunday so I have a chance to preach at least twice a week.
November 29 - Today I had my first experience in spreading tracts; it is not a job I like but I will try to do my duty.
November 30 - I am reading and trying to fit myself for the work that is before me.
December 1 - Studying hard. Hope I will learn something.
December 2 - This being the first Sunday we have fast meeting in the forenoon where we also partake of the Sacrament. We do not have any in those meetings only those that belong to the church. It is unlawful for any church to partake of the Sacrament only the State Church. If anybody was to report us they would put us in prison and feed us on bread and water for a few days. We have to be careful. A fine law, isn't it, for a Christian country?
December 31 - I have been engaged the whole month in studying, in spreading tracts, preaching the gospel, talking with people whenever I have a chance; also administering to the sick. The saints do all they can to make us happy through the holidays. I was homesick then than I had been before, but I feel thankful to my Heavenly Father that it is as well with us as it is. I have good health and the Lord has blessed me with friends.
January 1, 1895 - Held a meeting today, had a good time, made many good resolutions. Hope the Lord will help us to keep them, and bless us through the coming years.
January 29 - Spent this month about the same as the last. It has been very cold and we stay at home most of the time. I baptized a young man, by the name of Eriksen on the 23rd of this month. That is the first. I hope it won't be the last.
February 28 - This month has passed about the same as last. I went to Frederikstad and spent a week with Brother James Hansen and the saints there. They received me kindly, and I had a good time with them. My health is still good for which I am thankful to my Heavenly Father.
March 1 - It is stormy, but not as cold as it was. My health is still good.
March 31 - The long month is past and still I am right side up with care. We have had some fine weather during this month and we have spread a good many tracts. On the 13th I received a letter from Brother Christiansen calling me to go to Larvik to open up a branch that had been without missionaries for some time. This is a large branch, called Alndals Branch. There is 15 large cities in this branch. The largest city has about 14 thousand people, and the smallest one about 400 people. There is about 90,000 people in these 15 cities, and that is only in the cities. There is a great many thousand scattered around in the country. There is room for 20 missionaries to work and I am here alone. I arrived here in Larvik on the 21st of March at 1 o'clock in the morning, a perfect stranger, but before night I had many friends. The few saints that are here was awful glad to see me and they done all they could to make me feel at home and some of them that was not saints were kind to me. One lady gave me her room to sleep in and she went and stayed with one of the saints. I soon found a room that was suitable for my purpose. One that was large enough to hold meetings in and the next Sunday we had a meeting and we had a good time.
April 1 - The weather is quite nice and I am well and happy and trying to do my duty.
April 13 - Today I was happily surprised by a visit from Brother Peter Andersen of Ogden, Utah and I expect good times while he is here.
April 19 - This being Sunday we had a meeting in the afternoon. We had advertised that the Mormons would preach, and we had about 15 strangers to listen to us, the largest congregation of strangers I have seen since I came to Norway.
April 20 - We advertised that we would preach again on Thursday night and on Friday, and then we took the train for Skien, where we arrived at 10 o'clock a.m. Found Brother Christiansen, who gave us a good dinner; we also found Brother Murk there and was invited down to see his parents and brothers and sisters - they are not in the church. We preached the gospel to them until 12 o'clock that night and was invited down there for dinner the next day.
April 21 - After a good night's rest and breakfast we had a talk with Brother Christiansen. Then we went down to dinner with Brother Murk. Then we took the steam boat for Brevik. We found a Brother Isaksen; he is the only person in this city that belongs to us. He has been in the church for 40 years, a good, faithful man. We then took the steamer for Langersron where we arrived all right. Found a family belonging to our people, but we do not think they amount to much. We blessed one of their children; we stayed there over night and the next morning we took the steamboat running for Larvik where we arrived all right and was glad to get home.
May 10 - Brother Andersen has left me along again, but we had a good time while he was here. Filled out appointments by preaching to all that would come and listen to us, and we hope we have done some good. I shall take the steamer for Christiania this afternoon.
May 11 - I arrived here in Christiania last night at 10 o'clock and was kindly received by Brother Christiansen and all the missionaries. Although we had never met before, some of us were glad to see one another and expect to have a good time together. Our conference convenes this afternoon at 5 o'clock. Pres. Sunvald arrived this morning and we were glad to see him, for we all love him. The hall was filled up to overflowing by five o'clock and the meeting was called to order by Pres. Christiansen and the most of the time was used by the missionaries in giving their reports. We are all feeling well and expect to have a good time tomorrow.
May 12 - We are all feeling well this morning. The meeting was called to order by Pres. Christiansen and we had a splendid time together. We had another meeting in the afternoon when we all got our appointments for the next six months. I was appointed to preside over the Arendal Branch, with Brother Julius Johnsen to assist me.
May 13 - Priesthood meeting lasted four hours and we had a good time. The Elders giving their experiences which was good to listen to. We have indeed had a splendid time, and we feel that the Lord has blessed us with his spirit, and that we have been strengthened and will go forth with renewed vigor to our labors.
May 17 - May the 17th is to the Norwegian what the 4th of July is to the American, and we went out to see the sights in the forenoon. They had a procession of the school children. We stayed in one place and they were one hour going by; they walked four abreast and they walked quite fast; they carried banners showing what school they belongs to; they had bands of music. Here and there in the procession in the afternoon the several political parties were out waving their banners, Some great speeches were made. And in the evening they had fireworks, and a grand time in general.
May 18 - Today Brother Johnsen and I are getting ready to say goodby to our friends; we start for home tonight.
May 19 - Arrived here in Larvik this morning - all well. We had a meeting in the afternoon.
May 25 - Brother Peter Andersen arrived here this evening and I was glad to see him.
May 26 - This being Sunday, we had a meeting and Brother Andersen spoke to us, and we had a good time. Several strangers were present.
May 27 - Brother Andersen and I went out in the country to visit an old Brother. We found him to be a hard looking old fellow,. He looked so dirty I could not stay with him all night as I had intended to, so I turned about and started for home and Brother Andersen went to hunt up some of his family. I walked about 25 miles that day and I was very tired.
June 2 - This being Sunday we had a meeting. It is pretty hard on me; Brother Johnsen cannot help me at all. One thing, he cannot speak the language and another is he does not understand the gospel. I have to open the meeting, while he sits and looks on. I called on one of the brethren that lives here to speak and he did so. When the meeting was out, an old man that is not in the church said, "We want you to preach and not Brother Dahl; when you or Brother Andersen speak then there is a spirit that burns in my bosom that tells me you are led by the spirit of God. But when he speaks there is no spirit." I feel thankful to my Heavenly Father for his goodness toward me.
June 9 - It is Sunday again and Brother Andersen is with me; that makes me feel better. We had a good meeting, a good many strangers being present who seemed to be much interested, One lady applied for baptism and we baptized her about 12 o'clock in the night. Her husband had been baptized a week previous.
June 10 - Today the Relief Society met and we met with them. After the meeting had been opened by singing and prayer we proceeded to confirm Sister Olsen and then we had the pleasure of blessing her two little children. The spirit of God seemed to fill the whole house and we were the happiest little flock in the world.
June 13 - Brother Andersen left us today. He has gone to Skien. I wish him a successful journey. It is raining today and the people are happy for it was getting very dry for this country.
July 1, 1895 - We have moved from our old quarters, but I am afraid we have made a bad move. We did not have any outsiders to our meeting yesterday. That is something that has not happened for some time. Everything is very dull here. People have not got time to talk with us. When they are not to work they are out hunting pleasure. When cold weather comes we expect to have better times again.
August 6 - I am still here in Larvik and I am alone again. Brother Johnsen left me a week ago today. He was called to go to Frederikstad to labor with my old companion Brother Carl Hansen. He is a good boy and I hope the Lord will bless him with health and lighten up his mind so that he may become a successful missionary and do much good among his kindred. The month of July has passed without any special incidents,. It has been very stormy, raining almost every day. I and Brother Johnsen started out to visit some of the saints that are scattered in the different cities and towns in this branch. We did not get very far because it got so stormy. We went to Langesund and visited a family living there, then we took the country road and walked about 12 miles and found an old man and his daughter living right on the coast. He is a fisherman, a kind old man, and him and his daughter received us very kindly. They live in a little old hut. Brother Johnsen could not stand straight in it anywhere. It looked on the outside like an old pig pen about to tumble down. Brother Johnsen and I thought it would be awful hard to have to stay in a place like that over night, but we found a nice little housekeeper in that hut. Everything was nice and clean on the inside, and we ate a hearty meal and then went out with our old brother in his boat and he caught a good mess of fish for supper and fish for breakfast the next morning. We stayed there and started for a city called Brevik, where there is an older brother living, but we did not find him. We then walked to Langesund where Brother Carlsen and his daughter promised to meet us, but a great storm had come up and they could not come, for they were to come by water with their own boat and the sea got too rough. We stayed in Langesund that night, eating supper with Brother Nelsen and breakfast also and we slept in a hotel. We stayed there until noon. It was raining and blowing hard and we concluded to go home to Larvik, so we took the good boat Groningen. Although the sea was running high and we came near getting sea sick we got home all right. So passed the month of July.
August 31, 1895 - I have been alone most of this month, Brother Johnsen being called to go to Frederikstad to labor. Spent the time studying the Bible and other good books, visiting the saints and spreading tracts amongst the people, holding meeting on Sundays. The time seems a little long since Brother Johnsen left me.
September 1 - I am bothered some with a dull pain in my head and dizziness but I hope it will soon wear away. We have our fall conference on the 14th and 15th of this month, and my president wrote me to take my baggage with me as there was liable to be some changes made. I expect to be sent to Denmark.
September 13 - I start for Christiania this evening with the good boat called Arendal. Whether I am to be seasick or not depends on the sea. If it is rough I shall be sick, if it is smooth I will be all right.
September 21 - I am back in Larvik again, right side up with care. We had a splendid time during conference. Apostle Lund was with us, he gave us good advice, encouraged us to faithfulness, told us some of his experiences as a missionary. We have again been appointed to our different fields of labor and I have been appointed to preside over the Arendal Branch, with Brother Danielsen from Smithfield, Cache County as my helper. I was a little disappointed, I had made up my mind I was going to Denmark, but it is all right. I am willing to go where the Lord wants me. Brother Danielsen and I have spent the last part of this month in visiting the saints and I have showed him most of the places of interest.
October 31 - We are back in our old quarters in the house that we left and the people are pleased to have us back. Although they do not belong to us they like us for neighbors and some of them come to our meetings. We have spent this month studying our Bibles, preaching the gospel when we have a chance - spreading truth.
November 30 - We are getting ready to take a trip through the branch, but it is so stormy we are waiting for better weather. On the 9th we took the train to Skien. We stayed there all night with Brother Christensen. We preached to his housekeeper until a late hour that night. Brother Christensen had to go and stay with some of his family that was sick, so we did not see him anymore. After breakfast we bid his housekeeper goodby and we took the train to a town called Brevik. We tried to hunt a brother we have there but failed to find him. We then took to the country road, riding on the apostle's horses and walked about ten miles to my old friend the fisherman, Brother Olsen. He was glad to see us, he had moved since I last visited him but had left directions with his old neighbors how I should find him. He is living with his son now. His son's wife is a kind lady, although neither her nor her husband belong to the church they treated us with great kindness. It stormed very hard that night and the next day it was blowing and raining hard all day, and we had to stay there until the next morning when Brother Olsen and his son took us to their boat and put us on board a passing steamboat. The sea was running pretty high and I did not feel very well but we soon ran into smoother water and I was all right. We landed in a town called Bragerv. There is a family there of our folks, but we were unable to find them. We stayed there over night and the next day we again got aboard the steamboat and started for the city of Risor. The sea was very rough and I was miserable, but I did not heave Jonah but I was awful glad to get on shore. Here we soon found some of the saints, but I cannot say they seemed awful glad to see us. They seemed to be afraid their friends would find out that they were Mormons Still they gave us something to eat and they gave us money to help us on our way. But they seemed to be glad to get rid of us. They could not give us a bed to sleep in but gave us the advice to go to a hotel to sleep. They told us of a brother living up in the town but his wife was not in the church and she was a terror. Well, we concluded to go and visit them. On arriving at their house we found Brother Edward Johnsen alone at home, his wife and daughter were out in the city. He appears to be a good honest man. He was pleased to see us and yet I could see he was uneasy, he finally told us he did not know how his wife would receive us. We told him not to feel uneasy on our account. While we were talking about the gospel he seemed to feel well. He said he knew the gospel taught by the Latter-Day Saints was true and he had a testimony that he never could forget. We heard someone coming down the street. "Here comes my wife," he said. A tall, well-dressed lady came in and a young lady with her. Brother Danielsen and I rose to our feet and made a grand bow, she returned our bow - with interest - she then turned to her husband and said, "I see you have strangers here." He then introduced us as missionaries., Then we found out she had a long tongue, and I thought it was loose on both ends. Her husband got out as fast as his legs would carry him, and Brother Danielsen and I had to face the music. She told us that one of our missionaries had done her more harm than any other human being. She said, "After my husband received your gospel, this missionary told him to sell our home, and if I would not go with him to Zion for him to take our children and go without me. What do you think of a man that would try to get a husband to leave his wife that way?" We told her that we thought that missionary had made a mistake and that we would advise Brother Johnsen to stay with his wife and take care of her, and teach her the principles of the gospel and do all he could to save her., It was now getting dark and we got up to go, for we had not yet found a place to stay overnight. She asked us where we were going and we told her to hunt a lodging place. "Well," she said, "you seem to be two honest men and I invite you to stay here just as long as you want to stay in our city, but I do not want you to preach your doctrine to me or my children." Well, we stayed there two days and nights and did nothing but preach the gospel to her and her daughter when we were in the house.
November 15 - We got aboard the good steam boat Werinzen and started for the city of Arendal where we arrived all right in the afternoon. We hunted up the one latter-day saint living in this large city. It was an old sister about 70 years old. She was glad to see us, her husband is a kind old man and treated us kindly. We spent Sunday the 15th in this city, and he invited us to hold meeting in his house, which we did. Their sons and daughters who are not in the church, treated us with much kindness. On Thursday the 20th at 5 o'clock in the morning we got on board the good boat Viringen and started to Larvik, our headquarters, where we arrived all right at 5 o'clock this evening. Brother Danielsen found a letter from President Andersen calling him to go to Hedemarken. I also found a letter from him telling me that Brother Nephi Andersen was coming here to labor along with me. Brother Danielsen left me this morning the 26th, for his new field of labor and Brother Nephi Andersen came this afternoon. We have spent the rest of this month visiting the saints and making Brother Andersen acquainted with them. This ends the month of November.
December 31 - We are spreading tracts and conversing with the people and explaining the gospel as we understand it to them when we have a chance. We also have to study the Bible and be prepared to defend our religion with that, for that is the only authority they will accept here. It is no use to bring forth our church works - they will not accept them. We hold meetings every Sunday so our time is well taken up and we haven't got much time to get homesick. On Christmas Day we held one meeting and we had a good time. On the 26th we had a Christmas tree for the Sunday School children and we had an enjoyable time.
On the 29th I took the steamboat for Christiania where I arrived the next morning all right and I found President Andersen and C. Swensen just getting out of bed. They were feeling well. So ends the last day of 1895.
January 31, 1896 - I have been engaged during this month in spreading the written word of God, in conversing and explaining the gospel as the Latter-day Saints understand it and holding meetings on Sundays. I had a very good time with the brethren and the saints in Christiania on New Year's. I stayed there five days, attended three meetings and we had a good time. I was two nights and one day getting back to Larvik on account of it being so foggy that they did not dare to sail fast. We were to make the trip in seven hours. We have had the finest weather I have ever saw in January.
February 28 - Brother Andersen and I have both had the influenza which kept us in for about two weeks. On the 12th of this month we took a trip to Sandefjord where we visited about 100 houses, spread about 90 tracts, and we think we shall get the privilege of holding a meeting there on Sunday. We visited Sandefjord again on the 19th and got the privilege of holding a meeting in a private house in the evening. We spent the day in spreading tracts and inviting the people to come to meeting. There was 18 came to hear us. They seemed to be well pleased with what we had to say and invited us to come again on the 21st. We started on a visiting trip through the branch, we visited Skien, Brevik, Porsgrunn, Langesund and found the saints all well and feeling well in the gospel. It is very stormy and we have both caught cold. We returned to Larvik on the 22nd where we found the saints all mourning the death of Sister Kjer. She was a young woman and leaves three small children. We buried her on the 25th of February although it is against the laws of the land for any society outside of the Lutheran Church to hold any service in the graveyard, but we sang the hymn "Nearer My God to Thee" and dedicated her grave. There was quite a number of strangers there and seen and heard us but I do not think anyone has reported us, at least we have heard nothing about it. So ends the month of February.
March 1 - This being Sunday we had our Sacrament meeting in the forenoon. Brother Andersen took the boat for Christiania this afternoon, he expects to have a good time.,
March 2 - I received a telegram from Brother Andersen to send his things to him He is called to go to Denmark, so I am left alone again.
March 6 - I received a letter from President Andersen that Brother Skankey was coming here to take charge of this branch and that he had another place for me.
March 16 - Brother Skankey arrived today all well. It is very stormy and cold.
March 23 - Today is the first fine day we have had for some time. I had a letter from the president informing me that I am to stay here awhile, maybe until conference. Brother Skankey and I made a trip to Sanderfjord and tried to get a place to hold a meeting, but were unable to get one. It was very bad traveling yesterday. We had the pleasure of blessing Brother Kjer's baby boy - His name is Martin Alivuer Kjer.
March 31 - We have got through the month and it has been a very stormy one and we haven't been able to accomplish much.
April 1 - It is very stormy and we are kept in the house most of the time. We use the time reading our Bible and studying the principles of the gospel.
April 7 - It is fine today and we have been out in the country spreading tracts and talking to the people. I had a good time.
April 12 - I have been out in the country, three days last week. It was fine today. We had a meeting, there was eight strangers present to hear what we had to say. We also went to church to hear the Lutheran priest confirm a lot of boys and girls. We were invited to eat dinner at the house of one of those that was confirmed.
April 13 - Today we buried Brother Kjer's baby, who died last Thursday the 7th. We had a meeting in the house where he died. The people were not in the church, but they had the house well filled up with people we had never had the privilege of bearing our testimony to before, as we did as much as we could on an occasion like this, bore our testimonies to some of the principles of the gospel and after the funeral they invited us home. There was a lot of their friends there and we had coffee and cake and we stayed there all afternoon.
April 17 - Last Wednesday Brother P. Andersen, our president, arrived here and we had a meeting and we had a good time. He went to Arendal this morning. He expects to get back here next Monday, so we have advertised a meeting for Monday evening.
April 22 - On account of bad weather the boat that Brother Andersen is with did not get here until this morning, but we held our meeting all the same. And our advertisement that he was to speak filled our hall full, and by the blessings of God Brother Skankey and I were enabled to handle the subject advertised and the people listened to us with much interest. There were three priests present and after the meeting they asked us a great many questions which we answered as the spirit led us. Before they left us they invited us to visit them at their homes which we also promised to do.
April 24 - Yesterday we went out in the city and put up notices that we would hold a meeting in the evening, but the people tore them down about as fast as we put them up. We then went out and went from house to house invited them to come. Well, we had a good meeting and President Andersen spoke with great power and the principles of the gospel were explained in their purity. Brother Andersen leaves us tomorrow and goes to Christiania.
April 26 - We visited our Apostical (?) friends last night and they tried to explain their faith to us, but the more they tried the plainer could we see that it was a man-made system made up of fables, as Paul says, "The world turned from the truth unto fables." We then explained the gospel to them as we understood it and they acknowledged that we had a great deal of truth and they believed we were honest men and that they would like to talk with us again. They said that they were sure that their church was the true church of Christ. We told them there was no doubt in our minds, we knew that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was the true church of God and all the world would know it some time. We parted good friends and they invited us to visit them again. We started on a trip through the branch today. We returned from our trip going direct to Brevik where we took dinner with Brother Isaksen and continued our journey on foot to Rakstatangen where we expect to hold a meeting on Sunday., But we found that the people would have nothing to do with us, so we returned to Brevik Sunday evening. We stayed there all night, and the next day we visited some houses and scattered some tracts. We took the train in the evening and went to Skien where we stayed with Brother Christiansen all night and the next day until three o'clock in the afternoon. We went to a meeting in the evening that was held by a girl that is called Lysacker Pigen. She pretends that she has been in heaven and has seen the Savior, and that she is called to cry repentance to the people. When they got through with the meeting she came down amongst the people and called on them to get down on their knees and she would pray for them and they would be saved. She had ladies lying down all over the floor around her calling on the name of Jesus, 'til it was the greatest confusion I ever saw or heard. We got out of there as fast as possible, feeling that there was indeed something that would suit those who were hunting a shortcut to heaven. We got back here to Larvik last night, Wednesday May the 6th. When we got back from our trip, the old man Svensen sent word that he wanted to see me. He told me as soon as I got in the house that he wished to be baptized. He has been investigating for over a year. He is 80 years old. I told him if he was convinced of the truth of the gospel that I would baptize him Saturday night the 2nd of May. Well, he came and I had the pleasure of baptizing this old man, about 11 o'clock that night. On Sunday he came to our Sacrament Meeting, where he was confirmed and he got up and bore his testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel. Brother Skankey went to Drammen on the 4th so I am here alone, I leave here on the 8th for conference.
May 27, 1896 - Conference is over and I am over here in Denmark. The last week I was in Larvik I spent amongst the saints and my friends. They were very kind to me and it seems as if they could not do enough for me. All that could went down to the wharf with me to see me off and as long as I could see them they were waving their handkerchiefs. It is very doubtful I will ever meet all my friends again in this life, but I hope to meet some of them. I arrived all right in Christiania on the 8th of May. On the 9th and 10th we held our conference and had an enjoyable time. On the 12th we had a feast in the evening. On the 14th we had an outing, all the missionaries and most of the saints were out in the woods, where we played all kinds of games, danced a little, sang songs, preached a little and had a right enjoyable time. On the 15th I went and saw some of the beautiful parks that they have in Christiania. On the 16th I left Norway for Denmark by steamboat. The weather was fine and we had a nice trip. I arrived in Copenhagen in the morning about 8 o'clock and went up to the old Mormon hotel. After a few hours' rest, a bath and a good brushing I went out to see if I could find Sanktponl Gade No. 14. Well, I found it all right but there was none of the brethren home, but the sister that takes care of the place invited me to go with her to meeting, While I was waiting for her to get ready, Brother N. Andersen came home, so I went with him. I found Peter Jensen amongst the saints shaking hands with all of them. And when he saw me - I got a shake too, you bet. I stayed in Copenhagen until the next Saturday and I had a fine time visiting all the beautiful parks and in company with Peter Jensen I visited his relations and friends. It was the most enjoyable week I have had since I left my home. On the 23rd I bid the brethren farewell in Copenhagen got aboard a steamship and started for Aalborg and after a pleasant trip I arrived in the city of my birth, on the 24th of May. I was kindly received by the brethren. President A. C. Jensen was not at home, but he came home the next day and we were glad to see one another again, Also met D. K. Brown, a cousin to M. M. Jensen. I have been out in town trying to get track of my relations, but I have not found them yet. But I found a man who knew my grandfather and my father, he could also remember Christian. Well I shall find my cousin or try awful hard,.
June 8, 1896 - How the time goes, I have been in the city all the time since the first of June. Brother Brown and I went to a little berg and went from house to house to invite the people to come to a meeting that we were going to hold on Sunday the 7th. In this little town we also spread some tracts and had some conversations. On Sunday afternoon we held our meeting and had quite a large congregation for a little place, and the priest was there also. After the meeting he asked the privilege of asking a few questions, which we granted. He then took the books of celestial marriage and sande grundsetrinzer out of his pocket and he asked us if we acknowledged them and here made the mistake of answering yes - for we have since found out that we are not expected to defend any work, only the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price. Our trying to defend those books did not result in any good. The priest got very mad and the consequence was that Brother Brown was arrested. It did not amount to anything, he was turned loose again after a short hearing, without any fine or punishment. The next week Brother Brown and I was out in the country spreading tracts and talking with the people and doing all we could to spread the truth.
June 19- 1896 - Brother Jensen and I took the train to Hjorring, We passed through Sunby, Lulsted, Bronderslev, Braa, We spent the day with the brethren in Hjorring, visiting the park and another beautiful place called Swanlund. The swans were swimming around in the little lake and lots of people were sailing in the rowboats and a fine band was playing and hundreds of people were promenading on the beautiful walks. We stayed in Hjorring overnight.,
June 20 - We took the train to a little place called Lune. We passed through a little place called Sidal before we came to Lune. We concluded to take it on foot from here, out through the country. We took our grips and away we went on the country road. We walked about five miles and came to a yard where one of our brethren lives, a Brother Balander. We ate dinner with him, talked with him and his wife who is not in the church but she is very friendly. We preached the gospel to a lady who was there sewing, left her some tracts and away we went, We walked about another five miles and we found another sister who was glad to see us. She is living with her daughter who is not in the church but she is friendly. We talked with them awhile, preaching. The daughter gave us something to eat and away we went again. We walked about three miles and came to a big bundegarrd where Brother Jensen was well acquainted. They received us kindly although they are not in the church. They gave us a good supper, a good bed to sleep in and a good breakfast. We had the pleasure of explaining some of the principles of the gospel to them as we understood them, Sunday June 21st we bid our friends goodby and walked to Frederikshavn about four miles away. Here we found Brother Johansen and Alma Nelsen. This was their day for holding their branch meetings so we were to two meetings and had the pleasure of bearing our testimonies to the truthfulness of the gospel to our brethren and sisters and some strangers in this city. We were treated to a good dinner and a good supper by some of the saints.
June 22 Monday - We laid over here and visited all the saints and also took in all the sights. Tuesday the 25th we bid our brethren goodby, gathered up our grips and away we went,. Walked to Saeby and ate dinner at the hotel. We visited four houses, had two religious conversations, gave away six tracts. We then took the road and walked ten miles to a city called Warsva, where we put up at an inn for the night. We had walked about 20 miles that day and we were tired and footsore.
June 24 - We again took the country road to a town called Asaa. Here we found an old man and his wife, both in the church, but they were so poor and everything looks so dirty that we were obliged to refuse to eat dinner with them. We talked to them and encouraged them to faithfulness We then walked over to the hotel and got some dinner and away we went. We passed through a town called Agersted, went on out in the country and stayed with a very rich farmer, who were old acquaintances of Jensen's. We had walked over 20 miles during the day and we were very tired. These people are not in the church but very friendly. They gave us supper, a bed to sleep in and breakfast. We again took to the road, walking six miles and found a man that has been investigating the gospel for some time. He treated us very kind, but his wife did not like us, still she gave us some dinner and we talked with the man, who seems much interested in the gospel. We now started across the country and we found a family, the man is in the church but not the woman, but she was very kind to us, gave us a meal. After talking with them awhile we again took the road and walked about three miles and found another family. This woman was in the church but not the man. The sister was pleased to see us and she proved to be a sister to James Thompsen of Star Valley. They did not have room to keep us overnight but she found us a place with one of the neighbors. This place treated us very kindly. We bore our testimonies to them and they seemed to be interested in what we had to say to them, They gave us breakfast the next morning,
June 26, 1896 - Again we started off on the apostle's horses. We traveled about six miles and found a friend of Cal Jensen's by the name of Soren Peter Isaksen. We got there just in time for dinner. They were very busy and did not have time to talk to us so we bid them goodby and away we went again. We walked about fifteen miles that afternoon to Aalborg and we were very tired.
July 31 - This month I have spent in and around Aalborg visiting the saints and others, encouraging the saints to faithfulness and bearing my testimony to the truth of the gospel to all that we came in contact with. I have been in company with Brother Brown all through this month. There was a young lady that was at the meeting that we held at Nver Traners, that came here to Aalborg and hunted us up. It appears that she had a testimony right in that meeting that we were the servants of God and that our doctrines were true. We explained some points of doctrine that she did not understand and I had the pleasure of baptizing her.
August 1 - This morning an officer came up to our office and notified Brother Brown that he should meet in the courthouse at 10 o'clock. This made us feel a little uneasy but we got down on our knees and asked the Lord to help us and Brother A. C. Jensen and myself went with Brother Brown to the courthouse. In a half hour sentence was passed on Brother Brown and he was banished from Denmark, but he got the privilege of staying with us the rest of the day, and that night he was to be ready, the next morning at 8 o'clock to leave Denmark. An officer was to go with him to see that he got out of the country, He made good use of that day and night, Together we visited his many friends and bid them goodby. He attended a meeting that night and preached his last sermon in Aalborg and after the meeting he baptized a young man and his wife. This ends his work in Aalborg. He is a good missionary, brave as a lion in defense of the gospel, May the Lord bless him and preserve him wherever he may go.
August 15 - Brother A. C. Jensen and I went out to the country town called Tylstrop where we tried to hire a hall to hold a meeting on the next day, that being Sunday. This house is what is called a missions house and is open to all denominations to preach in - so we were told. There were some people that live there that wanted us to come out there and hold a meeting,. We went to the man that had charge of the house, but he refused to let us have it. He very kindly told us that it was open to all except Mormons. He was very kind to us, gave us dinner and we had a long conversation with him. I believe that he would have let us have the house but it was against the rules of the society that owned the house. When we found that we could not get to hold a meeting, we went from house to house to preach to the people and gave our tracts to them. We spread about fifty tracts that day and we hope that we sowed some seeds that will take root and grow and bare fruit.
Letter to Michael Juel Schow from his father Niels Christian Schow
Panguitch, August the 4th, 1873 Dear Son and Daughter, I take the opportunity to write a few words to you and let you know that we are all well and feel fine and wish to hear from the same from you. We have waited for a long time to hear from you, as you have not written us since you left us, but as yet it has been in vain, so I thought I would write a few words to you. We were almost ready to go to Salt Lake with Andrue and Stine to be baptized for our dead ones in June and then visit you, but then Stine got sick and we had to put off the trip for this time, as we could not do anything without Andrue and Stine, and I don't know if we can go up there this fall, as I am thinking of letting my mules go with the thresher, and by the time they will finish there, I think it will be too late in the year, although it is very much on our minds to get this work done for our dead ones, but we must wait till the time comes. We are beginning to grow old and our health is not so good, but we have the necessities and are alright. We have got a little son since you were here and he is well and growing fine. Your mother and I long very much to see you and our friends up there, although we do have all our children here and that is a great joy to us and a great comfort for us, but we do miss you being here too, but I suppose we can expect our joy to be completed by seeing all our children gathered here. The crop stands pretty good although it has been a very dry summer this year. Today we have had the best rain we have had this summer and I think that if we can only be without frost we will raise double what we raised last year. I should tell you hello from all your brothers. Christian is building a frame house like the one in Panaca. He is building it on his land and expects to move in last part of this week. His land is fenced with lumber and so is Andrue's. Christian has also built a barn there. Christian's and Andrue's fields are fenced separately and they both live there so it is a pretty little place. Jens has dug a well 28 feet deep and they have fine water close to the house. Andrue is digging a well but has to go deeper. He is 34 feet down now, but I think he will have to go deeper as he lives much higher. Jens desires -- if it is possible for him -- to go to Bear Lake this fall with the family to visit, but he has a lot to do here before he can go. I should tell you hello from Stine. She has been very sickly this summer but is better now, all her children are well. By the way, we are all well and feeling fine. Christine Marie, Christian's wife, had a baby girl the 9th of June, your mother's birthday, and she has been named after my mother. Her name is Anne. I should tell you hello from Josef Emile. He was just here now and he said that he was going up to City this fall and if he could get hold of you he would give you a real good pounding for you have forgotten to write to him as you promised him. We wish now that you would write to us and not completely forget us. If we cannot have the opportunity to see you then, let us now and then hear from you. Give our regards to Rasmus Nielsen and family and all good friends and especially do we send you, your wife, and your little children our love. From your mother and Anne and me, your father. //signed// Niels Christian Schow Give our regards to Soren Hansen and wife P. Jensen and wife, P. Chr. Jensen and wife, and August Nichold and Rasmine and all good friends. I wish August would write to us and let us know how everything is in the family. Found on FamilySearch.org
guitch, January the 12th, 1874 Dear son and daughter, As it is a long time ago we heard from you and maybe you think we have forgotten you, I will write you a few lines and let you know how we are here. We are all in good health, although your mother is somewhat weak, but she is up and around, so we are alright and we have the necessities and live united. Our desire and longing is to come up to Salt Lake to get our work done for our dead ones, but it is a long way and hindrance always comes in the way for us, but I do hope it may happen this year. I have got one of Hoves sewing machines for 85 dollars, and I have had so much to do tailoring, much more than I could do and that is the reason I have not written before. Andrue and Christian have been busy with their thresher. They have threshed almost 16,000 bushels of grain and have made 300 bushels of grain each of them. I should tell you hello from them all. They are in good health and are fine and the same is the case with James and family. Everybody is fine. The pill James came with from Panaca and gave his wife last spring when he came home has become a big girl who weighed 9 1/2 pounds. She was born the 8th of December 1873. (Annie Hansen Schow had baby girl, Sissie Christina Schow). I suppose you remember Stine wrote about that pill in her letter. I should also tell you hello from her. Circumstances taken into consideration, she is well, but she has got a pill. (Christina Rasmine Schow Henrie had baby boy, James Nathan Henrie on 28 April 1874 in Panguitch.) We are having a pretty hard winter here. James' little daughter came with a terrible snow storm so there was more than a foot of snow and that has stayed on the ground since because of the bad frost we have here, but there is not so much left of the snow now. We are having a pretty hard winter here. James' little daughter came with a terrible snow storm so there was more than a foot of snow and that has stayed on the ground since because of the bad frost we have here, but there is not so much left of the snow now. I hope you will write us again and let us know how things are up there. We hope you are in good health and live united. Last Christmas Eve your mother said that one year ago we had you among us here and she wished she might see the day when you, your wife, and children would be gathered with us, because until then her joy would not be complete. We pray that you will tell hello to all good friends from us. Tell hello to August Nichols and family and thank him for all the letters he writes us. We can hardly get them read through. Our Anne wishes to greet her sister Rasmine. Anne feels sorry that not one in her whole family writes to her and not even has answered her last letter. Tell them all hello from us. Anne is in good health and feels wellbeing with us. Now we send you, your wife, and your little children our love and we wish you all a Happy New Year. May happiness, luck, yes, peace and joy Over crown your honor. God let you this year be blessed Wherever you go. The above is a verse: Gid lykke, held, ja, fred og fryd Maa stedse krone aerens dyd Gud lader eder I dette aar Velsignet vaere hvor I gaar. //signed// Niels Christian Schow Translated by Osa Hansen Found on FamilySearch.org
Panguitch, the 3rd of August 1874
Dear son and daughter,
With joy we can tell you that we came home happy and well Saturday the 24th of July without any harm whatsoever, and James came home yesterday and 2nd of August. All are well with the exception of our children, who all have the whooping cough, and it is pretty hard on them, but we hope they will soon get well again. We are happy there was a man who came in here before us and his children had them too, so that we did not get the blame for having the sickness here.
It rained almost every day we were on the trip, but the rain was either in front or in the back of us so it did not wet us much, but the road was very muddy where it had rained, but the last day we drove, it rained almost all the time and we were glad to come home.
I was quite surprised to see our place for it had rained so much here that the crop, the potatoes, stood so fine, so I hope, if all goes well, we will have a good crop. There is grass here close around, fine, so the cows will grow fat and give plenty of milk, so everything was better than we expected.
The United Order has been organized here. Bishop Sevy is president and James Henry first and Hatch second Vice President. These men as well as the other officers are all nominated by the people. I for one have great faith in them, and I believe the rest of the people have the same. I do not hear anything to the contrary, and I believe they will do the best they understand to the satisfaction of the people and as The Lord will give them wisdom. Many of the people have given their pro rata to the order and many will as soon as they can get ready for it. Christian, Andrue, and I have put in our names and will give our pro rata as soon as we can.
It has been decided to put up a wool factory as soon as possible and other machineries as Josef A. Young, our president, says that this place is the best to be found on the Seven Rivers for machineries.
Now our dear children and all our dear brothers and sisters, how can we repay you for the good way you received us when we were amongst you? It will long stand as a dear memory with us, and the only thing we can pay with an the present time is to pray that the Lord's blessings may be with you both temporally and spiritually.
We heard from James and Emma and Niels Anderson's wife were not better which we are sorry for. We wish you will write us soon and let us know how they are as we long very much to hear from them. Tell sister Ingeborg Jensen hello and say we talked with a man from Ritzfield (Richfield?) as they have a house and lot and land there and go into the order.
I should tell you hello from your mother. She feels pretty good after the trip, but she has never longed for you as now and especially for your children, and she asks you to kiss them from her.
She was glad to see James come home, but she would have been more glad could she have you with her as her heart is with her children. Do not forget to tell hello to P. Christian and Stine P. Jensen and Marie S. Hansen and wife and Damse and R. Nielson and P. Nielson and family and Holler Jensen and family and all good friends and now all our love to you, your dear wife, and your dear children from us.
Your father and mother and all your brothers and sisters,
Niels Christian Schow - Found on FamilySearch.orgPanguitch, February 19th, 1875
Dear son and daughter,
As it is long ago that I have written to you, although I have often thought of writing, I will begin to write a few words to you and let you know how we are. We thank you for the last letter that we have received and James Henry received his the 16th of February, and I shall tell you hello from James Henry and Stine that they are very happy to hear from you and see that you are all well, for which we all feel gratefulness. We can also tell you the same. We are all well. There has been a little sickness at Andrue's and James' children, but they are almost over it now.
We have got us a little son, but it is hard to raise him as his mother has no milk for him, so it goes slow but he is healthy enough. His name is Carl Frederick. I have sold my team wagon and harness for 370 dollars. I have received some of the payment so I have paid for most of my sewing machine and I am supposed to receive the rest of the payment the 1st of April for the team.
By the way, we are all well. Your mother's health is not too good but she is up and goes around among her children and feels well and only wishes to be able to come up and see you again next summer. We all feel well and have the necessities.
The harvest has been small here. The frost came too early so most of the seed was killed, but we get along pretty well. We have had an open winter, not much snow. I have had so much tailoring this winter that I have not been able to do it all and much of it I have had to let go.
Now about the United Order here in Panguitch. It is started and they are working in it but none of us here have gone in, but Andrue, Christian, and I have gone in with James Henry at Mammoth Spring 15 miles from here and that is no more than 10 miles from Mammoth Spring to the (Hedt of de Severrever - Head of the Severe River) a little higher than this place but a good place for stock, good lumber, good farm country and not quite as cold as it is here judging from what Brother Hatch and several say who have lived there more than a year. They are there where the Co-op sheep herd is. I, Andrue, and Christian have been up there and seen the place and I am satisfied with it. Brother Hatch is elected as President and James Henry, Vice President, and tomorrow the 20th we are going to elect the officers of the board and then go over to Parowan the 1st of March to be qualified.
There has been put in as Capital Stock to begin with $50,000 of which 1/4 is put in as bonds that we have put in property for and after the officers are qualified. All our property will be voted into the order.
The way we are going to work is that every man will have his stewardship and is responsible for what he owns before The Lord. We follow as much as possible the revelations that are given and do not wish to take away any man's free agency but go by degrees as we can stand it as time goes.
We are not going to move up to Mammoth right away but we are going to seed all our land here this summer and raise our grain here and some up there, as much as we can handle and also to build up there so we do not move from here until we have houses to move into up there and we are selling out here when we can. James has not joined yet, but I hope he will. He has sold the one team of his mules, the smallest, for $200, has exchanged his wagon and got a new wagon, the rest in money.
Now your mother and I wish with all our hearts that it be possible to see you and your family join the Order with us here, as I think it is right that the family join together, but if that cannot be done we should like to hear anyway that you will join the Order somewhere, as it is very important for us to see our children join the Order and do what The Lord has told us as this is our exaltation.
Dear children, let us be faithful and let our thoughts be our one and only, to do what The Lord asks us. Mammoth Spring is the place that President (Jung) Young has counseled Brother Hatch and James Henry to settle when we left (Medovelle) Meadow Valley and he said if we would go and settle this place we would be blessed and Brother Brigham is very happy to hear that we are going to settle it.
We feel sorrow to hear there is so much sickness up there and several dead, though we don't know where they are. Tell hello to all our brothers and sisters and friends from us. We wish that The Lord may bless you all. The reason I have not written is that I would wait and see how it would be with the Order and also I have had so much to do. You write that you would like to go in here with us but don't know who you should get away from there.
Well, if it is your desire and your free will, we wish that you and your Stine must be united at this point, then I hope ways can be found. If it helps with a team to get here, then I think we can help you and if it is selling out, then do the best you can. We do not look so much for the means as for a good will and I know that you can work and help yourself and what you cannot do, you and every man will be helped when they do their best. That is our Order.
To you and your dear wife and children, we send our love from us all.
Niels Christian Schow
Write us soon and let us know your circumstances and do not forget to greet all our friends.
Found on FamilySearch.org
Michael Schow
- October 1894–October 1896
- Age Called: 49
- Scandinavia
- Set Apart: 12 October 1894
- End Date: 1 October 1896
- Priesthood office: Seventy
- Quorum: 59th
- Priesthood: 59th Seventies
- Called From: Mantua, Box Elder, Utah, United States
- Set apart by: Geo Teasdale
- Found on history.lds.org/missionar
By Iris W Schow, his granddaughter
As a child Grandfather walks Aalborg's streets
With I s Granma pointing it out to him
That the arrow swings on the weather vane
To report the wind's most recent whim.
The elders come when the fields are white
For the harvesting. Now the great sails fill,
And the westward wind in the bright sun's wake
From newness to newness glides out, until
A journey starts where the voyage ends.
The wagons roll; Grandpa's young feet plod;
And far, and farther behind them lies
Old Grandma's grave in the prairie sod.
His tough, tanned feet follow kine and ploy;
The whims of man and of wind are learned;
A course is charted' a wife is won;
And slowly a farm and a home are earned.
The wind blows warm and the wind blows cold;
The lean years follow the fat years by;
His beleaguered parents bequeath good gifts,
The roots of faith and the will to try.
The old age gone, but the striplings thrive;
And the farm work falls to the willing young.
When his call arrives, and he journeys back
To phrase ancient truths in his childhood's tongue.
Dear old Grandpa's step are slow but firm,
As he hoes his hard-earned bit of earth,
And our day approaches to take our stand
In the ceaseless conflict and prove our worth.
Found among pictures belonging to Beth Schow
Michael or Mikkel Juel Schow (also spelled Schou) was born September 16, 1845 in Budolphi Parish, Aalborg, Aalborg, Denmark to Niels Christian Anderson Schow and Marie Kristensen Pedersen.
Michael came to America from Denmark with some missionaries in 1854 when he was nine years old. He was sent on ahead of the rest of the family because children under twelve could travel for one-half fare when crossing the ocean. He lived in Sessions Settlement (Bountiful) with the missionaries' families until his own family could come. When they arrived (The Niels Christian Schow family), they also lived in Bountiful for a short time. Then they were sent to Box Elder County in the early 1860s and then in 1863 to the little valley east of Brigham City known as Mantua. Michael worked for Lovelands on Harper Ward as a boy,
President Brigham Young, in 1860, wanted to "have enough wagons (to) go to the frontiers to bring all the Saints who wish to come here, and it can easily be done, if the people will send back their teams...from this place to the Missouri river in the spring, loading up and returning in the same season."
"He and his counselors, who had considered discontinuing the not-so-popular handcart companies, were encouraged with the possibilities of highly organized, single-season Church-sponsored wagon trains. Such a system would answer the need for a new, efficient, low-cost system of bringing poor Saints to the Great Basin.
"The general plan called for wagon trains to start from Salt Lake City in the spring loaded with food and supplies, cache these provisions at various points along the route for return use, drop off salable surplus Utah goods in the Missouri Valley, pick up Mormon immigrants and machinery, and then return to Utah. This avoided the yearly ritual of Church agents spending tens of thousands of dollars for over-priced supplies, wagons, and draft animals from profiteers at outfitting towns along the Missouri River. It also furthered Brigham Young's oft-stated plan for Mormon self-sufficiency by using only Mormon-owned or Mormon-produced animals and supplies. Of course, increased immigration of Mormons into Utah would ensure their majority status. Indeed, nineteenth-century Mormon belief in an imminent second coming of Christ fostered an ever-increasing desire to gather with fellow Saints"
"To move this plan forward, Church leaders assigned each Latter-day Saint ward (congregation) and settlement throughout the Utah Territory to donate, as they were able, a number of ox teams, wagons, teamsters, supplies and foodstuffs...Each year the call went out in early spring to all the settlements for the needed supplies, wagons, oxen and men. These were then collected and shipped to Salt Lake City to arrive by April."
..."In 1866 ten ox trains were sent east with 397 wagons, 505 men, 3,043 oxen and 250,000 pounds of flour.
"Each captain had a crew of at least one teamster per wagon and 'an assistant (captain), a chaplain, a quartermaster, hospital steward, a camp guard, and a night guard for the stock'. In addition to helping coordinate the donation of supplies, local ward bishops were assigned the yearly duty of selecting men to fill these positions. They were usually unmarried men in their late teens and early twenties. No doubt most of them preferred the adventurous life on the plains to working the farm during the hot, dry months of summer. It also gave these young men a chance to be the first to meet young, unmarried female emigrants. Referred to as the 'boys,' 'Utah boys,' 'Mormon boys' or 'American boys,' they carried a well-earned heroic macho status with the emigrants as well as in their own communities."
In 1866 at the age of 21, Michael, along with some other boys his age, were sent to the Missouri River to get some Danish immigrants who were waiting there. Each of the boys drove an ox team and wagon.
"When the down-and-back teams rolled out from the Salt Lake Valley in late April to early May each year, they were expected to be outfitted so that each wagon had '1 tar can or keg, and at least 1 gallon of wagon grease; 2 good whip lashes...For each teamster, 250 lbs. of flour, 40 lbs. of bacon, 40 lbs. of dried beef (if to be had), as much butter as each chooses and can take safely, 10 lbs,. sugar, 4 lbs. coffee, 1 lb. tea, 4 quarts beans, 1 bar of soap, 4 lbs. yeast cake (or its equivalent in soda, acid or yeast powder); salt enough for teamster and team; 1 good buffalo robe and two good blankets (or their equivalent); one gallon of vinegar...; 2 good pair of boots or shoes, with grease enough to keep them well greased; 3 pair of good pants, 6 shirts, 5 pairs of socks, 3 over shirts, and coats enough for comfort, with needles and thread for mending; 1 good gun (double barred shot gun preferable) with plenty of powder, balls and shop one 2-gallon water can or keg."
"As the 'boys' hit the Mormon trail eastward, they settled into the routine of their individual duties. After the captain, whose words was law, the teamster was probably the next most important position in the success of a wagon company. H needed to be confident and at ease with handling oxen. To be a teamster required the skills to prevent the always-threatening stampedes, pace the oxen to avoid fatigue, and safely guide ox and wagon over rough terrain and through water crossings. His other duties included the nightly check for wheel stress and the greasing of axles. Each morning brought the yoking and hitching of the usually reluctant and uncooperative cattle.
"The 'night guards for the stock' gathered the oxen into a corral each morning after a dusk-to-dawn vigil over the grazing and sleeping animals. During the day, these guards (usually a half-dozen per company) attempted to sleep in the supply-filled, hurky-jerky wagons.
"Among the other responsibilities performed by the team were the quarter-mastering of supplies, mess duties, scouting for danger, and maintaining the spiritual well-being of team members, This pattern continued throughout the down-and-back years.
"However,, all was not work, as Captain (John Riggs) Murdock admitted: 'It generally took about nine weeks to cross the plains, and though it was a laborious trip, we had a great deal of enjoyment out of it. We had musicians with their instruments and would sometimes have what the boys called 'stag dances,' as there were no ladies with us on the 'down' trip. There were always several trains on the road which frequently camped close to ours, so the drivers often mingled with each other and engaged in such contests as wrestling, racing and jumping. I took a great deal of pleasure in such association with the boys.'
"As the companies, varying in size from 70 to 700 individuals, began their journey (back to Salt Lake City), they soon established a routine that would be their daily pattern through Nebraska, Wyoming, and finally into Salt Lake City: The company was called together morning and evening for prayers. In forming camp after the days journey, the wagons were drawn into a circle to form a corral. When the cattle were unyoked, they were given into the care of the herders who took them to the feed which was located by the captain of the guard. There were men appointed every night to guard the camp; this guard was composed of emigrants, while the cattle guard was made up of men (from) Utah...Toward the evening the company would gather buffalo chips with which to cook supper and to make a light. After breakfast and prayers the captain would call out, 'Gather up the cattle.' They were run into the corral to be yoked up; when all was ready to start, only one wagon at a time would leave the circle, no one trying to get ahead or out of his place.'
"Whereas the pioneering wagon trains and handcarts of previous decades averaged between nine and fifteen miles per day, the experienced teamsters of the down-and-back companies could make an impressive twenty miles a day. During the long day, wagon companies took three to four planned breaks to check and maintain wagon axles and wheels and to conserve animal and human strength; a short midmorning break to rest, water, and check draft animals; the two-hour 'nooning' break that allowed emigrants to rest, eat, and unyoke and graze the oxen; and a short afternoon and then an additional late afternoon break that repeated the needs of the morning break. Rather than a luxury, these breaks were necessity for long-haul travel. Emigrants who foolishly pushed too hard ultimately paid the price with crippled for dead animals, broken equipment,, and their own exhaustion - a dangerous combination in the harsh western terrain."
One day when they were coming back over the plains, a girl who was riding in Michael's wagon leaned too far out and fell. Her head was directly in front of the wheel and the wheel was about to run over her head and crush it. Quickly Michael grabbed the wheel and lifted it just as it would have passed over her, She then rolled clear and the team was stopped. They he tried again to lift the heavy wheel but he could not lift it off the ground. So he knew that someone he could not see had helped him lift that wheel. It took three months to make that journey.
"Despite all the work and danger, the emigrants and teamsters managed to have more that a little fun. In the evenings 'the emigrants often had a concert of dance by the light of their campfire.' There were fireside stories, occasional social visits and games between companies and hunting, fishing and climbing. Romance and flirting did not take a break for wagon travel...
"After about two and half months on the trail, the wagon trains arrived in Salt Lake City at intervals in August, September and October...The trains were now disbanded, Borrowed teams, wagons,, and equipment were returned to their owners.,
"The down-and-back system proved very successful in a variety of ways. It brought great numbers of emigrants in a relatively safe, economical, and timely manner. More that 2,500 men guiding an estimated 2,000 wagons by some 17,500 oxen, mules, and horses helped transport approximately 16,000 of the 20,000 emigrants who made their way to Zion between 1861 and 1868. An era was ending as the last Church-organized wagon train entered Salt Lake City in the fall of 1868, while the new era of the 'iron horse' was about to dawn on the horizon of the next year's spring."
Michael married Christina Hansen on February 2, 1868 i the Logan (?) temple, being endowed and sealed that same day. By trade Michael was a farmer. Stine (Christina) Sorensen (Americanized to Hansen) was born April 9, 1843 in Vig Parish, Holbaek, Denmark. She came to Utah at the age of one after leaving Denmark,
Michael was called as a missionary for the church to the Scandinavian countries October 12, 1894 at the age of 49, where he served until his release October 1, 1896.
Later he was sustained as the bishop of Mantua and saw the community develop from the beginning.
Michael died May 6, 1925 in Mantua, Utah and was buried May 9, 1925 in the Brigham City Memorial Park, Box Elder County, Utah.,
This information was given by his son, James Peter Schow, a grandaughter, Iris W. Schow and research by Joyce Schow Terry, great granddaughter of Micahel Juel Schow.
Found on FamilySearch.org, contributed by joyceelizabethterry1 on 24 July 2017. and quoted
Slaughter, William W. and Michael Landon, Trail of Hope, Shadow Mountain, Salt Lake City, 1997, pp. 135-163.
Iris W. Schow (granddaughter):
Grandma Schow churned butter which she sold to a grocery store in Brigham City. She bought butter wrapping paper the right size for a pound of butter and had the printer print her name: "Fresh Ranch Butter, Mrs. M. Schow." The grocer would have a list of customers who wanted her butter and started checking off the names that he had bought enough for.
Grandma paid me 11 cents a week to pump water and sprinkle her flower beds with a sprinkling can three or four times a week so I could have money to follow the weekly episode of the serial movie. The children's tickets were 10 cents plus 1 cent tax.
Someone, usually Grandpa, drove the "surrey with the fringe on top" or the bob sleigh to Brigham to meet visitors who came on the train.
Danford Schow (grandson):
Michael jewel Schow and Christina Hansen Schow lived on a small farm in Mantua where they raised cows, hay and a garden. They lived mostly off the land and income from their milk sales and the butter my grandfather peddled in Brigham City about five miles away. Both were good members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Grandfather Schow was bishop in Mantua Ward for about 15 years as I recall.
Mantua was a very small town of perhaps about two or three hundred families. It had one store, one church (Mormon) and one grade school. High school students were transported to Box Elder High at Brigham City. I remember how happy I was to go to Meatta's (sp?) Store where rice, flour, sugar, etc. was kept in barrels on the floor and stick candy, gum and sugar plums were in candy jars on the counter. It was truly an old-time country store. I also remember I was quite frightened of the creek which ran past our house. I must have been warned of possible dangers. I know we went to church each Sunday where my grandfather was bishop, but I recall very little except a faint remembrance of what the church looked like. It was in Mantua where I saw my first airplane as it flew over the valley. People rushed out of their homes to see it and I remember it frightened me to a state of tears. It was at Mantua that I had my first ride in a car. My Uncle Ephraim had bought a Chevrolet. What a wonderful fun ride down the canyon to Brigham and back that was. It was many years after that until my dad purchased an old Model T. truck.
Ellen Schow Calchera and Ida Schow Blower (granddaughters) August 1986:
Ellen: I'd like to tell you about Grandma's pink bedroom. To me that was the snuggest place in all the world! We usually went there in the winter time and it was cold. The bed was really different than the ones we sleep in now. On the bottom, in the Fall, clean straw was put into a huge "tick," which was a big sack which fit the bed. This tick was all fluffed up, and then on top of the straw tick there was a down tick mattress. You'd just sink down into that cozy little nest and sleep so warm and snug and safe all night.
Ida: Yes, I can kind of remember that!
Ellen: And that pink room was my favorite room, I think, in the whole house. It had some pretty curtains and pink wallpaper.
Ida: The story I like best is when Grandpa used to come and meet you down at the train with the sleigh in the wintertime.
Ellen: We'd come on the train from Westin, and we'd usually come and spend about a week at Grandma's, and Grandpa would come down the canyon and meet us at the train. We were never cold going up the canyon because Grandma would put huge rocks in the oven and get them nice and warm overnight. They were piled on top of the straw, and then some more straw and then some comforters. We'd come all the way up the canyon and it would take, well, as a child, I was impatient, so a little while was a long while. But we were never cold. We were always warm and snug. It was gorgeous going up the canyon to Grandma's. I never could figure out how they could take a sleigh and go up to Paradise up Sardine Canyon. That was impossible! It would take too long. And I was riding down the canyon with Mike (her son Michael Calchera) and I said, "I can remember going over the hill to Paradise on a sleigh." And he said, "Yes, the old road is still there. At the old lime kiln there's a turnoff, and you can still, with a four-wheel drive, make it." I remember that trip. It didn't seem like it took too long. It was beautiful, and you could see the deer running down in the valley. We'd go there to visit Aunt Minnie and Uncle Pete. I remember how beautiful it was with the sun hitting the snow. It was just like diamonds everywhere. And the deer down in the valley, and the quaken asp trees all white without leaves. I wasn't very old, but I'll never forget that. I was glad to find out that that road was there because that had worried me for a long time.
Ida Schow Blower and Beth Schow Stagge (granddaughters) August 1986:
Ida: I remember going up to see Grandma and Grandpa...and that was a rare trip. Grandpa had a car and Uncle Will had a car. Maybe Uncle Eph did too. They'd come down and get us and take us up to Mantua, and when we'd get there Grandpa was always sitting in his big easy chair in the dining room. The dining room was more what we'd call a den, or a TV room, or a family room. It had a big round table and chairs and a big couch and they had a Victola. We'd wind it up at the side and play those records. I can remember they had Lucy Gates. Don't forget Grandpa's peppermints! He always had a little round tin box...
Beth: With a flower of some kind on it...a red flower...
Ida: And he'd always give you a peppermint.
Beth: He did if you would give him a kiss! And he had a great big mustache, and it used to tickle.
Ida: Yes, and they had a big feather bed in the little bedroom, right off the dining room. It wasn't a very big bed, but that mattress must have been four feet thick! It was huge! Or else it was because I was really young, but that bed looked really bug. And the parlor...
Beth: We didn't ever get into that parlor. That was for funerals and Christmas.
Ida: Yes. I went in there once and saw the Christmas tree, and then again when Grandma or Grandpa, I don't know which, died, and we went into the parlor,
Beth: And they tried to get me to kiss them, and I wouldn't, and I went into hysterics!
Ida: And you'd go into the pantry..
Beth: Oh, yes, and that was the most beautiful thing in the world...
Ida: It just smelled so good! And they had a blue and white pan, and it was always filled with milk. They'd skim off the cream and they had coconut and raisins and all the other goodies.
Beth: And Grandma always had pies and cookies, cookies always! I remember cookies and Valentine's Day. Grandma and Aunt Minnie would make a great big batch of Valentine's cookies and bring them down to us. And those cookies were decorated just beautifully. And they tasted out of this world.
Ida: And they had a pump outside of their house and it fascinated me. They didn't have water coming through into the kitchen. They had to go outside and pump the handle up and own to get water,.
Beth: In our genealogy, there's a picture of that pump!
Ida: Remember the post in the front yard? Grandpa then put a wagon wheel on top of it. We called it "Grandpa's Whirly Gig." You'd get on that and ride around.
Beth: Somebody'd push and we'd jump on - just on our bellies, and take a ride.
Ida: I can remember the separator, too, on the back porch.
Beth: Yes, it separated the milk and cream. And once in awhile they's let me ride the "Dolly Horse" to put the hay up.
Ida: They had lots of cats, but they never came in the house. It was beautiful up there. It was a pretty little valley.
Beth: Mantua was originally called "Little Valley," did you know that?
Ida: I don't remember Grandpa Schow - I was too little.
Beth: And I was younger than you, so I don't remember him very well, either, but I do remember Grandma Schow. She was thoughtful and very considerate, and yet she was so stern! She almost frightened a small child. I'm glad I have some recollection of our Grandmother and Grandfather Schow, even if it is very limited. I am proud to call them grandparents. They must have been very wonderful people to have raised a son up to become such a good man as our father was.
Found on FamilySearch.org, contributed by joyceelizabethterry1 on 24 July 2017
In response to a call to go on a mission to Scandinavia, I, Michael Schow left my home on the twelfth day of October 1894. I went direct to Salt Lake City and was set apart by George Reynolds and John Henry Smith. We were also instructed by Brothers Heber J. Grant, Abraham Cannon, John Henry Smith and George Reynolds. Our instructions were how to take care of ourselves and what our duties would be.
October 13 - Bid goodbye to Salt Lake City and take the train for Ogden at 7 in the morning. From there we take the train for the east, traveled all day and all night - arrived in Denver City in the morning of the 14th. All is well. We laid over till one in the afternoon, when we again took our seats in the car and were off for Kansas City, where we arrived the next morning.
October 15 - Tired but well. We laid over all day and spent the day in sight seeing. Kansas City is a large city, population 150 thousand. It is a smokey and a dirty place. I would not like to live in it. We took the train for Chicago in the evening and arrived at 6 o'clock in the morning.
October 16 - Spent the rest of the day in sight seeing. We visited the stockyards where we saw them killing hogs at the rate of 5000 per day, besides thousands of sheep and cattle. They told us that there were 7000 men employed in that institution. It is a large city and we saw many beautiful building. We leave here at eight thirty in the evening.
October 17 - We have been traveling all night and today we are traveling through the states of Ohio and Pennsylvania and tonight we will go through part of New Jersey. We travel so much in the night that we do not get to see the country as I should like to, but the part of the country we did see is very beautiful.
We arrived in Jersey City in the morning of the 18th and took the ferry boat over to the great City of New York. We put up at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. After breakfast we went out to see the sights. The first place we went to see was the Brooklyn Bridge. That was grand and we spent nearly all day there watching the steamboats plowing up and down the river. I tell you it was a grand sight to me. We met the brethren at the hotel that were going to England. There was nine of them, and there were six of us that was going to Denmark. We were soon well acquainted and had a good time together.
On the 19th in the morning we took a stroll down Broadway, then we went down to Central Park and it took us all day to see all the sights there. In the evening we all met at the hotel, in one room, and had prayers, asking the Lord to protect us while we were crossing the great deep.
October 20 - We boarded the steamship Ethiopia at 10:00 a.m. and sailed out of the beautiful harbor of New York, and I felt like asking the Lord to spare all our lives, to return us all well in two years from now. It was a beautiful day and we felt first rate. Retired at 10 p.m. and slept well.
October 21 - A beautiful day; we were all feeling well, the ship is gliding along so smooth that you can hardly feel the motion. Spent the day walking up and down the deck and conversing with one another. Retired feeling well.
October 22 - Waked up this morning with a feeling as if I was lifted up in the air and left there. I got on deck as soon as I could. I was not feeling well; still I was not so sick but what I could laugh at others when they went to feed the fish, but I tell you it was no laughable matter when it comes my turn to feed them. That was the longest day I have ever seen. I could not eat anything and retired early and slept well.
October 23 - The sea was running higher than ever and the most of us was not feeling well. Spent the day on deck. Cannot eat and the days seem awfully long., Retired early and slept well.
October 24 - The sea is running higher than ever and it is too cold to be on deck much of the time, so I have to lay down. I cannot sit up when I cannot be on deck. Cannot eat, but sleep well for which I am thankful.
October 25 - The sea is running higher than ever and it is still cold. I went on deck but did not stay long, don't feel very well.
October 26 - It is no better today; if anything I feel like I had been on the sea long enough - shall be thankful when we see land again.
October 28 - This is the worst day we have had. The waves are running high. I was on deck a little while. It is a grand sight to see the sea when it is wrought up to such fury as it is. Today it is like looking over a country of rough mountains and valleys. There was a wave that washed our deck from one end to the other while I was on deck. There was one of the brethren that was sitting down and I could not see him for water. There are ropes stretched all over the deck, and I was hanging onto one of them for dear life, but I could not help laughing at that brother that was sitting down. It is very cold and I do not feel well, so I have to go and lay down then I feel better. So ends this day - with waves washing over the decks every little while, but we have not to fear for we feel we are in the hands of the Lord and safe.
October 29 - The sea is not as rough today and we are feeling better. Our appetites are getting better and the weather is not so cold. We have spent the most of the day on deck. We expect to see land tomorrow and it will be a welcome sight. Retired feeling much better.
October 30 - The first thing I hear this morning, was we are in sight of land, and it is a fine day. We are not long in getting out of our bunks and dressing ourselves and getting about on deck. We are sailing along the coast of England and land never looked so beautiful to me before. We landed some of our passenger and they said we would not land until the next morning, so we retired for the night, all feeling well and thankful.
October 31 - Waked up this morning and found ourselves landed in the city of Glasgow. We soon got out of the old ship and it was with pleasure that we again trod the firm earth. It was raining when we landed, so we hurried up to the railroad depot and left our grips there. We then went and got our breakfast. It was still raining and we could not go out and see the sights, The city was overhung with a heavy fog and all we could do is stand in shelter and watch the people hurry up and down the streets and their horses are the largest I ever saw. They work them single, when they use two they hitch one ahead of the other and not side and side like we do. We stayed here till one p.m. and then took the train for Liverpool where we arrived at nine o'clock. All well. Some of the brethren met us from the office and bid us welcome. We went to the hotel and had supper and retired for the night.
November 1 - We waked up this morning feeling well after a good night rest on shore. It is still raining. This is an awful dirty smokey city. Seen more dirty women and children on the streets that I ever saw before. We had our breakfast, settled our bill and took the train for Grinsby after bidding farewell to our brethren who were to say here in old England. Away we went, at the rate of fifty miles per hour, and see the last of beautiful country. We arrived in Grinsby about five p.m. and went direct from the train to the steam boat that was to take us over the North Sea. We found it was a dirty old boat loaded with cows. Our sleeping quarters was down in the hold where we were mixed up with all kinds of people. All the bedding there was an old straw tick; also a hard pillow made of straw. We would like to take places with the cows, for they had plenty of good clean straw. We retire with our overcoats on.
November 2 - We got up this morning not feeling very well. The sea is running very high and our ship is pitching in great shape. Peter is feeding the fish and I cannot eat anything. We did not sleep warm and we dreaded the night. I have made friends with one of the sailors and he has promised me some blankets, so I expect to sleep well tonight. We have also made friends with the cook and he is frying fish for us and we are eating a hearty meal. This all had to be done on the sly; if the officers was to find out that the sailors had done anything for us they would lose their places. The sea is not so rough and we are feeling better. Retire expecting to sleep well tonight.
November 3 - After a good night's rest we wake up this morning and found ourselves in Hamburg. A large city, a population of six hundred thousand. We had to pay for an interpreter; the people speak the German language. Our interpreter took us to the custom house where our worldly goods were examined. He then took us to a eating house where we eat our first rye bread. We then took the train for Lubeck where we arrived at noon. We spent the rest of the day here; In the evening we got aboard a beautiful little steam boat and started for Copenhagen.
November 4 - Waked up this morning at daylight when the word came down that we were approaching the beautiful city of Copenhagen. We soon got out expecting to see something grand, but we were disappointed. It was raining and very foggy so we could see only a few rods ahead. We soon landed and knew that we were in Denmark, when we saw the wooden shoes coming on board and heard a language we could understand. We found a man to pilot us and we were soon at the house of R. Christiansen, the old Mormon Hotel in Lille Strand Strede H. 16. We had a good bath, a good breakfast when Brother Christiansen who is the President of the Copenhagen Conference and two other brethren called on us and invited us to attend meeting in the afternoon, which we did. We also attended a meeting in the evening where we met Brother C. Olsen who went with us to the hotel that night.
November 5 - Spent the day in sight seeing and went to a meeting in the evening.
November 6 - Met Brother James Larsen from Smithfield. We have been going from one place of interest to another all day. Brothers C. Olsen and Larsen being our guides. Went to the Kings Theatre that night - very fine.
November 7 - We are still here, waiting for our sentence. Met Peter Jensen and Brother Christiansen from Hyrum and had a good time together. Went to the circus and laughed to our hearts' content.
November 8- Today we received our sentence and it was Norway. We feel kind of chilly.
November 9 - Peter Hansen is not feeling very well. We will not start for Norway till he feels better. There is much to see and I am out with my eyes and ears open, seeing and hearing all I can.
November 10 - We are going out in the country with Olsen and Larsen for a day or two, see if Peter won't get to feeling better.
November 11 - We are in the city called Hillerod, headquarters of Brother Larsen. There are no saints in this city, and all the brethren can do is to go around and give tracts away. Very seldom they can get a chance to bear their testimony to the people. It being Sunday we all went to church and seen a Lutheran priest and heard him, too, for the first time.
November 12 - Today we are visiting Frederikberg's Slot, which is the grandest of its kind in Denmark. Its halls are filled with old weapons of war, with furniture such as used in olden times, and the walls and ceilings are covered with paintings of kings and queens and great soldiers, and a great many other things. We go back to Copenhagen this afternoon.
November 13 - Peter is not feeling well, and I am taking in all the sights I can while I am waiting for him to get better.
November 14 - Went out and spent a few hours with Peter's aunt. She gave us some coffee and cake, but did not seem to care for our society.
November 15 - We are getting ready to take the train for Christiania Norg this evening at nine o'clock.
November 16 - We have been going at full speed all night and are still going. We will arrive in Christiania about 7 tonight. We are going through Sweden and it is a fine country. Timber all over.
November 17 - We arrived in Christiania last night and was kindly received by Brother Christiansen. We are not taking in the sights; we have seen so much that we are almost tired of sight seeing. Christiania is a city of about two hundred thousand pop. It is built on knolls and in hollows. I have not seen a level spot big enough in Norway to build a city on.
November 18 - This being Sunday we went to meeting and preached our first Norwegian sermon. Do not think that there was many that understood us; believe they were glad when we sat down, and we did not occupy must time either.
November 19 - We find our Norwegian brethren and sisters are very kind. They invite us out to dinner every day. We spent ten days in Denmark but was never invited to eat a meal while we were there. So we feel we have got amongst a warm hearted people, even if it is a cold country.
November 20 - Peter is not feeling very well; I do not know what will become of him the way he feels. It is discouraging and I cannot feel very well while he is feeling so bad.
November 21 - We got out appointments today. I am to labor in Frederikstad which is in the southern part of Norway and not very far from Christiania. Peter goes to Drammen.
November 22 - Still in Christiania; not very well.
November 23 - Getting ready to part with Peter. I start for my field of labor today. Feeling down the mouth.
November 24 - I arrived in Frederikstad last night all right and was kindly received by Brother Carl Hansen from Spring City, Sanpete Co. Utah. Frederkstad is a city of about 13,000 inhabitants. It is built on knolls and in hollows. There is not a level place large enough to play a game of ball on.
November 25 - This being Sunday I had the pleasure of meeting with the saints of this city. They are all very kind to me, but it is very hard for me to understand them.
November 26 - Spent the day in reading and conversing with Brother Hansen.
November 27 - Still reading; just found out that I do not know anything. Hope I can learn.
November 28 - Wednesdays we have a meeting; we also have meeting on Sunday so I have a chance to preach at least twice a week.
November 29 - Today I had my first experience in spreading tracts; it is not a job I like but I will try to do my duty.
November 30 - I am reading and trying to fit myself for the work that is before me.
December 1 - Studying hard. Hope I will learn something.
December 2 - This being the first Sunday we have fast meeting in the forenoon where we also partake of the Sacrament. We do not have any in those meetings only those that belong to the church. It is unlawful for any church to partake of the Sacrament only the State Church. If anybody was to report us they would put us in prison and feed us on bread and water for a few days. We have to be careful. A fine law, isn't it, for a Christian country?
December 31 - I have been engaged the whole month in studying, in spreading tracts, preaching the gospel, talking with people whenever I have a chance; also administering to the sick. The saints do all they can to make us happy through the holidays. I was homesick then than I had been before, but I feel thankful to my Heavenly Father that it is as well with us as it is. I have good health and the Lord has blessed me with friends.
January 1, 1895 - Held a meeting today, had a good time, made many good resolutions. Hope the Lord will help us to keep them, and bless us through the coming years.
January 29 - Spent this month about the same as the last. It has been very cold and we stay at home most of the time. I baptized a young man, by the name of Eriksen on the 23rd of this month. That is the first. I hope it won't be the last.
February 28 - This month has passed about the same as last. I went to Frederikstad and spent a week with Brother James Hansen and the saints there. They received me kindly, and I had a good time with them. My health is still good for which I am thankful to my Heavenly Father.
March 1 - It is stormy, but not as cold as it was. My health is still good.
March 31 - The long month is past and still I am right side up with care. We have had some fine weather during this month and we have spread a good many tracts. On the 13th I received a letter from Brother Christiansen calling me to go to Larvik to open up a branch that had been without missionaries for some time. This is a large branch, called Alndals Branch. There is 15 large cities in this branch. The largest city has about 14 thousand people, and the smallest one about 400 people. There is about 90,000 people in these 15 cities, and that is only in the cities. There is a great many thousand scattered around in the country. There is room for 20 missionaries to work and I am here alone. I arrived here in Larvik on the 21st of March at 1 o'clock in the morning, a perfect stranger, but before night I had many friends. The few saints that are here was awful glad to see me and they done all they could to make me feel at home and some of them that was not saints were kind to me. One lady gave me her room to sleep in and she went and stayed with one of the saints. I soon found a room that was suitable for my purpose. One that was large enough to hold meetings in and the next Sunday we had a meeting and we had a good time.
April 1 - The weather is quite nice and I am well and happy and trying to do my duty.
April 13 - Today I was happily surprised by a visit from Brother Peter Andersen of Ogden, Utah and I expect good times while he is here.
April 19 - This being Sunday we had a meeting in the afternoon. We had advertised that the Mormons would preach, and we had about 15 strangers to listen to us, the largest congregation of strangers I have seen since I came to Norway.
April 20 - We advertised that we would preach again on Thursday night and on Friday, and then we took the train for Skien, where we arrived at 10 o'clock a.m. Found Brother Christiansen, who gave us a good dinner; we also found Brother Murk there and was invited down to see his parents and brothers and sisters - they are not in the church. We preached the gospel to them until 12 o'clock that night and was invited down there for dinner the next day.
April 21 - After a good night's rest and breakfast we had a talk with Brother Christiansen. Then we went down to dinner with Brother Murk. Then we took the steam boat for Brevik. We found a Brother Isaksen; he is the only person in this city that belongs to us. He has been in the church for 40 years, a good, faithful man. We then took the steamer for Langersron where we arrived all right. Found a family belonging to our people, but we do not think they amount to much. We blessed one of their children; we stayed there over night and the next morning we took the steamboat running for Larvik where we arrived all right and was glad to get home.
May 10 - Brother Andersen has left me along again, but we had a good time while he was here. Filled out appointments by preaching to all that would come and listen to us, and we hope we have done some good. I shall take the steamer for Christiania this afternoon.
May 11 - I arrived here in Christiania last night at 10 o'clock and was kindly received by Brother Christiansen and all the missionaries. Although we had never met before, some of us were glad to see one another and expect to have a good time together. Our conference convenes this afternoon at 5 o'clock. Pres. Sunvald arrived this morning and we were glad to see him, for we all love him. The hall was filled up to overflowing by five o'clock and the meeting was called to order by Pres. Christiansen and the most of the time was used by the missionaries in giving their reports. We are all feeling well and expect to have a good time tomorrow.
May 12 - We are all feeling well this morning. The meeting was called to order by Pres. Christiansen and we had a splendid time together. We had another meeting in the afternoon when we all got our appointments for the next six months. I was appointed to preside over the Arendal Branch, with Brother Julius Johnsen to assist me.
May 13 - Priesthood meeting lasted four hours and we had a good time. The Elders giving their experiences which was good to listen to. We have indeed had a splendid time, and we feel that the Lord has blessed us with his spirit, and that we have been strengthened and will go forth with renewed vigor to our labors.
May 17 - May the 17th is to the Norwegian what the 4th of July is to the American, and we went out to see the sights in the forenoon. They had a procession of the school children. We stayed in one place and they were one hour going by; they walked four abreast and they walked quite fast; they carried banners showing what school they belongs to; they had bands of music. Here and there in the procession in the afternoon the several political parties were out waving their banners, Some great speeches were made. And in the evening they had fireworks, and a grand time in general.
May 18 - Today Brother Johnsen and I are getting ready to say goodby to our friends; we start for home tonight.
May 19 - Arrived here in Larvik this morning - all well. We had a meeting in the afternoon.
May 25 - Brother Peter Andersen arrived here this evening and I was glad to see him.
May 26 - This being Sunday, we had a meeting and Brother Andersen spoke to us, and we had a good time. Several strangers were present.
May 27 - Brother Andersen and I went out in the country to visit an old Brother. We found him to be a hard looking old fellow,. He looked so dirty I could not stay with him all night as I had intended to, so I turned about and started for home and Brother Andersen went to hunt up some of his family. I walked about 25 miles that day and I was very tired.
June 2 - This being Sunday we had a meeting. It is pretty hard on me; Brother Johnsen cannot help me at all. One thing, he cannot speak the language and another is he does not understand the gospel. I have to open the meeting, while he sits and looks on. I called on one of the brethren that lives here to speak and he did so. When the meeting was out, an old man that is not in the church said, "We want you to preach and not Brother Dahl; when you or Brother Andersen speak then there is a spirit that burns in my bosom that tells me you are led by the spirit of God. But when he speaks there is no spirit." I feel thankful to my Heavenly Father for his goodness toward me.
June 9 - It is Sunday again and Brother Andersen is with me; that makes me feel better. We had a good meeting, a good many strangers being present who seemed to be much interested, One lady applied for baptism and we baptized her about 12 o'clock in the night. Her husband had been baptized a week previous.
June 10 - Today the Relief Society met and we met with them. After the meeting had been opened by singing and prayer we proceeded to confirm Sister Olsen and then we had the pleasure of blessing her two little children. The spirit of God seemed to fill the whole house and we were the happiest little flock in the world.
June 13 - Brother Andersen left us today. He has gone to Skien. I wish him a successful journey. It is raining today and the people are happy for it was getting very dry for this country.
July 1, 1895 - We have moved from our old quarters, but I am afraid we have made a bad move. We did not have any outsiders to our meeting yesterday. That is something that has not happened for some time. Everything is very dull here. People have not got time to talk with us. When they are not to work they are out hunting pleasure. When cold weather comes we expect to have better times again.
August 6 - I am still here in Larvik and I am alone again. Brother Johnsen left me a week ago today. He was called to go to Frederikstad to labor with my old companion Brother Carl Hansen. He is a good boy and I hope the Lord will bless him with health and lighten up his mind so that he may become a successful missionary and do much good among his kindred. The month of July has passed without any special incidents,. It has been very stormy, raining almost every day. I and Brother Johnsen started out to visit some of the saints that are scattered in the different cities and towns in this branch. We did not get very far because it got so stormy. We went to Langesund and visited a family living there, then we took the country road and walked about 12 miles and found an old man and his daughter living right on the coast. He is a fisherman, a kind old man, and him and his daughter received us very kindly. They live in a little old hut. Brother Johnsen could not stand straight in it anywhere. It looked on the outside like an old pig pen about to tumble down. Brother Johnsen and I thought it would be awful hard to have to stay in a place like that over night, but we found a nice little housekeeper in that hut. Everything was nice and clean on the inside, and we ate a hearty meal and then went out with our old brother in his boat and he caught a good mess of fish for supper and fish for breakfast the next morning. We stayed there and started for a city called Brevik, where there is an older brother living, but we did not find him. We then walked to Langesund where Brother Carlsen and his daughter promised to meet us, but a great storm had come up and they could not come, for they were to come by water with their own boat and the sea got too rough. We stayed in Langesund that night, eating supper with Brother Nelsen and breakfast also and we slept in a hotel. We stayed there until noon. It was raining and blowing hard and we concluded to go home to Larvik, so we took the good boat Groningen. Although the sea was running high and we came near getting sea sick we got home all right. So passed the month of July.
August 31, 1895 - I have been alone most of this month, Brother Johnsen being called to go to Frederikstad to labor. Spent the time studying the Bible and other good books, visiting the saints and spreading tracts amongst the people, holding meeting on Sundays. The time seems a little long since Brother Johnsen left me.
September 1 - I am bothered some with a dull pain in my head and dizziness but I hope it will soon wear away. We have our fall conference on the 14th and 15th of this month, and my president wrote me to take my baggage with me as there was liable to be some changes made. I expect to be sent to Denmark.
September 13 - I start for Christiania this evening with the good boat called Arendal. Whether I am to be seasick or not depends on the sea. If it is rough I shall be sick, if it is smooth I will be all right.
September 21 - I am back in Larvik again, right side up with care. We had a splendid time during conference. Apostle Lund was with us, he gave us good advice, encouraged us to faithfulness, told us some of his experiences as a missionary. We have again been appointed to our different fields of labor and I have been appointed to preside over the Arendal Branch, with Brother Danielsen from Smithfield, Cache County as my helper. I was a little disappointed, I had made up my mind I was going to Denmark, but it is all right. I am willing to go where the Lord wants me. Brother Danielsen and I have spent the last part of this month in visiting the saints and I have showed him most of the places of interest.
October 31 - We are back in our old quarters in the house that we left and the people are pleased to have us back. Although they do not belong to us they like us for neighbors and some of them come to our meetings. We have spent this month studying our Bibles, preaching the gospel when we have a chance - spreading truth.
November 30 - We are getting ready to take a trip through the branch, but it is so stormy we are waiting for better weather. On the 9th we took the train to Skien. We stayed there all night with Brother Christensen. We preached to his housekeeper until a late hour that night. Brother Christensen had to go and stay with some of his family that was sick, so we did not see him anymore. After breakfast we bid his housekeeper goodby and we took the train to a town called Brevik. We tried to hunt a brother we have there but failed to find him. We then took to the country road, riding on the apostle's horses and walked about ten miles to my old friend the fisherman, Brother Olsen. He was glad to see us, he had moved since I last visited him but had left directions with his old neighbors how I should find him. He is living with his son now. His son's wife is a kind lady, although neither her nor her husband belong to the church they treated us with great kindness. It stormed very hard that night and the next day it was blowing and raining hard all day, and we had to stay there until the next morning when Brother Olsen and his son took us to their boat and put us on board a passing steamboat. The sea was running pretty high and I did not feel very well but we soon ran into smoother water and I was all right. We landed in a town called Bragerv. There is a family there of our folks, but we were unable to find them. We stayed there over night and the next day we again got aboard the steamboat and started for the city of Risor. The sea was very rough and I was miserable, but I did not heave Jonah but I was awful glad to get on shore. Here we soon found some of the saints, but I cannot say they seemed awful glad to see us. They seemed to be afraid their friends would find out that they were Mormons Still they gave us something to eat and they gave us money to help us on our way. But they seemed to be glad to get rid of us. They could not give us a bed to sleep in but gave us the advice to go to a hotel to sleep. They told us of a brother living up in the town but his wife was not in the church and she was a terror. Well, we concluded to go and visit them. On arriving at their house we found Brother Edward Johnsen alone at home, his wife and daughter were out in the city. He appears to be a good honest man. He was pleased to see us and yet I could see he was uneasy, he finally told us he did not know how his wife would receive us. We told him not to feel uneasy on our account. While we were talking about the gospel he seemed to feel well. He said he knew the gospel taught by the Latter-Day Saints was true and he had a testimony that he never could forget. We heard someone coming down the street. "Here comes my wife," he said. A tall, well-dressed lady came in and a young lady with her. Brother Danielsen and I rose to our feet and made a grand bow, she returned our bow - with interest - she then turned to her husband and said, "I see you have strangers here." He then introduced us as missionaries., Then we found out she had a long tongue, and I thought it was loose on both ends. Her husband got out as fast as his legs would carry him, and Brother Danielsen and I had to face the music. She told us that one of our missionaries had done her more harm than any other human being. She said, "After my husband received your gospel, this missionary told him to sell our home, and if I would not go with him to Zion for him to take our children and go without me. What do you think of a man that would try to get a husband to leave his wife that way?" We told her that we thought that missionary had made a mistake and that we would advise Brother Johnsen to stay with his wife and take care of her, and teach her the principles of the gospel and do all he could to save her., It was now getting dark and we got up to go, for we had not yet found a place to stay overnight. She asked us where we were going and we told her to hunt a lodging place. "Well," she said, "you seem to be two honest men and I invite you to stay here just as long as you want to stay in our city, but I do not want you to preach your doctrine to me or my children." Well, we stayed there two days and nights and did nothing but preach the gospel to her and her daughter when we were in the house.
November 15 - We got aboard the good steam boat Werinzen and started for the city of Arendal where we arrived all right in the afternoon. We hunted up the one latter-day saint living in this large city. It was an old sister about 70 years old. She was glad to see us, her husband is a kind old man and treated us kindly. We spent Sunday the 15th in this city, and he invited us to hold meeting in his house, which we did. Their sons and daughters who are not in the church, treated us with much kindness. On Thursday the 20th at 5 o'clock in the morning we got on board the good boat Viringen and started to Larvik, our headquarters, where we arrived all right at 5 o'clock this evening. Brother Danielsen found a letter from President Andersen calling him to go to Hedemarken. I also found a letter from him telling me that Brother Nephi Andersen was coming here to labor along with me. Brother Danielsen left me this morning the 26th, for his new field of labor and Brother Nephi Andersen came this afternoon. We have spent the rest of this month visiting the saints and making Brother Andersen acquainted with them. This ends the month of November.
December 31 - We are spreading tracts and conversing with the people and explaining the gospel as we understand it to them when we have a chance. We also have to study the Bible and be prepared to defend our religion with that, for that is the only authority they will accept here. It is no use to bring forth our church works - they will not accept them. We hold meetings every Sunday so our time is well taken up and we haven't got much time to get homesick. On Christmas Day we held one meeting and we had a good time. On the 26th we had a Christmas tree for the Sunday School children and we had an enjoyable time.
On the 29th I took the steamboat for Christiania where I arrived the next morning all right and I found President Andersen and C. Swensen just getting out of bed. They were feeling well. So ends the last day of 1895.
January 31, 1896 - I have been engaged during this month in spreading the written word of God, in conversing and explaining the gospel as the Latter-day Saints understand it and holding meetings on Sundays. I had a very good time with the brethren and the saints in Christiania on New Year's. I stayed there five days, attended three meetings and we had a good time. I was two nights and one day getting back to Larvik on account of it being so foggy that they did not dare to sail fast. We were to make the trip in seven hours. We have had the finest weather I have ever saw in January.
February 28 - Brother Andersen and I have both had the influenza which kept us in for about two weeks. On the 12th of this month we took a trip to Sandefjord where we visited about 100 houses, spread about 90 tracts, and we think we shall get the privilege of holding a meeting there on Sunday. We visited Sandefjord again on the 19th and got the privilege of holding a meeting in a private house in the evening. We spent the day in spreading tracts and inviting the people to come to meeting. There was 18 came to hear us. They seemed to be well pleased with what we had to say and invited us to come again on the 21st. We started on a visiting trip through the branch, we visited Skien, Brevik, Porsgrunn, Langesund and found the saints all well and feeling well in the gospel. It is very stormy and we have both caught cold. We returned to Larvik on the 22nd where we found the saints all mourning the death of Sister Kjer. She was a young woman and leaves three small children. We buried her on the 25th of February although it is against the laws of the land for any society outside of the Lutheran Church to hold any service in the graveyard, but we sang the hymn "Nearer My God to Thee" and dedicated her grave. There was quite a number of strangers there and seen and heard us but I do not think anyone has reported us, at least we have heard nothing about it. So ends the month of February.
March 1 - This being Sunday we had our Sacrament meeting in the forenoon. Brother Andersen took the boat for Christiania this afternoon, he expects to have a good time.,
March 2 - I received a telegram from Brother Andersen to send his things to him He is called to go to Denmark, so I am left alone again.
March 6 - I received a letter from President Andersen that Brother Skankey was coming here to take charge of this branch and that he had another place for me.
March 16 - Brother Skankey arrived today all well. It is very stormy and cold.
March 23 - Today is the first fine day we have had for some time. I had a letter from the president informing me that I am to stay here awhile, maybe until conference. Brother Skankey and I made a trip to Sanderfjord and tried to get a place to hold a meeting, but were unable to get one. It was very bad traveling yesterday. We had the pleasure of blessing Brother Kjer's baby boy - His name is Martin Alivuer Kjer.
March 31 - We have got through the month and it has been a very stormy one and we haven't been able to accomplish much.
April 1 - It is very stormy and we are kept in the house most of the time. We use the time reading our Bible and studying the principles of the gospel.
April 7 - It is fine today and we have been out in the country spreading tracts and talking to the people. I had a good time.
April 12 - I have been out in the country, three days last week. It was fine today. We had a meeting, there was eight strangers present to hear what we had to say. We also went to church to hear the Lutheran priest confirm a lot of boys and girls. We were invited to eat dinner at the house of one of those that was confirmed.
April 13 - Today we buried Brother Kjer's baby, who died last Thursday the 7th. We had a meeting in the house where he died. The people were not in the church, but they had the house well filled up with people we had never had the privilege of bearing our testimony to before, as we did as much as we could on an occasion like this, bore our testimonies to some of the principles of the gospel and after the funeral they invited us home. There was a lot of their friends there and we had coffee and cake and we stayed there all afternoon.
April 17 - Last Wednesday Brother P. Andersen, our president, arrived here and we had a meeting and we had a good time. He went to Arendal this morning. He expects to get back here next Monday, so we have advertised a meeting for Monday evening.
April 22 - On account of bad weather the boat that Brother Andersen is with did not get here until this morning, but we held our meeting all the same. And our advertisement that he was to speak filled our hall full, and by the blessings of God Brother Skankey and I were enabled to handle the subject advertised and the people listened to us with much interest. There were three priests present and after the meeting they asked us a great many questions which we answered as the spirit led us. Before they left us they invited us to visit them at their homes which we also promised to do.
April 24 - Yesterday we went out in the city and put up notices that we would hold a meeting in the evening, but the people tore them down about as fast as we put them up. We then went out and went from house to house invited them to come. Well, we had a good meeting and President Andersen spoke with great power and the principles of the gospel were explained in their purity. Brother Andersen leaves us tomorrow and goes to Christiania.
April 26 - We visited our Apostical (?) friends last night and they tried to explain their faith to us, but the more they tried the plainer could we see that it was a man-made system made up of fables, as Paul says, "The world turned from the truth unto fables." We then explained the gospel to them as we understood it and they acknowledged that we had a great deal of truth and they believed we were honest men and that they would like to talk with us again. They said that they were sure that their church was the true church of Christ. We told them there was no doubt in our minds, we knew that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was the true church of God and all the world would know it some time. We parted good friends and they invited us to visit them again. We started on a trip through the branch today. We returned from our trip going direct to Brevik where we took dinner with Brother Isaksen and continued our journey on foot to Rakstatangen where we expect to hold a meeting on Sunday., But we found that the people would have nothing to do with us, so we returned to Brevik Sunday evening. We stayed there all night, and the next day we visited some houses and scattered some tracts. We took the train in the evening and went to Skien where we stayed with Brother Christiansen all night and the next day until three o'clock in the afternoon. We went to a meeting in the evening that was held by a girl that is called Lysacker Pigen. She pretends that she has been in heaven and has seen the Savior, and that she is called to cry repentance to the people. When they got through with the meeting she came down amongst the people and called on them to get down on their knees and she would pray for them and they would be saved. She had ladies lying down all over the floor around her calling on the name of Jesus, 'til it was the greatest confusion I ever saw or heard. We got out of there as fast as possible, feeling that there was indeed something that would suit those who were hunting a shortcut to heaven. We got back here to Larvik last night, Wednesday May the 6th. When we got back from our trip, the old man Svensen sent word that he wanted to see me. He told me as soon as I got in the house that he wished to be baptized. He has been investigating for over a year. He is 80 years old. I told him if he was convinced of the truth of the gospel that I would baptize him Saturday night the 2nd of May. Well, he came and I had the pleasure of baptizing this old man, about 11 o'clock that night. On Sunday he came to our Sacrament Meeting, where he was confirmed and he got up and bore his testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel. Brother Skankey went to Drammen on the 4th so I am here alone, I leave here on the 8th for conference.
May 27, 1896 - Conference is over and I am over here in Denmark. The last week I was in Larvik I spent amongst the saints and my friends. They were very kind to me and it seems as if they could not do enough for me. All that could went down to the wharf with me to see me off and as long as I could see them they were waving their handkerchiefs. It is very doubtful I will ever meet all my friends again in this life, but I hope to meet some of them. I arrived all right in Christiania on the 8th of May. On the 9th and 10th we held our conference and had an enjoyable time. On the 12th we had a feast in the evening. On the 14th we had an outing, all the missionaries and most of the saints were out in the woods, where we played all kinds of games, danced a little, sang songs, preached a little and had a right enjoyable time. On the 15th I went and saw some of the beautiful parks that they have in Christiania. On the 16th I left Norway for Denmark by steamboat. The weather was fine and we had a nice trip. I arrived in Copenhagen in the morning about 8 o'clock and went up to the old Mormon hotel. After a few hours' rest, a bath and a good brushing I went out to see if I could find Sanktponl Gade No. 14. Well, I found it all right but there was none of the brethren home, but the sister that takes care of the place invited me to go with her to meeting, While I was waiting for her to get ready, Brother N. Andersen came home, so I went with him. I found Peter Jensen amongst the saints shaking hands with all of them. And when he saw me - I got a shake too, you bet. I stayed in Copenhagen until the next Saturday and I had a fine time visiting all the beautiful parks and in company with Peter Jensen I visited his relations and friends. It was the most enjoyable week I have had since I left my home. On the 23rd I bid the brethren farewell in Copenhagen got aboard a steamship and started for Aalborg and after a pleasant trip I arrived in the city of my birth, on the 24th of May. I was kindly received by the brethren. President A. C. Jensen was not at home, but he came home the next day and we were glad to see one another again, Also met D. K. Brown, a cousin to M. M. Jensen. I have been out in town trying to get track of my relations, but I have not found them yet. But I found a man who knew my grandfather and my father, he could also remember Christian. Well I shall find my cousin or try awful hard,.
June 8, 1896 - How the time goes, I have been in the city all the time since the first of June. Brother Brown and I went to a little berg and went from house to house to invite the people to come to a meeting that we were going to hold on Sunday the 7th. In this little town we also spread some tracts and had some conversations. On Sunday afternoon we held our meeting and had quite a large congregation for a little place, and the priest was there also. After the meeting he asked the privilege of asking a few questions, which we granted. He then took the books of celestial marriage and sande grundsetrinzer out of his pocket and he asked us if we acknowledged them and here made the mistake of answering yes - for we have since found out that we are not expected to defend any work, only the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price. Our trying to defend those books did not result in any good. The priest got very mad and the consequence was that Brother Brown was arrested. It did not amount to anything, he was turned loose again after a short hearing, without any fine or punishment. The next week Brother Brown and I was out in the country spreading tracts and talking with the people and doing all we could to spread the truth.
June 19- 1896 - Brother Jensen and I took the train to Hjorring, We passed through Sunby, Lulsted, Bronderslev, Braa, We spent the day with the brethren in Hjorring, visiting the park and another beautiful place called Swanlund. The swans were swimming around in the little lake and lots of people were sailing in the rowboats and a fine band was playing and hundreds of people were promenading on the beautiful walks. We stayed in Hjorring overnight.,
June 20 - We took the train to a little place called Lune. We passed through a little place called Sidal before we came to Lune. We concluded to take it on foot from here, out through the country. We took our grips and away we went on the country road. We walked about five miles and came to a yard where one of our brethren lives, a Brother Balander. We ate dinner with him, talked with him and his wife who is not in the church but she is very friendly. We preached the gospel to a lady who was there sewing, left her some tracts and away we went, We walked about another five miles and we found another sister who was glad to see us. She is living with her daughter who is not in the church but she is friendly. We talked with them awhile, preaching. The daughter gave us something to eat and away we went again. We walked about three miles and came to a big bundegarrd where Brother Jensen was well acquainted. They received us kindly although they are not in the church. They gave us a good supper, a good bed to sleep in and a good breakfast. We had the pleasure of explaining some of the principles of the gospel to them as we understood them, Sunday June 21st we bid our friends goodby and walked to Frederikshavn about four miles away. Here we found Brother Johansen and Alma Nelsen. This was their day for holding their branch meetings so we were to two meetings and had the pleasure of bearing our testimonies to the truthfulness of the gospel to our brethren and sisters and some strangers in this city. We were treated to a good dinner and a good supper by some of the saints.
June 22 Monday - We laid over here and visited all the saints and also took in all the sights. Tuesday the 25th we bid our brethren goodby, gathered up our grips and away we went,. Walked to Saeby and ate dinner at the hotel. We visited four houses, had two religious conversations, gave away six tracts. We then took the road and walked ten miles to a city called Warsva, where we put up at an inn for the night. We had walked about 20 miles that day and we were tired and footsore.
June 24 - We again took the country road to a town called Asaa. Here we found an old man and his wife, both in the church, but they were so poor and everything looks so dirty that we were obliged to refuse to eat dinner with them. We talked to them and encouraged them to faithfulness We then walked over to the hotel and got some dinner and away we went. We passed through a town called Agersted, went on out in the country and stayed with a very rich farmer, who were old acquaintances of Jensen's. We had walked over 20 miles during the day and we were very tired. These people are not in the church but very friendly. They gave us supper, a bed to sleep in and breakfast. We again took to the road, walking six miles and found a man that has been investigating the gospel for some time. He treated us very kind, but his wife did not like us, still she gave us some dinner and we talked with the man, who seems much interested in the gospel. We now started across the country and we found a family, the man is in the church but not the woman, but she was very kind to us, gave us a meal. After talking with them awhile we again took the road and walked about three miles and found another family. This woman was in the church but not the man. The sister was pleased to see us and she proved to be a sister to James Thompsen of Star Valley. They did not have room to keep us overnight but she found us a place with one of the neighbors. This place treated us very kindly. We bore our testimonies to them and they seemed to be interested in what we had to say to them, They gave us breakfast the next morning,
June 26, 1896 - Again we started off on the apostle's horses. We traveled about six miles and found a friend of Cal Jensen's by the name of Soren Peter Isaksen. We got there just in time for dinner. They were very busy and did not have time to talk to us so we bid them goodby and away we went again. We walked about fifteen miles that afternoon to Aalborg and we were very tired.
July 31 - This month I have spent in and around Aalborg visiting the saints and others, encouraging the saints to faithfulness and bearing my testimony to the truth of the gospel to all that we came in contact with. I have been in company with Brother Brown all through this month. There was a young lady that was at the meeting that we held at Nver Traners, that came here to Aalborg and hunted us up. It appears that she had a testimony right in that meeting that we were the servants of God and that our doctrines were true. We explained some points of doctrine that she did not understand and I had the pleasure of baptizing her.
August 1 - This morning an officer came up to our office and notified Brother Brown that he should meet in the courthouse at 10 o'clock. This made us feel a little uneasy but we got down on our knees and asked the Lord to help us and Brother A. C. Jensen and myself went with Brother Brown to the courthouse. In a half hour sentence was passed on Brother Brown and he was banished from Denmark, but he got the privilege of staying with us the rest of the day, and that night he was to be ready, the next morning at 8 o'clock to leave Denmark. An officer was to go with him to see that he got out of the country, He made good use of that day and night, Together we visited his many friends and bid them goodby. He attended a meeting that night and preached his last sermon in Aalborg and after the meeting he baptized a young man and his wife. This ends his work in Aalborg. He is a good missionary, brave as a lion in defense of the gospel, May the Lord bless him and preserve him wherever he may go.
August 15 - Brother A. C. Jensen and I went out to the country town called Tylstrop where we tried to hire a hall to hold a meeting on the next day, that being Sunday. This house is what is called a missions house and is open to all denominations to preach in - so we were told. There were some people that live there that wanted us to come out there and hold a meeting,. We went to the man that had charge of the house, but he refused to let us have it. He very kindly told us that it was open to all except Mormons. He was very kind to us, gave us dinner and we had a long conversation with him. I believe that he would have let us have the house but it was against the rules of the society that owned the house. When we found that we could not get to hold a meeting, we went from house to house to preach to the people and gave our tracts to them. We spread about fifty tracts that day and we hope that we sowed some seeds that will take root and grow and bare fruit.
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