Picture dates to 1901. Roger Sargent buried on the site 1649

Information Roger was probably named for his Mother's brother Roger Gifford or his great-grandfather .
He was junior bailiff in 1616 and 1617 and mayor of North Hampton in 1626. He spelled his name Sariant.
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Roger Sargeant Information for this family is from:Parish Records of All Saints Church, Northampton, England. Sargent Family Histories....Aaron Sargent, Elbert Thomas and John S. Sargent.
New England Historical and Genealogical Register Publications.
Book, "Who Begot Thee?" (Found on Googlebooks.)
Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, p. 46
In 1560, about the time of Roger's birth, Catholicism is abolished by Parliament in Scotland. In 1565, 3 years after Roger's birth, Mary, Queen of Scots, marries Lord Darnely.
Information and Roger Sargent's Will from the Sargent Genealogy, Hugh Sargent of Courteenhall, Northamptonshire and His Descendants in England, by John S. Sargent, Chicago, Illinois.
Roger was a "mercer" by trade. He dealt with silks, satins, and other fine, expensive cloths and how they were used to decorate fine clothes. Roger Sargent (probably named for his mother's brother, Roger Gifford, or his great-grandfather of the same name) was Alderman and Senior Bailiff of Northampton, England in 1616-1617 and Mayor of Northampton, England, in 1626.
The following is a copy of Roger Sargeant's Will, from the Sargent Genealogy, "Roger Sargent of Courteenhall, Northamptonshire and His Descendants in England", by John S. Sargent, Chicago, Illinois.
Original language and spelling used:In the name of God Amen I Roger Sariant of the town of Northampton, Mercer, beinge aged and weake in bodye but of good and disposinge memory and understandinge (for wch I bless God) doe make this my last Will in manner followinge. First I comend my soule to God that gave it me and my body to the earth to bee buryed by my executr hereafter named, decently, accompanied to the grave wth the Mayor and Alderme of the towne my brothers and their wives wth such othr friends as my Executr shall think fitt. I assuredly trust and believe that at the generall resurretton my soule and body shall meete againe and be eternally saved and glorified by and through the only merits of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for such little worldly goods and estate wch God of his goodnes hath given to me I give and dispose thereof as followeth: Ffirst whereas my sonn Joseph Sariant hath twenty pounds of myne in his hands I will that twenty marks thereof be spent on my buryal and no moor and the other twenty nobles I give to my daughter Sprigge. I give my garden and orchard in the Cowe Lane in Northton wch I bought of Nathaniel Sharpe and all things in it to my daughtr Ball and her assignes for her life and the remainder to my grandchild John Sariant eldest sonn of my sonn John and to the heires males of his bodly lawfully begotten and to bee begotten. And for want of such ifsue the remaindr to Joseph Sariant his younger brothr and to the heires males of his bodye lawfully begotten and to bee begotten and for want of such ifsue the remayndr to my right heires for ever.I give my ffive silver spoons to my five children viz to my sonns Joseph, John, Willm and to my daughtrs Elizabeth and Dorothy to every of them one and if there be any difference in the waight and goodnes of them I will my children as they are in prioritye of age and birth to make their choyce and I give all the rest of my goods household stuffe wearinge apparell gowns cattell and chattells whatsoever to my daughtr Ball wch hath most neede of my helpe by reason of the want and poverty wherein she was lefte by her husband Thomas Ball late deceased.I desire my children in the name and feare of God to live together in love and in what they may to helpe one anothr And I comend them and theirs to the blessinge of heaven I make my sonn Joseph Sariant Executor of this my Will wch I publish as my last Will and Testament this twelfth daye of Aprill one thousand sixe hundred and fortye nyne undr by hand and seale ROGER SARIANT [L.S.]In the presence of: Henry Paynter Thomas Turland Jonas Chamberlin
Proved 22d February 1649
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Roger Sargent Roger was born circa 1560. He was the son of Hugh Sargent Gentleman and Margaret Gifford. He married Ellen Makernes in Northamptonshire, England, on 3 June 1589. Roger died circa July 1649. He was buried on 5 July 1649 in the Parish of All Saints in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England. Child of Roger Sargent and Ellen Makernes: Reverend William Sargent + (ca May 1602 - 16 December 1682)
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Roger Sargent (1560-1649) 1589, Northamptonshire, England
Roger was a Mercer by trade. A Mercer was a person who dealt with satins, silks and other fine, expensive cloths and how they were used to decorate fine clothes.
He went into politics and was elected Alderman of Northampton in 1616, Senior Bailiff in 1617 and Mayor in 1626.
On 3 June 1589 when Roger was 29, he married Ellen/Eleanor MAKERNES/MACHARNES, daughter of William MAKERNES/MACHARNES Agnes HARRGAT, in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England. They had eleven children, six sons and five daughters.His will was written on 12 April 1649 and proved on 22 February 1650. It is printed in full on pages 16-17 in Aaron Sargent's Sargent Genealogy of 1895. His son, Joseph, was named executor
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Roger Sargent ROGER SARGENT(ca. 1530-1595/6) - Northampton, Northamptonshire, England; Courteenhall, Northamptonshire, England(Second Generation - Sargent Family)
BIRTH Roger was born circa 1560 in Courteenhall, Northamptonshire, England.
DEATH AND; BURIAL He died in 1649, when he was 89, and was buried circa 5 July 1649 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England.
OCCUPATION Roger was a Mercer by trade. This was a person who dealt with satins, silks and other fine, expensive cloths and how they were used to decorate fine clothes.
TOWN SERVICE He went into politics and was elected Alderman of Northampton in 1616, Senior Bailiff in 1617 and Mayor in 1626[7].
ESTATE His will was written on 12 April 1649 and proved on 22 February 1649/50. It is printed in full on pages 16-17 in Aaron Sargent's Sargent Genealogy of 1895[5]. His son, Joseph, was named executor.
MARRIAGE On 3 June 1589 when Roger was 29, he married Ellen/Eleanor MAKERNES/MACHARNES, daughter of William MAKERNES/MACHARNES and Agnes HARRGAT, in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England
i. Daniel SARGENT - Daniel was born in 1590 in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England and was baptized in All Saints Church there on 20 September 1590[5]. He died in 1590 and was buried on 9 December 1590 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England[5].
ii. Sara SARGENT - Sara was born in 1591 in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England and was baptized there on 4 October 1591.
iii. Anna SARGENT - Anna was born in 1593 and baptized on 21 October 1593 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England. She died there in 1599; she was 6. Anna was buried on 30 October 1599 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England as "Agnes, dau. of Roger Sargeant".
iv. Samuel SARGENT - Samuel was born in 1595 and was baptized in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England on 13 October 1595[5]. Samuel died in 1596 and was buried on 27 April 1596 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England; he was 1.
v. Mary SARGENT - Mary was born in 1596/7 and was baptized in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England on 6 March 1596/7[5]. She died in 1597 and was buried on 17 August 1597 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England[5]; she was 1.
vi. Joseph SARGENT - Joseph was born in 1598 and was baptized in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England on 25 June 1598. His name is mis-entered as "Samuel" in the parish register. Joseph died in 1678 and was buried on 11 April 1678 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England[8]; he was 80. Joseph was also a Linen Draper and Mercer and married Dorothy [surname not known].
vii. Dorothy SARGENT - Dorothy was born in 1599/1600 and was baptized in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England on 6 March 1599/1600[6]. She died after 12 April 1649, which is the date of her husband's will.; she was 50. On 4 November 1634 when Dorothy was 35, she married Thomas BALL, in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England[
viii. William SARGENT - Please see his own page.
ix. [unnamed son] SARGENT - He was born and died in 1604 and was buried on 3 September 1604 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England.
x. John SARGENT - John was born in 1605 and was baptized in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England on 24 November 1605. He, too, became a Mercer and Linen Draper. On 4 November 1634 when John was 29, he married Anne ORPYN, in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England.
xi. Elizabeth SARGENT - Elizabeth was born in 1608/9 and was baptized in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England on 26 February 1608/9[6]. Elizabeth died after 12 April 1649, when she was in her father's will; she was at least 41. On 9 October 1626 when Elizabeth was 18, she first married Robert BANKS, in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England[6]. She second married Henry SPRIGG and third married George NORWOOD.
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Roger Sargeant Information for this family is from:Parish Records of All Saints Church, Northampton, England. Sargent Family Histories....Aaron Sargent, Elbert Thomas and John S. Sargent.
New England Historical and Genealogical Register Publications.
Book, "Who Begot Thee?" (Found on Googlebooks.)
Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, p. 46
In 1560, about the time of Roger's birth, Catholicism is abolished by Parliament in Scotland. In 1565, 3 years after Roger's birth, Mary, Queen of Scots, marries Lord Darnely.
Information and Roger Sargent's Will from the Sargent Genealogy, Hugh Sargent of Courteenhall, Northamptonshire and His Descendants in England, by John S. Sargent, Chicago, Illinois.
Roger was a "mercer" by trade. He dealt with silks, satins, and other fine, expensive cloths and how they were used to decorate fine clothes. Roger Sargent (probably named for his mother's brother, Roger Gifford, or his great-grandfather of the same name) was Alderman and Senior Bailiff of Northampton, England in 1616-1617 and Mayor of Northampton, England, in 1626.
The following is a copy of Roger Sargeant's Will, from the Sargent Genealogy, "Roger Sargent of Courteenhall, Northamptonshire and His Descendants in England", by John S. Sargent, Chicago, Illinois.
Original language and spelling used:In the name of God Amen I Roger Sariant of the town of Northampton, Mercer, beinge aged and weake in bodye but of good and disposinge memory and understandinge (for wch I bless God) doe make this my last Will in manner followinge. First I comend my soule to God that gave it me and my body to the earth to bee buryed by my executr hereafter named, decently, accompanied to the grave wth the Mayor and Alderme of the towne my brothers and their wives wth such othr friends as my Executr shall think fitt. I assuredly trust and believe that at the generall resurretton my soule and body shall meete againe and be eternally saved and glorified by and through the only merits of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for such little worldly goods and estate wch God of his goodnes hath given to me I give and dispose thereof as followeth: Ffirst whereas my sonn Joseph Sariant hath twenty pounds of myne in his hands I will that twenty marks thereof be spent on my buryal and no moor and the other twenty nobles I give to my daughter Sprigge. I give my garden and orchard in the Cowe Lane in Northton wch I bought of Nathaniel Sharpe and all things in it to my daughtr Ball and her assignes for her life and the remainder to my grandchild John Sariant eldest sonn of my sonn John and to the heires males of his bodly lawfully begotten and to bee begotten. And for want of such ifsue the remaindr to Joseph Sariant his younger brothr and to the heires males of his bodye lawfully begotten and to bee begotten and for want of such ifsue the remayndr to my right heires for ever.I give my ffive silver spoons to my five children viz to my sonns Joseph, John, Willm and to my daughtrs Elizabeth and Dorothy to every of them one and if there be any difference in the waight and goodnes of them I will my children as they are in prioritye of age and birth to make their choyce and I give all the rest of my goods household stuffe wearinge apparell gowns cattell and chattells whatsoever to my daughtr Ball wch hath most neede of my helpe by reason of the want and poverty wherein she was lefte by her husband Thomas Ball late deceased.I desire my children in the name and feare of God to live together in love and in what they may to helpe one anothr And I comend them and theirs to the blessinge of heaven I make my sonn Joseph Sariant Executor of this my Will wch I publish as my last Will and Testament this twelfth daye of Aprill one thousand sixe hundred and fortye nyne undr by hand and seale ROGER SARIANT [L.S.]In the presence of: Henry Paynter Thomas Turland Jonas Chamberlin
Proved 22d February 1649
found on ancestry.com
Roger Sargent Roger was born circa 1560. He was the son of Hugh Sargent Gentleman and Margaret Gifford. He married Ellen Makernes in Northamptonshire, England, on 3 June 1589. Roger died circa July 1649. He was buried on 5 July 1649 in the Parish of All Saints in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England. Child of Roger Sargent and Ellen Makernes: Reverend William Sargent + (ca May 1602 - 16 December 1682)
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Roger Sargent (1560-1649) 1589, Northamptonshire, England
Roger was a Mercer by trade. A Mercer was a person who dealt with satins, silks and other fine, expensive cloths and how they were used to decorate fine clothes.
He went into politics and was elected Alderman of Northampton in 1616, Senior Bailiff in 1617 and Mayor in 1626.
On 3 June 1589 when Roger was 29, he married Ellen/Eleanor MAKERNES/MACHARNES, daughter of William MAKERNES/MACHARNES Agnes HARRGAT, in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England. They had eleven children, six sons and five daughters.His will was written on 12 April 1649 and proved on 22 February 1650. It is printed in full on pages 16-17 in Aaron Sargent's Sargent Genealogy of 1895. His son, Joseph, was named executor
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Roger Sargent ROGER SARGENT(ca. 1530-1595/6) - Northampton, Northamptonshire, England; Courteenhall, Northamptonshire, England(Second Generation - Sargent Family)
BIRTH Roger was born circa 1560 in Courteenhall, Northamptonshire, England.
DEATH AND; BURIAL He died in 1649, when he was 89, and was buried circa 5 July 1649 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England.
OCCUPATION Roger was a Mercer by trade. This was a person who dealt with satins, silks and other fine, expensive cloths and how they were used to decorate fine clothes.
TOWN SERVICE He went into politics and was elected Alderman of Northampton in 1616, Senior Bailiff in 1617 and Mayor in 1626[7].
ESTATE His will was written on 12 April 1649 and proved on 22 February 1649/50. It is printed in full on pages 16-17 in Aaron Sargent's Sargent Genealogy of 1895[5]. His son, Joseph, was named executor.
MARRIAGE On 3 June 1589 when Roger was 29, he married Ellen/Eleanor MAKERNES/MACHARNES, daughter of William MAKERNES/MACHARNES and Agnes HARRGAT, in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England
i. Daniel SARGENT - Daniel was born in 1590 in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England and was baptized in All Saints Church there on 20 September 1590[5]. He died in 1590 and was buried on 9 December 1590 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England[5].
ii. Sara SARGENT - Sara was born in 1591 in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England and was baptized there on 4 October 1591.
iii. Anna SARGENT - Anna was born in 1593 and baptized on 21 October 1593 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England. She died there in 1599; she was 6. Anna was buried on 30 October 1599 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England as "Agnes, dau. of Roger Sargeant".
iv. Samuel SARGENT - Samuel was born in 1595 and was baptized in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England on 13 October 1595[5]. Samuel died in 1596 and was buried on 27 April 1596 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England; he was 1.
v. Mary SARGENT - Mary was born in 1596/7 and was baptized in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England on 6 March 1596/7[5]. She died in 1597 and was buried on 17 August 1597 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England[5]; she was 1.
vi. Joseph SARGENT - Joseph was born in 1598 and was baptized in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England on 25 June 1598. His name is mis-entered as "Samuel" in the parish register. Joseph died in 1678 and was buried on 11 April 1678 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England[8]; he was 80. Joseph was also a Linen Draper and Mercer and married Dorothy [surname not known].
vii. Dorothy SARGENT - Dorothy was born in 1599/1600 and was baptized in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England on 6 March 1599/1600[6]. She died after 12 April 1649, which is the date of her husband's will.; she was 50. On 4 November 1634 when Dorothy was 35, she married Thomas BALL, in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England[
viii. William SARGENT - Please see his own page.
ix. [unnamed son] SARGENT - He was born and died in 1604 and was buried on 3 September 1604 in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England.
x. John SARGENT - John was born in 1605 and was baptized in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England on 24 November 1605. He, too, became a Mercer and Linen Draper. On 4 November 1634 when John was 29, he married Anne ORPYN, in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England.
xi. Elizabeth SARGENT - Elizabeth was born in 1608/9 and was baptized in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England on 26 February 1608/9[6]. Elizabeth died after 12 April 1649, when she was in her father's will; she was at least 41. On 9 October 1626 when Elizabeth was 18, she first married Robert BANKS, in All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England[6]. She second married Henry SPRIGG and third married George NORWOOD.
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